时间:2020-09-24 07:15:12当前位置:句子汇 → 英语短句情话



Flowers or stars, all the beautiful things in the world exist to describe you.


The most romantic thing in my heart is growing old with you.


Do you know what I cherish most? It's the first word of this sentence.


Want to say to you, time goes round and round, I thank you for this meeting with you. For the rest of your life, please give me more advice.


You are a book you never tire of reading. I am willing to read it carefully. The words are precious and every sentence goes into my heart.


One word less is afraid of regret, but one more is afraid of disturbing. I like you, four words, just right.


I haven't seen such a beautiful person as you for a long time. It looks like my favorite.


You just surprised me half a year of floating life, and since then let me not survive, not to die.


In fact, the happiest fairy tale in the world is that he spent his time with you.


Would like someone to give you a quiet love, accompany you to see the water often flow scenery.


I think I will accompany you to the market every day in the future.


Husband, you are all I have, you are all I have, wish you happy every day, happy every day.


There is only one you in the world, and I only want you. You are the reason why I don't love others.


I don't like other people like you, but I don't like others' you, because I like you.


I am willing to accompany you crazy, laugh with you, cry with you, grow old with you.


Meeting you is God's arrangement, and I can't help loving you.


I'm doing two things now, one is to become better, the second is to wait for you.


From the day I met you, everything I did was to get close to you.


I would like to use the whole world, only for you a hug.


From now on, we have to die, not to leave again.


Don't want to see you unhappy, but envy you and others are too happy.


Please forgive me for being greedy. I want to accompany you with gray temples.


Recalling the return date, the number of return period, dream that although more meet rare, when to meet again, no longer separated?


Life is two, two, three. Everything is not as good as you.


My previous life may have been a bird. If you are a bird, I am a bird, too.


I want to tell you out loud that I love you for 10000 years.


Don't love to walk around the world, just want to travel around you quietly, long way hand in hand, years long.


There are hundreds of beauties in the world, but you are my love.


Along the way, the road may be long, but fortunately, you always accompany me.


Where you are, the weather is clear and everything is lovely.


If you like, I like you. If you don't, I'll love you alone. Do you want to?


If you come, the days will be sweeter.


Seeing you at the first sight, God said four words in my ear, doomed.


My heart has been wandering, just because you are my distance.


You are my romantic hiding in the eyes of stars.


It's a big event for you to meet me today. It's a big event for you.


The thought of spending the rest of my life with you makes me look forward to the rest of my life.


I don't know why, but I can't help wanting to be with you.


I refuse so much ambiguity, just for your uncertain future.


I don't want to be the interlude of your life, just want to be the most perfect ending of your life.


You are the deepest feeling I can experience in my life!


Love, no reason, because of heart palpitation, love, no excuse, because of a thousand times looking back.


First of all, I want to thank God that I met you here again.


My heart is mine, but it's full of you.


I never listen to love words, but to me, every word you say is love words.


I refused everyone's invitation and didn't want to see the scenery with others except you.


I've given you enough time to run away from me. Now, it's time.


I don't believe in love at first sight, but the second I saw you, I knew I was wrong.


You are born worthy of love, and you need not question that.


Taiji gives birth to Liangyi, Liangyi gives birth to four images, and four images generate eight trigrams. The eight trigrams derive all things. Everything is inferior to you.


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