时间:2020-06-03 07:33:29当前位置:句子汇 → 教师节英文祝福



Teacher, you enlighten me to really understand the grace of nature. From then on, I understand every green leaf, every cloud and every spray. Thank you, happy holiday!


How many spring and autumn rush past, how many white hair quietly raised, chalk for countless boxes, and you are still standing there in silence. My dear teacher, you have worked hard!


Time flies, and you or my teacher, no matter what you become, in my center, you are the most beautiful flower fairy! Dear teacher, happy holidays, youth forever!


Today, there is no applause, no flowers, no sweet words, no slander. There is only the long cherished wish of students. I wish teachers a happy holiday and happy family.


Thank you for your care, for your help, for your teaching, for all you have done for me. Please accept the best wishes from the students and wish you a happy Teachers' day and a happy day!


Teacher, a brilliant career, teaching and educating people, making money and virtue, teacher's Day is coming, I wish all teachers happy home, money home, the whole family happy together!


Red flowers can't do without the support of green leaves, flowers can't do without the moisture of soil, students can't do without the instruction of teachers. Today's teacher's day, say: teacher, thank you, you are hard!


Teacher, maybe today, you will not think of me, but I will think of you! Wish you a happy holiday and good health!


Teaching is like the spring breeze, teacher's kindness is like the sea deep, the world is full of peaches and plums, the statement spreads everywhere! I wish teachers a happy holiday, happy every minute, happy every day!


You are my mother, teach me to persevere, you are the sunshine, guide my life direction, you are the rain and dew, let me grow healthily, thank you my teacher, happy holidays!


A warm, three foot platform to cultivate talents, full of integrity, a chalk score chapter, thousands of words, teacher's deep and heavy, teacher's day, wish the world a happy Teacher's Day!


You are the kindling, which ignites the fire of students' hearts. You are a stone step, bearing my step-by-step steady climbing. You are a candle, burning yourself to illuminate others. Happy Teachers' Day.


The teacher's son, who lived in the mountain for 30 years, is a man of ancient wisdom. He should keep the heaven and the earth clear during the festival. He will quickly drain the gold and jade boats in the Qiantang lake. He is happy that he is free to fish in the wind and waves. Happy Teachers' Day!


Those memories of the past, we always remember, now the culture we use, are filled with the breath of teachers, grateful heart, always remember your teachings!


We love you, dear teacher, and express our feelings with blooming flowers; we praise you, the hard gardener, and express our feelings with loud songs. Happy Teachers' Day!


Once the teacher was very serious teaching, I did not cherish! If you can make me never once, I will be your student again! If you want to add a deadline, ten thousand years!


I remember that wonderful moment, teacher, do you know that your image on the stage is so great and charming, I hope you will always be young, shining, and full of peaches and plums!


How I miss you, my teacher! Thanks for sending congratulatory messages with the help of science and technology! My good teacher, I really miss you!


I wish you a happy Teacher's day. I wish you a happy Teacher's Day!


If I am an eagle, you are the blue sky; if I am a ship, you are the sail; if I am a coal, you are the flame. Dear teacher, teacher's Day is coming. I wish you a happy day!


A piece of chalk, a pair of glasses, a whip, a pile of books, a piece of infatuation, what will never be forgotten is the spatter of your lectures, not the sweet dew is better than the sweet dew. Happy Teachers' Day!


Teacher's Day is coming. I hope you have a good day every day. My best wishes are not late. I hope you are in a good mood. I'll give you a good luck, and I hope you will laugh all the time. Life will be happy step by step!


Learning is not tiring, teaching is not tiring, peaches and plums are fragrant, and happiness is also harmonious. Wish you a happy Teacher's Day!


A piece of chalk score will produce a beautiful movement. You have devoted your whole life to the paleness of your temples. The three foot platform has made countless talents in the world. I wish you a happy holiday!


Three feet podium, dyed grey hair, nurtured peach and plum world; winter and summer, sprinkle a little effort, teach Kyushu talent. At the end of teachers' day, I sincerely wish you a happy Teachers' Day!


May warmth, joy and happiness, like fragrant flowers, fill your happy time. Our favorite teacher, sincerely wish you always safe and healthy, all the best, happy Teachers' Day!


Stir the sincere heartstrings, beat the happy notes, sing the beauty of youth, remember the bitterness of growth, the road to success is inseparable from you, dear teacher, I wish you a happy Teachers' Day!


Spring rain, dyed the world green, but he quietly disappeared in the soil. Teacher, you are the spring rain in our heart. We will always thank you.


You have taught me to learn founder Chinese characters, you have taught me to run accurate test questions, you have taught me to speak foreign languages fluently, and you have taught me the ability to base myself on society. Teacher, I wish you a happy holiday!


Teacher, good holiday! Teacher, if I can fight against the blue sky, it's the wings you give me to soar; if I'm a warrior to fight against the waves, it's the power you give me to make waves!


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