时间:2022-06-01 12:24:44当前位置:句子汇 → 干净的英文短语


1、I hope you will cherish it from now on. The mountain and the water will go together, and you will go well.愿你此后珍重,山一程,水一程,你且走好。

2、To survive, we must forge ahead; To succeed, we must be strong.要生存,就要进取;要成功,就要坚强。

3、Reducing unnecessary socializing is the panacea for happiness.减少不必要的社交,才是快乐的灵丹妙药。

4、Where can I wake up today? The wind on the willow bank is waning and the moon is waning.今霄酒醒何处,杨柳岸晓风残月。

5、You're a nice boy, but I'm too beautiful for you.你是个很好的男孩子,可是我太漂亮了,你配不上。

6、The end of the world is still far away, and it is difficult to catch up with your dreams. Nanshan bleakly enters the green pupil.天涯犹未远,誓梦难追,南山黯然入青瞳。

7、Of all the goodbyes, I like to see you next time best.在所有的道别里,我最喜欢下次见。

8、Each goes his own way and has a bright future.各奔东西,前程似锦。

9、I searched all over the world and didn't understand what love was. The moment I met you, I realized.我遍寻世间,不解情为何物,遇见你的瞬间方顿悟。

10、Now there are only three things left in my life: I love you, love you, love you.现在我的生命只剩下三件事:我爱你、爱你、你。

11、Spring will never be absent. The spring breeze can always blow on you.春天永远不会缺席,春风永远都能吹到你身上。

12、I'm not your sunny doll. I don't have to smile at you all the time.我不是你的晴天娃娃,不必时时向你微笑。

13、Education is the mother's family of talents, and society is the mother-in-law's family of talents.教育是人才的娘家,社会是人才的婆家。

14、If the sky is sentimental and ruthless, I'll wait for you in the world of mortals.天若有情亦无情,万丈红尘我等你。

15、You didn't come back as scheduled, and that's the meaning of parting.你没有如期归来,而这正是离别的意义。

16、The end of the road suddenly appears in the ancient castle, and the teacher inherits his love and hatred here.末路突兀现古堡,师承于此遣情仇。

17、The most terrible enemy is the lack of strong faith.最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。

18、After all the habits, the most difficult to forget is these habits.在所有的习惯之后,最难以忘记的便是这些不习惯。

19、Cut a beautiful time and let it flow slowly.剪一段旖旎时光,任时间缓缓流淌。

20、Real peace is not to stay away from the noise, but to build fences and plant chrysanthemums in your heart.真正的平静,不是远离喧嚣,而是在心里修篱种菊。

21、Waiting for someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a ship at the airport.等一个不爱自己的人,就像在机场等一艘船。

22、I love you so humble, you hurt my heart.我爱你如此卑微,你伤我痛彻心扉。

23、Wealth and honor can be separated, and power can be reversed. You can't abandon it alone.富贵可离,权柄可逆,独独是你不可弃。

24、Who makes white horses and red clouds? Lanterns are hung high, and from then on, they are rich, noble and glorious.谁许白马红霞?灯笼高挂,从此富贵荣华。

25、Talented people from all generations have been leading the way for hundreds of years.江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。

26、True nobility is not superior to others, but superior to yourself in the past.真正的高贵,不是优于别人,而是优于过去的自己。

27、Because of the sea, so the stars and the moon; Because there is a dream, so desperate.因为有海,所以披星戴月;因为有梦,所以奋不顾身。

28、When life comes back, death is also everlasting longing for each other.生当复来归,死亦长相思。

29、It doesn't matter if you are unhappy today. It won't be better tomorrow anyway.今天不开心也没关系,反正明天也不会好过。

30、Accept the sudden loss and cherish the unexpected surprise.接受突如其来的失去,珍惜不期而遇的惊喜。

31、I'm not as talented as I am, but I'm not as famous as I am.小生不才,姑娘已长发及腰,而我却功名未就。

32、I am three inches of snow on the eaves, and you are a startling guest on earth.我是檐上三寸雪,你是人间惊鸿客。

33、I copied the love letter, but it's true that I like you.情书是我抄的,但喜欢你是真的。

34、I'm just the smoke in your journey, and you're just the old face in my obsession.我不过你征途中的炊烟,你不过我执念里的旧颜。

35、The world kisses me with pain, but I return with song.世界以痛吻我,我却回报以歌。

36、Go to the uninhabited island and touch the shark's horn.去没人的岛,摸鲨鱼的角。

37、Once upon a time, letters were very slow, cars and horses were far away, and I only loved one person in my life.从前书信很慢,车马很远,一生只爱一个人。

