时间:2020-02-10 09:53:05当前位置:句子汇 → 伤感的英文句子说说心情



A person, a dream, an empty city, a lifetime of heartache.


There is no love for life, only love and life.


I like you like a madman, but you can't see like a blind man.


Weak complaint, you think I don't care.


No matter how tenacious a person is, there is always a soft place in his heart that can't be touched.


If you really know me, you should know that the more optimistic people like me are, the more silent they are, the more turbulent they are.


The reason why you are sad is that the person who knows you are sad never asks why you are sad.


The most tiring thing in the world is to live in hypocrisy.


Sadly, when you already know the truth, he lies in front of you.


You are a dream that I haven't finished in my poor life, and I am the wind that blows between your thoughts.


He can cry with me, laugh with me, grow up with me, be childish with me, but we will not be together.


I want to have a home with you. There's only you and I don't have her.


I miss you, a little bit deep, a little bit frequent, and even thicker day by day.


Don't take a person too seriously, because in that person's heart, maybe you are nothing!


If you don't get paid in return, you need to know how to stop. Otherwise, you will disturb others and hurt yourself.


Years take away memories, but memories will become more and more clear.


Some things are not worth remembering all the time; some people don't need to pursue all the time.


Boys are particularly face, even break up like to say I am tired, do not admit that they are tired.


Floating a dream, only my autumn night alone cool west wind, just complain infinite, just passing by, just passing by.


Lonely people, no matter who they are, are all lonely.


Promise is too cheap, oath is not reliable, now who is by your side, cherish it.


Some things, hidden in the heart is a great grievance. Words to the mouth, and I feel that nothing is worth mentioning.


No one is tired of drinking because of the wateriness, so don't abandon life because of the wateriness.


This summer as before, no surprise, no you.


The best way to make a person strong is to have someone who wants to protect.


Slowly feel that those who did not come together, those days that can not go back, have its reason.


Now there is only sake left, leaving me a white head. He has love letters, he has wine, and he has others to accompany him.


It's not that I don't want to fall in love, but I'm afraid that I will give it to the wrong person again.


When single, envy the sweetness between lovers, when in love, miss the freedom when single.


Qingming, her continuous feelings into inspiration, flowing from the fingertips, into your heart.


There is always a person who has been living in the heart, but farewell to life.


I don't even know for whom the tears flow.


One day you can go to my heart, you will see that it is all your sorrow.


Later, I found that the world is really big. If I didn't meet deliberately, I would never see you again.


I really mean to you, but I can't compare her affectation to you.


The best three words are not I love you, but together.


We will never again as before, as hard love, until crying out.


The feeling of missing someone is like drinking a cup of cold water and then condensing into tears.


I will never be desperate to love someone, even you.


Some people can't say what's good, but no one can replace it!


You are too careless. You can take some responsibility. I always wear a hat.


The day you like is the most beautiful day, and the living method that suits you is the best living method.


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