时间:2022-05-31 13:16:00当前位置:句子汇 → 干净的英文短句


1、I hope to accompany you through a complete commitment, not through the silence.我希望陪你走完整个承诺,而不是走过那片沉默。

2、You are my southeast and northwest, better than all Cangshan and vast water.你是我的东南西北,胜过一切苍山泱水。

3、How can people from different worlds be together? I talk about sunny days and you talk about rain.不同世界的人怎么会在一起,我谈晴天你谈雨。

4、Don't worry, ten years later, everything is just wine and food.不要愁,十年后,所有的事都只是下酒菜。

5、If I wander into a thin horse, are you my old road, west wind or running water family.若我流浪成瘦马,你是我的古道西风还是流水人家。

6、Ubiquitous illusion and fantasy, dreams grow and die.无处不在的假象与幻想,梦想一边成长一边灭亡。

7、There are mountains and forests in the distance; Your dreams are always flying in the distance.远方有海,有山与林;远方总是飘扬着你的梦。

8、But Cheng bimu doesn't want to die. He only envies mandarin ducks, not immortals.但成比目何辞死,只羡鸳鸯不羡仙。

9、It's hard to draw a heart with a brush, but it's hard to draw a heart with a hand.执笔画眉难画心,起手绾丝难挽情。

10、Smoke billowed. The snow is falling. Snow piled on the plum blossom branches.烟霏霏。雪霏霏。雪向梅花枝上堆。

11、Some love, the more you can't see, the more you cherish.有些爱,越看不到越珍惜。

12、You shine, I work hard, you shine, I try to keep up.你好好发光,我好好努力,你万丈光芒,我努力跟上。

13、If there are poems and books hidden in the heart, pick up the youth and become the truth.若有诗书藏在心,撷来芳华成至真。

14、Looking back unintentionally, the cast frown is becoming hazy. How many into the past, a village in the misty rain.回眸非有意,投蹙渐朦胧。多少成过往,一村烟雨中。

15、Lu shouts when he sees injustice. He will do it when it's time to do it.路见不平一声吼啊,该出手时就出手啊。

16、It is not too late to look after the dog at the sight of the rabbit; It is not too late to mend the lost sheep.见兔而顾犬,未为晚也;亡羊而补牢,未为迟也。

17、You are in my extraordinary concern, but not in my recent visitors.你在我的异常关心里,却不在我的最近访客里。

18、Those who know me are worried, and those who don't know me are what I want.知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求。

19、Next time you meet someone you like, don't be sarcastic or cold.下次再遇到喜欢的人,不要说反话,也不要冷冰冰。

20、Those who can travel happily must be light travelers.能快乐旅行的,一定是轻装旅行的人。

21、Please don't appear in my dream again. I can't afford to wake up.请不要再出现在我梦中,我已负担不起醒来的落空。

22、Where have I worried recently, where still know my joy.近来何处有吾愁,何处还知吾乐。

23、There are two kinds of strangers, people who don't know and people who pretend not to know.陌生人分为两种,不认识的人和假装不认识的人。

24、You never give me a look back, but I always smile at you.你不曾给我一次回眸,我却始终在对你微笑。

25、The unforgettable gift you gave me is a gift I can't throw away.你送给我的铭心刻骨,是我无法丢弃的礼物。

26、In the dream, you are close at hand, but vague.梦境里的你,近在咫尺,却模糊不清。

27、Don't call me a coward, please call me a tough ninja.不要叫我懦夫,请叫我强悍的忍者。

28、The world is so big, and the place I really want to stay is beside you.世界这么大,而我真正想落脚的地方,是你的身旁。

29、Now the calm and calm are mostly bought by the once stupid and naive.现在的沉稳和淡定大多都是曾经的傻逼和天真换来的。

30、Born in this world, no emotion is full of holes.生于这世上,没有一样感情不是千疮百孔的。

31、Three thousand crows in the world were killed and slept with you until dawn.三千世界鸦杀尽,与君共寝到天明。

32、The most terrible thing in life is to wait, and the most worthwhile thing is to wait.人生最可怕的是等待,最值得的也是等待。

33、Everyone is working hard, not only you are full of grievances.每个人都在努力,并不是只有你满腹委屈。

34、Suffer and enjoy together, and the gods envy their good friends.吃苦享乐在一起,神仙羡慕好伴侣。

35、Speak with understanding people, do things with down-to-earth people, and talk with kind people.话和明白人说,事与踏实人做,情同厚道人谈。

36、Waiting for thousands of years, I can see your look back and smile, I'm enough.等待千年,能看见你的回眸一笑,我已足矣。

37、That kind of youth tells who's in love.彼样青春,诉说了谁的花样年华。

38、Silent night, fog and shadow, have you ever seen through the secret of heaven?静夜无声,迷雾诡影,追寻的脚步可曾识破天机?

