时间:2020-07-08 06:33:33当前位置:句子汇 → 教师节英语贺卡内容



Teacher hard, happy Teacher's Day!


Teacher, the light of wisdom that we send out always twinkles the spark ignited by your own hands.


At the ends of the earth, there is no limit to the teacher's kindness. Wish you a happy holiday, my dear teacher!


Teacher's day, I wish all teachers: to tired, disease elimination, sunshine smile, beautiful face, good life, no trouble!


Dedicated to the beloved teacher: we search for those beautiful memories and wish you health and happiness forever!


I would like to condense my wishes and gratitude to you. May your every year and every day be filled with happiness and joy!


Teacher's kindness is as heavy as a mountain, students dare not forget!


My soul is your purification, my sky is your support, teacher, I must give you a blue sky. I wish you happiness and health.


On the platform, by the desk, cold and summer, spring, summer, autumn and winter, sprinkle a little bit of hard work. Hard work, my teacher.


Teaching is like spring breeze, and teacher's kindness is like deep sea. I wish you a happy holiday!


Endless kindness, always in mind. Every growing up day, I want to bless you, my teacher.


On the platform, by the desk, cold and summer, spring, summer, autumn and winter, shed a little bit of hard work, my teacher, happy Teacher's day.


In the friction between pen and paper, you spent your sacred life. Wish you, teacher, happy Teacher's Day!


Dear teacher, your teaching is like the spring breeze, like the rain, forever my heart. I sincerely wish you well and well!


This is a gift we bought for you. Thank you, teacher. Without your selfless dedication, we would not have achieved our success today.


Thanks for the teacher's years of care, I will work harder and strive for success in my studies. I will never fail to live up to your expectations.


In my mind, you are the most severe father and the most kind mother; you are an unknown hero and a famous teacher in the teaching field.


Teachers are like indicators of navigation, leading us forward! Happy Teachers' Day!


Teacher, I don't know much about you, but I still want to say: Thank you, pay more attention to your body, don't be too tired for the children.


Teacher, you inspired me to really understand the benefits of nature. From then on, I read green leaves, colorful clouds and spray.


I wish you all good health, all the best, work smoothly, happy every minute, happy every day!


Teachers, give us not only knowledge, but also love, moving, moral character and courage.


Your hard work is our children's driving force, our children's success is your pride, but our children will be proud of you!


Teacher, I believe that when I grow up, I will change the blackboard of the school first, so that when you teach students, there will be no more chalk dust damaging your health!


Teachers are not omnipotent, but can never be without teachers. Happy Teachers' day.


Hard work is your selfless dedication, peach and plum all over the world is your highest honor. I wish you a happy holiday! Happiness forever!


Nurturing students' benevolence, unforgettable engraved inscriptions on teacher's kindness, deeply blessing Xie Shiqing: health and longevity, happiness like the sea!


Without your generous dedication, I would not have gained today. Thank you very much, dear teacher.


Thousands of words, the road does not end which month that day; thousands of rivers and mountains, separated by continuous wisps of teacher's kindness.


If you can choose, I am still your inseparable student; if you can come again, I must be your best student!


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