时间:2021-03-06 07:22:59当前位置:句子汇 → 英语短句子带翻译



Disappointment to the extreme, will really use retreat to protect themselves.


Love you is my pleasure, do not love you is my right.


Love is hopeless, let me love you all my life in the name of a friend.


If the next life is too far away to send a promise, it is better to learn to put down many obsessions.


Think if there will be a voice, do not want that is sad cry.


It may not be easy to wait, but it is easy to hurt.


Snow can't stop my white, I can't cover up the absurdity of my life.


Get rid of your mask, you can enjoy the joy of nature.


When I smile and say I'm fine, you should say to me, just be well.


Not everyone can be pure all the way to the end, but remember, don't forget the original heart, just always.


At midnight, I steal the cover silk from my warehouse. It's not until it's red that I can be romantic.


This worldly fireworks, only you are my River and lake.


Promise is just a lie, who believe who is a fool.


You are a very important person to me. But it's not about love anymore.


I don't mind if you cheat me. What I mind is that your lies can't cheat me.


Weak water three thousand, I only drink a ladle.


Conquer yourself, conquer everything.


When others hit the south wall, they choose to turn back. When I hit the south wall, I choose to push the wall to the front.


Hope that only with the company of diligence, can you add wings like a tiger.


When you are envied by others, it means that you are outstanding. When you are envious of others, it means that you are incompetent.


Over the years, vicissitudes of life have taken place.


I want to leave your name in my youth.


Don't panic to find reasons. I'll let you go this time.


Because I want to win, so you have to lose, and you have to cry.


Nothing hurts more than to lose. Nothing is more desperate than memories.


You can forget the injury, but don't forget the lesson it taught you.


I don't want to play a supporting role in other people's life. I am in charge of my world.


To learn the skills of conversation, we should start with understanding each other's conversation, that is, listening.


Life sentiment: good heart, natural beauty, true heart, natural sincerity.


The wound is like me, is a stubborn child, refused to heal.


Youth, once pawned, can never be redeemed.


What's it like not to let go? You are afraid of the dark, but he is a lamp.


Some memories, doomed to be unable to erase; just as some people, doomed to be unable to replace the same.


Why take dignity to retain a changed heart. Friendship or love.


People who have been bumpy all the way should be happy in the future.


As long as used to a person's habits, you can be happy!


And you pass the forgotten, is the rough waves of my life.


If no one in the world wants you, remember that there is me, and I don't want you.


I chase very slowly, I run very hobbled, but I never thought of giving up on you.


We can always find time and opportunities for what we want to do, and we can always find excuses for what we don't want to do.


You are like the air, not that I don't care about you, but that I can't hold you with my hand.


Not until midnight frown, smile in the morning, you suddenly no longer belong to me.


Autumn is coming so rashly. Have you ever considered the feeling of summer.


I'm an emotional maniac. I change your mood hundreds of times every day.


With you, I don't want to have any involvement with others.


Later, I didn't know who to talk to. The tea man wanted to go, but the drinker didn't stay.


The sign of maturity is not that you can say big things, but that you begin to understand the little things around you.


I don't love you, I like others, I want to break up with you.


Now you will have a dream if you take a nap, but now you will realize your dream if you study!


The moon is not in the past, the spring is not in the past, only this body is in the past.


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