时间:2020-08-08 06:27:03当前位置:句子汇 → 中秋英文祝福语句



The annual Mid Autumn Festival, the annual reunion night, the full moon every year, people are not round, year-round shape only shadow lonely. I wish you all a happy family.


Hou Yi was busy shooting at the sun, and Chang'e was stealing to the moon. Old moon never old, since ancient times love difficult. Mid autumn moon hanging, the heart of the past round. Jade rabbit with Chang'e, you and I will always accompany.


Golden breeze, clouds flying, moon cake fragrance, taste Qiongjiang, moon color appreciation, autumn moon, cup collision, full of emotion, festival prosperous, happy, happy flowing. Happy Mid Autumn Festival.


I miss you in the moon, I miss you in the sky. Happy Mid Autumn Festival.


The moon is priceless. All friends have affection. The road is thousands of miles away, and it's hard to break Acacia. Although it is difficult to reach a person, one's heart is in harmony. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I sincerely wish you and your family a happy and happy reunion!


I wish you have leisure in your busy time, always have money in your pocket, be accompanied by good people around you, and your face will stay forever today. Your life goal has always been forward, the more sweet the day is, so year after year! Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Dear: don't be sad, though we are far away. As long as we love each other and miss each other, we can also share the bright moon!


The moon and the wind send blessing; wine to the moon, the moon is round; bright moon in the sky, the air conveys feelings; Tao is predestined, from the full moon! I wish you a happy mid autumn festival.


The moon is especially round in the Mid Autumn Festival. The full moon is full of both people. The whole family will get together. First, I wish my relatives a happy reunion, and then I wish you good luck around me. Three wishes for everything to be as you wish, a smooth and prosperous future for thousands of years.


Autumn is clear, flowers are full, happy life is sweet day by day; summer goes and autumn comes, like water and smoke, the Mid Autumn Festival is in front of you; say treasure, say peace, I wish the whole family a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


I'll make you a big round moon cake with healthy fruits, Ping'an beans, auspicious dates, happy sesame seeds and lucky grapes. I wish you good luck, happiness and happiness in the Mid Autumn Festival.


Happy Mid Autumn Festival, happy to meet; the bright moon in reunion, I wish you a life like the full moon, dreams come true, happy moon light, with your world! Dear leaders, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Touch the sincere heartstrings, remember the bitter growth, the road to success will never be separated from you, dear teacher, I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival, always happy!


The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. May your acne be less and less like the slums. May the speed of your youth elapse as slowly as the river in the stream. May your future be as bright as a meteor!


After two years, we have dinner here again. I wish you all a Happy Mid Autumn Festival and better and better!


On the occasion of the Mid Autumn Festival, I sincerely wish you and your family a happy and happy reunion.


White chalk powder dyed your black hair white, but the green of your youth set off more rich. Any language, can not say the respect to you, only let the moon send blessing: Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


You are the only one to send blessings during the holidays. Love is sweet and family is harmonious. Career success, promotion like a rabbit. Dear leaders, I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Under the moon for you to make three wishes: a dream like a full moon, two days more sweet than moon cakes, three wish career and life like the full moon of the Mid Autumn Festival!


Full moon year after year similar, you and I look forward to each other. Look at the clear sky, everywhere mercury, is our mutual dumping of thoughts.


All the past will become a kind of nostalgia, all the past to know how valuable. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


The tide of autumn river connects with sea level, and the moon on the sea is full of tide. Happy and happy people are reunited, and the sound of blessing is with you. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival, beautiful life!


Jin Xiaxin gradually eastward, lunji shadow promotion still frequent hope. It's hard to merge when the scenery is good. He should be melancholy this day.


Family and neighborhood and harmony, new friends and old friends happy, life is simple and happy, life is stable and peaceful; every day, happy mood, Mid Autumn Festival harmony and happiness!


Strong feelings, fists and fists, and the moon when the chest, dense moon like water, I hope to flow into your heart!


The moon in the sky is round and the moon cake is sweet or not; I say a blessing to you, happiness is with you every day; I always have you in my heart, and you are the only one in my heart.


In the twinkling of an eye, the Mid Autumn Festival has arrived, and the bright moon is hanging high on the treetops. Take care of mom and dad. Don't get sick when it's cold. Don't worry about your children in the distance. Go home when you have time.


Grasp the wonderful youth, do not make the golden cup empty to the moon. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


Mid Autumn Moon is the roundest, the roundest in the air; Mid Autumn cake is the sweetest, the sweetest in the mouth; the mid autumn love is the most tender, the most soft in the heart; the Mid Autumn Festival people most read, most read in the dream!


Bright moon breeze send Acacia! Let the moon carry my blessing to you; let Miss turn into a wisp of breeze, kiss your face gently!


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