时间:2020-08-08 06:27:56当前位置:句子汇 → 中秋英文祝福



August mid autumn moon full, Miss Chang'e, you can see, Chang'e also in silence wish, wish you a sweet life!


Full moon people complete, family and country two reunion, good Moon Festival night, Miss thousands of miles dream sweet. Wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival, family reunion, full moon, more round people.


I've been working hard for half a year. I've been busy making money. In the twinkling of an eye, the Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and the wind up blessing will be ahead of time: wish you a lot of salary and bonus; happy every day, happy every year!


Often go home to have a look, a lifetime is not easy to figure a round and round, a lifetime always worry about a picture of peace and security. I wish you all a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Trouble with the wind, blowing to the sky, happiness into the wind, blowing face-to-face. Dao Shun, Ren Shun, everything goes well. Hello, I'm good, everyone. Happy Mid Autumn Festival.


Full moon year after year similar, you and I look forward to each other. The sky full of light, mercury everywhere, is our missing each other. I wish you a happy mid autumn festival.


Since ancient times, the moon is the brightest in the Mid Autumn Festival. In the long night, Chang'e dances in the third watch. Knowing each other's meaning with you, you can enjoy it. May you have a Happy Mid Autumn Festival and have a family reunion.


The breeze brings my blessing, the bright moon carries my greetings, sends you a trace of wind, presents you a wisp of moon, the wind and the moon are boundless, the world has feelings, the Mid Autumn Festival is happy!


Although our distance is far away, but you always hang in my heart, just like August 15 this day, I hope to always remember me, Happy Mid Autumn Festival.


Are you all right, friend from afar? In this season of missing, the change of my face is always concerned about your heart! Wish you a happy holiday!


You are the cornerstone of skyscrapers, you are the bridge pier across the river, and you are the mainstay of the construction of the motherland. Teacher, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Gather the sunshine of Himalaya, gather the breeze from the ends of the earth, restrain the blessing of Gangdise mountain, and absorb the wealth of Bill Gates as a gift to you. I wish you happiness!


Miss such as green leaves, gradually stretch, and the mid autumn moon night, and the moon and stars, drunk eyes, think of your heart into a dream, wish you happy boundless!


Send my best wishes for the Mid Autumn Festival. I hope friendship will never change. I hope you will be happy and happy forever!


We haven't got together for a long time, but we invite the moon to express our love. The full moon wine and the United States share happiness. I wish you all happiness in the sky.


Looking for every sincerity, feeling every true feeling! I would like to cooperate with you and fly to the top of our career!


Moonlight invisible, to the world is a romantic; chrysanthemum open silent, to the earth is colorful color; my blessing speechless, to you is a piece of affection: Happy Mid Autumn Festival, always happy!


The weather is getting better and faster. The cool wind is coming quietly. At night, blanket should be covered. Don't freeze your feet. If you have nothing to do with your bones, you can supplement calcium. Don't call me bad again. I wish you a happy mid autumn festival.


The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, I wish you think of moon cake in your heart, eat moon cake in your mouth, and have a happy face like moon cake. May our blessing accompany you to spend a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


The sky is blue, the grass is green, the Mid Autumn Festival holiday is inspiring! Beautiful mountains, clear water, hand in hand to travel everywhere. Tie your belly and buy less clothes. This year's expenses are yours!


The fragrance of Osmanthus fragrans moistens the heart. The mountains are high and the rivers are long. Continuous blessing, festive fragrance. Full moon, good luck. Happy together, the Mid Autumn Festival is auspicious!


The autumn wind is clear, the autumn moon is bright, and the fallen leaves gather and scatter. I still love the old love. If my heart is corresponding, I can go with you in the future. I will walk together in the wind and rain road of life.


The national day meets the Mid Autumn Festival wanjiahuan, the life meets the prosperous time, the spirit is cool. I wish you a happy holiday and a happy family reunion. May your every day be as successful as the moon on the 15th!


Mid autumn season, autumn gradually strong, jubilant, celebrate the festival, moon cakes in the mouth, mellow fragrance, full moon night, blessing to the heart, Happy Mid Autumn Festival, all the best!


Smile is the world's most convenient to take, the most nutritious, the most magical effect, the least sad, worry and other side effects of green environmental beauty tonic. Come to my home for beauty tonics in the Mid Autumn Festival!


The full moon is a painting, and the missing moon is a poem. Picturesque poetry, beautiful scenery, to my beloved you. Under the distant starry sky, looking up at the same beautiful moon together is the contract of our soul!


On this day of reunion, I can't celebrate with you. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival, and remember to leave a piece of moon cake for me!


My heart on the keyboard, waiting for you to tap gently. The moon in the sky, waiting for lovers to look forward to, the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, I will bright moon and stars arranged into the most beautiful blessing: Happy Mid Autumn!


Mid Autumn Festival blessings are different, happiness hidden among them, not with others to fight, my greetings quietly sent: reunion warm spectrum of dreams, toast to celebrate the strong family, I wish the Mid Autumn Festival a good mood!


Zhong qiujie, with happiness to chase you; love and righteousness, with good luck to accompany you; amiable and lovely Zhong qiugui, holding success together with you drunk. Mid Autumn Festival to wish you happy.


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