时间:2021-03-06 07:20:15当前位置:句子汇 → 英语短句大全



Some people would rather live in a dreamland all their life than wake up for a while!


When you stop to rest, don't forget that someone else is still running, so please trip him!


One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange songs.


Among the easiest things in the world, procrastination is the easiest.


A person's worst time is not to cry. But want to cry, but can't cry out.


I'm only in my twenties. I'm worried that I'll never meet anyone I like in my life.


Your don't cherish, let me learn to give up.


Many people say that I have changed, but no one asks me what I have experienced.


It's not naivety that beats you, it's naivety.


Those who are not afraid of losing are the bravest, and those who don't make do with it are the best.


How many people pretend to be crazy in order not to let others see what is on their mind.


If I had treated you the way you treated me, maybe you would have left long ago.


Tell me when you want to marry. I'll marry you.


If the world betrays you, I will stand behind you and betray the world.


You are full of joy and fantasy about the future, but he quietly plans how to leave.


In self-study class, Xueba is brushing problems, ordinary students are brushing homework, while I am brushing dynamics.


Since you are not good at initiative, I don't want to disturb you all the time.


The setting sun is infinitely good, but I don't want to see it, because I love to sleep in.


I'm born mean and vicious. I'm not happy. You can't be happy.


I'm not pitying him. I want to let myself go.


Too much Jiao Qing can't find a place to spread, so it will slowly look very mature.


The most hypocritical thing is to say good night to each other, and then play with each other do not know!


The yellow spring. Zimo. The world of mortals. sky. It turns out that each of them is a kind of disillusionment.


Every parting is for the next better meeting.


Insomnia is explained in an elegant way, that is, everyone sleeps and I wake up alone.


Leave tears to those who love you most and smile to those who hurt you most.


Take it easy. It's like roaming the earth.


To put it bluntly, I'm not strong enough, otherwise I don't have to let things go.


If love has a reason, it doesn't love; if love has a purpose, it doesn't love.


Tonight's moon and stars are very much like you, unreachable and beautiful.


Because of you, this is the most splendid planet in the universe.


All of a sudden, it's very depressing. What do people want to live for.


The road is still going on, the dream is still expected, the clouds are high, the sky is far away, at least visible.


The road does not end the resentment of Acacia, can not put aside the sadness of love, can not wipe away the tears of reunion.


The person I identify will be my heart.


Don't forget, you're essentially a laughing person.


Life is like this. If you lose it here, you will get something back there.


Maybe it's the weather, maybe it's luck, maybe it's because someone doesn't give up.


We quarrel today and laugh tomorrow. We get bored and think far away.


Every time I get up early, it's the hardest moment in my heart, which can be described as collapse.


Perhaps it is because love has gone to the bone that her casual words will be taken as an oath.


Sorry, I forgot, you don't need me at all, and you've been bothering me.


I'm still waiting for you. And you've forgotten that I was here.


Eighteen but ambition, ambition in struggle, I do not know young frivolous, only know the winner is king.


Everyone has one or two secrets that break their hearts.


Do not get, even if there is no rely on, but I still have pride.


I'm not waiting for you. I just can't like others.


Even if one string is broken, the other three strings will continue to play. This is life.


Which is more cruel, pretending not to love you or pretending you love me?


Living in the gray world, although monotonous, but will not feel disappointed, nor sad.


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