时间:2020-02-10 09:50:13当前位置:句子汇 → 伤感的英语说说带翻译



If love is reliable these days, sows can climb trees.


Those words that didn't say were the reason why people couldn't sleep at night.


When it's no use saying more, maybe silence is the best explanation.


If you have enough disappointment, buy a train ticket to leave you.


Maybe this is not wrong, because youth is used to miss.


I can't remove you from my memory. I can only accept the fact that you are not around me.


Is it necessary for people to understand everything when they are alive. It's just that I have to understand. Now I can't pretend to be confused.


You said there was me in the south, and then you went north.


After crying, I will laugh loudly and continue to pretend to be brave.


I am the passer-by that you will forget when you turn around in your heart, but I am willing to accompany you to the end of the world.


Maybe we should always love the wrong people so that we can meet the right people. If we can't get the regrets, we will let time fill up.


I have to leave you stubborn, but ultimately did not forget your strength.


Love doesn't come first, and the one who is not loved is the third party.


A person remembers every word you said, is so unforgettable.


The road ahead is still far away. You may cry, but you must go on and never stop.


Wine, half drunk, drunk too much; love, or half really good, love too deep on the heartbreak.


I'm used to loneliness, not that I like it.


Nothing is ever brilliant, the sun can not, let alone love.


The more I grow up, the more I dare not rely on others. I'm afraid that people will change and promises will not be fulfilled!


Some landscapes can only be liked but not collected, just like some people are only suitable for meeting but not for long-term company.


Don't laugh at my sadness. I don't want to pretend or be strong.


I have a perfect face, but I can't even get it from the one I love.


Before I met you, I went with the flow. After I met you, I took you as my safety.


Wandering with the air although blowing eyes pain through the heart, smile diffusion occupies fragile panic.


There is a beginning and an end. Then, I don't say whether the exported love can last forever. It's happiness to keep you.


Who will smoke burning, scattered the vertical and horizontal ties.


There will always be a person who is sorry for your heartache.


The pain of a cold heart moment can't be made up by how many warm greetings you use.


When you are alone, you are in your mind; when you are alone, you will be missed.


You are generous to me, but also stingy to see my love and not.


There is always something to prove its value by disappearing.


Everyone has a dead end. They can't get out by themselves and others can't get in.


Parting is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes a small fire and makes a big one burn.


Those promises we believed in have finally become a slap in the face.


Beautiful lies, deducting the complete incomplete.


Every youth will be old, but I hope you are always good in my memory.


I don't have time to be seriously young. When I understand, I can only choose to be seriously old.


I am just an ordinary person, I will cry, I will laugh, but I have learned not to disturb you.


In fact, I have been behind you, just a turn back.


No matter how beautiful the scenery is, we can only enjoy it briefly.


Please cherish everything I give you, including the least respect for you.


I like you for a long time and have been waiting for you for a long time. Now I want to leave, longer than a long time.


The distance close to you is so crowded that I am crowded in the crowd.


Don't forget me. Don't forget me. Remember me as I remember you.


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