38、When others praise me, I worry that others don't praise me enough.别人一夸我,我就担心,担心别人夸得不够。

39、May you talk and laugh during the day and have a good sleep at night.愿你白天有说有笑,晚上睡个好觉。

40、He was also an ordinary person. It was your hot eyes that helped him get the golden body.他原本也是泛泛之辈,是你炽热的目光为他渡上金身。

41、If it's not true, don't meddle in my life at will.若不是真心,就不要随意插足我的生活。

42、Humble dreams continue to burn, but also can achieve an extraordinary life.卑微的梦想持续燃烧,也能成就一段不凡的人生。

43、Rome wasn't built in a day, and three layers of belly wasn't built in a day!冰冻三尺非一日之寒,小腹三层非一日之馋!

44、Don't ask if I have you in my heart. I'm all about you.不要问我心里有没有你,我余光中都是你。

45、After working hard, I know a lot of things, and then I stick to it.努力过后才知道许多事,坚持坚持就过来了。

46、Orchid is not incense, it's my breath. It is difficult to write the taste of lips with a Xiangguan pen.兰香不是香,是我口中气。难将湘管笔,写出唇滋味。

47、Sparse plum blossoms open with rain, thin bamboo swings with the wind, and the rain and wind are good for me.疏梅带雨开,瘦竹随风摆,雨和风着意好,为我安排。

48、Don't tell me anything for a lifetime. I think it's too little.不要跟我说什么一生一世,我觉得太少。

49、What can't be picked up and put down is chopsticks, and what can't get out is quilt.拿的起放不下的是筷子,陷进去出不来的是被窝。

50、You are the cold beer in summer, you are the wind passing by the corner of your skirt before the shower.你是夏日里冰凉的啤酒,你是阵雨前裙角掠过的风。

51、If you can't give it all to me, don't give it all to me.如果不能全给我,就全都别给我。

52、Bending down is not to admit defeat, just to pick up the abandoned happiness.弯腰不是认输,只是为了拾起丢弃的幸福。

53、On the moon, the willow shoots head, and people make an appointment after dusk.月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。

54、You should at least give me a foil to let me understand the so-called happiness.你至少要给我一个衬托的介口,让我明白所谓的幸福。

55、Just because I saw you more in the crowd, I was blind.只是因为在人群中多看了你一眼,我便瞎了眼。

56、Petals sprinkle, marry with the heart Lang, Luan and Phoenix sing together.花瓣洒,嫁与心中郎,鸾凤齐鸣。

57、Who are the dark eyes staring at?迷之疑点,一剑封喉,漆黑的双眼究竟注视着谁?

58、I want to go to the south. There are sea, waves and sunshine.我想去南方,有海有浪有艳阳。

59、There are too many separations in the world, not because I don't love, but because I'm tired.世界上的太多分离,不是因为不爱了,而是因为累了。

60、Ask you how much sorrow you can have, just like a river of spring water flowing eastward.问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。

61、The wind is still blowing tonight. I think of your tenderness.今夜还吹着风,想起你好温柔。

62、Those who live muddleheaded are easy to be happy.活得糊涂的人,容易幸福。

63、Morning and evening go hand in hand with age. I'd like to walk with you until the dawn.朝暮与年岁并往,愿与你一同行至天光。

64、You don't expect anyone else to show up when you're away.你不在的时候,不曾期待过其他人出现。

65、I hope you are so busy every day and do everything you like.希望你每天那么忙,做的每件事都是自己喜欢的。

66、The longest love is just sitting and forgetting for thousands of hours, and the most acacia is not worth drinking alone.最长情不过坐忘千钟,最相思不抵饮罢孤山。

67、Don't cling to the past and don't let go.别缠着往事不肯走,别赖着曾经不放手。

68、Life is like looking in a mirror. Laugh when you laugh, and cry when you cry.生活就像照镜子,你笑它就笑,你哭它就跟着哭。

69、Suffer from doing things and thinking turbid. Suffering from seclusion and having fun.苦于处事,苦于思浊。苦于避世苦中作乐。

70、Like you for so long, I got nothing except grievance.喜欢你那么久,除了委屈,我什么都没有得到。

71、Life will get better when it is bad to a certain extent, because it can't be worse.生活坏到一定程度就会好起来的,因为它无法更坏。

72、I miss people, far away from the countryside, I have feelings, tied in my deep heart.我有所念人,隔在远远乡,我有所感事,结在深深肠。

73、Change the flame and deceive the God; Flying flowers in an instant, bury a lifetime nightmare.浴火殇里换颜,欺神烈焰;刹那飞花,葬歌一世梦魇。


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