时间:2020-02-10 09:52:11当前位置:句子汇 → 伤感的英语句子说说心情



The most unwilling thing is that Mingming can, but missed it.


Those things you pretend to care nothing about are actually things you can't do.


One person is afraid of loneliness, two people are afraid of failure, the mood is repeated, the feeling seems to have no.


Eyes closed, that drop of tears, with a persistent, a waiting, a decisive, a courage down.


If you love me, don't make me cry.


Never say love you, not do not love, but love, but can not love.


The oath of old love is like slapping one by one. Every time you remember a sentence, you will be slapped in the face.


Maybe what I give you is happiness is expectation, also is the final hurt, but leave me a heartache after parting.


You forget the memories, I forget the memories.


Although I pretend to be strong enough to let you go, in fact, how I don't want you to go!


The heart that has been moved and the years that have been missed are like the river that cannot be turned back.


I dedicate my best years to compulsory education. The people who hurt me, I never let them be better.


Once the happiness is gone, can we go back to the past?


Like the wind, like crazy, like we have never loved.


Looking at the world through tears, the whole world is crying.


You look at you. You say you like me, but it makes me so sad.


Years are long, the sea of people is vast, do not look back and do not make do with it, naturally there will be good people to love you.


I am extremely sensitive. Whatever you do or say, regardless of my feelings, is to push me away bit by bit.


My heart is broken, but I don't have glue.


I don't know when I started to feel strange to myself.


Laughter, in fact, can cover up a lot of emotions. For example, your heart is empty, for example, my disappointment.


The love that takes sacrifice as the premise can't win respect. What we win is unbridled and do what we want.


When drunk, I feel that southerners will not go home and always have scars.


Tears down, just know, apart is another kind of understanding.


I began to dislike this worry about gain and loss, cold and hot, trying my best to be brave.


The hourglass of time precipitates the past that cannot escape, and the hands of memory always pick up those beautiful sorrows.


In the end, I stayed up late and got used to the feeling that no one cared.


Reluctant to lose the residual temperature, but forget the scar is still painful.


Later, I broke the wine bottle and didn't exchange it for soberness. I soiled myself and didn't exchange it for love.


Accompany you to walk through this section of the road, I also become the road you pass by, from then on, people will not return.


Now just understand, originally a person can be sad, no mood, no speech, no expression.


Our chat records are all my cheeky greetings.


Don't miss those who have, because the price is too heavy, you can't afford it.


When I mentioned you before, I was full of pride and possession; when I thought of you later, it was all pity and grievance.


If someone hugs me at this time, I will cry for sure. If not, I will hold on.


Never mention it not because of forgetting, but because of remembering.


Just like the wind pouring into the memory, the pain is blown away, but the love is cooling unconsciously.


You can love a lot of people, but only one person can make you laugh the most brilliant, cry the most sad.


Love can last long only when it comes to dressing, eating, counting money and sleeping, which are real little things.


I don't want to forgive you, but I can't.


There is no one like you in the world, let me beg more reluctant.


I want to go out for a walk, see the big world, and have too many dreams for me to take risks.


The wrong person is the wrong person. You never become the right person because you can bear it, or you can endure more time.


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