39、Actually, I'm not bad. Do you want to try to like me?其实我还不错,你要不要试着喜欢我?

40、Death and life agree with each other and speak with Zicheng. hold your hand and grow old together with you.死生契阔,与子成说。执子之手,与子偕老。

41、When you smile, it's always brighter than the sun!你微笑的时候,总是比太阳更亮一点!

42、Mountains and rivers are employed, and the sun and moon are rites.山河为聘,日月为礼。

43、Why should life be like seeing each other for the first time.人生何必如初见,但求相看两不厌。

44、Your family is really poor. I said to go to your house, but you said there was no way.你家真穷,我说去你家玩,你说没门。

45、Negative Zhuyan, heart word is missing; The world sighs at how embarrassing it is.负朱颜,心字成缺;情何堪,世人嗟叹。

46、The cloud turns cold into rain in the air, and the heart turns cold into tears in the eyes.云冷化为空中雨,心冷化为眼中泪。

47、No one gives me a warm hug, so I hug myself.没人给我温暖的怀抱,我就自己抱自己。

48、Shredded pork with green pepper and shredded pork with green pepper are the same dish. The key is who will fry it.青椒肉丝和肉丝青椒是同一道菜,关键是谁来炒。

49、Not every story has happiness, but more of it ends without success.不是每段故事都有快乐,更多的是无获而终。

50、Many years later, with old friends and old wine, we talked about the original house.多年后伴随着旧友与老酒,谈论着当初的舍舍留留。

51、No one sees the letter from the east wind, revealing a slight meaning and willow lace.东风有信无人见,露微意、柳际花边。

52、Those who bring sunshine to other people's lives will enjoy sunshine themselves.给别人的生命带来阳光的人,自己也会享有阳光。

53、Black hair doesn't know how to study early, and white head Fang regrets reading late.黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。

54、Next time, please remember, don't challenge my personality with your temper!下次请记住,不要再拿你的脾气来挑战我的个性!

55、The charming warbler wants to speak, and sees spring like this. Inch grass heart, how to report the spring one or two!娇莺欲语,眼见春如许。寸草心,怎报的春光一二!

56、Don't expect others to hurt you. Learn to take care of yourself.不要奢望别人来疼你,要学会自己照顾自己。

57、Look at people with time and heart, not with eyes.用时间和心看人,而不是用眼睛。

58、Most afraid of the cold moon night, no one says good night to you.最怕月夜清寒,无人与你道晚安。

59、Without a beautiful appearance, who will pay attention to your heart is called reality.没有漂亮的外表,谁会去关注你的内心,这就叫现实。

60、Don't be gentle for a short time, as long as you are accompanied for the rest of your life.不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。

61、Some people, life can not coexist, death can be integrated.有些人,生不能共存,死当可相融。

62、Life doesn't sell round-trip tickets. Once you start, you can't return.人生不售来回票,一旦动身,绝不能复返。

63、I would like to forget the lovesickness in the river for you and wait for you forever.我愿为你,忘川河畔里相思缱绻,永世等你。

64、What will eventually make you understand is that everything is so beautiful.那些最终会让你明白的,一切全是那么美好。

65、Happiness is like perfume. If you sprinkle it on others, you will certainly infect yourself.幸福就像香水,洒给别人也一定会感染自己。

66、Late in the day, empty quietly, sleep alone, pillow sandalwood cloud bun partial.晚来天,空悄然,孤眠,枕檀云髻偏。

67、If you want to buy sweet scented osmanthus and carry wine, it's not like a youth tour.欲买桂花同载酒,终不似、少年游。

68、Don't lose, maybe you are also the light secretly hidden in others' hearts.不要丧啦,说不定你也是别人心中偷偷藏起来的光。

69、When you laugh, the whole world laughs with you; You cry, only you cry in the world.你笑,全世界都跟着你笑;你哭,全世界只有你哭。

70、Don't you see, I'm green and gray. Who abandoned fleeting years for?君不见,伊人青丝斑白为谁弃流年?

71、We must be excellent and block youyou's mouth.一定要优秀,堵住悠悠之口。

72、Because they like each other, they travel mountains and rivers.因为互相喜欢,所以跋山涉水。

73、Sitting in the morning, the sun turned on the light for the room.枯坐到清晨,阳光替房间开了灯。


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