时间:2022-03-12 12:03:13当前位置:句子汇 → 英文文案长篇



The vines of the years are no longer luxuriant. Along the vein of time, they go to spring and stroll in the flowering season.


Collide with strong things, terrible things and high-level things, and then know what you are. This is self.


Life is full of joys and sorrows. You don't want to reveal your hidden thoughts, but they will also be revealed inadvertently.


With a leisurely mood, face a philosophical life and live a life of letting nature take its course with a willing attitude.


Let yourself no longer be lonely, happy and comfortable, incense life, not afraid of wind and rain, nor afraid of the vicissitudes of years.


In one's life, don't worry too much about everything. Keep a calm mind. Don't worry. Let it go. Everything has a definite number.


Only by being a person who loves himself, knows himself and accepts himself, will he feel that life is meaningful.


Some people, destined to go only half the way, but can no longer go on, and finally have to choose to regret separation.


In leisure time, reading, reading newspapers, writing, light ink and sparse marks, pure heart, simple and poetic life, also Qinghuan.


Strive to keep your heart clean, your soul fragrant, your life pure, and your life safe. After the vicissitudes of life, I returned from the street, still young heart.


Know how to be grateful and let go, cherish and embrace, so as to improve the texture of life and make life more warm.


It's just that you can't see yourself. When you bump into something else and bounce back, you will understand what you are.


On the way to the future, may we all live quietly and strive to manage our poetic fireworks.


It's not easy to live, because experience makes us know a lot. People walk in cold tea, things are right and people are wrong, and everything will become a memory in the blink of an eye.


Misty rain in the world, fleeting time is not negative. Living in the moment is not negative. Life must be happy. Poetry and wine take advantage of time.



In ordinary days, if you live a plain life and keep your heart safe, you don't want to have many desires. Closed doors are deep mountains. Where is not a pure land.


The wind is a constant Messenger, opening the pages of life according to the rhythm and closing the title page of life according to the frequency.


In this life, people want to be safe, healthy and happy. The world is hot and cold. We are affectionate and indifferent to the warmth of human relations.


Life is short. All we can grasp is the present. It is wise to try our best to grasp the present.


Absorbing nutrients from life can depict some thoughts and feelings carefully, write them on the plain paper of the years, and treasure them carefully.


I choose to stand aloof from the world, not because we have few desires, but because I understand that some things are yours and no one can rob them.


The most comfortable state of life is to walk alone occasionally, lively occasionally, simple and regular. It can be colorful or plain and simple.


When everything has passed, you will understand that you can lose everything, that is, you can't lose your soul and will.


In spring, the branches are beautiful, and in autumn, the fruits are luxuriant. I encourage you. Cherish the present, live up to the time, and cherish all the encounters.


I choose a life of kindness, not my weakness, because I know that this is to live up to life and let myself have no regrets.


In the quiet place of life, strands of aloes warm the memory and ripple the heart. The ripples are thin and cascade, drowning the mottle of years.


Roaring and walking slowly, we look for hope to illuminate our future, and we meditate quietly to recognize ourselves.


If you understand the world and yourself, living affectionately is also to understand the vicissitudes of life.


Many times, life seems to have no place to return. In impermanent and ordinary days, the mood suddenly becomes soft and sad.


Only by loving life, accepting the baptism of years with a pious heart, can we gradually become a person with rich heart and transparent soul.


Ordinary people's life is plain, light and simple. Living is happiness. It's the most appropriate place to put their body and mind in daily necessities.


Accompany with solitude, brush away the dust of years, refine an emotion in leisurely, and let the noise of youth be silent in silence.


Be a quiet person, do not smell the noise of the world, only smell the fragrance of birds and flowers, feel safe and sound in your heart, and years are fine.


I choose to be tolerant all my life, not because we are incompetent, but because I understand that being tolerant of others also leaves room for myself.


Life is short. Meditation is in a beautiful scenery, a fireworks alley, a light ink between clouds and water, and a pure dream.


In life, we should grasp the present time, treat the worthy people seriously, and live our own life seriously.


Stability, low-key and tenacity are the foundation, tolerance, generosity and openness are the framework, and kindness, delicacy and benevolence are the connotation.


Life is bound to experience hot summer and cold winter, ups and downs of honor and disgrace between cold and warm, so as to learn to face life calmly.


Whose life is not a chicken feather? Who can afford to pick a bone in an egg?


Only by self-knowledge can we know ourselves and the enemy and be invincible in a hundred battles. Only by being calm can we avoid disasters and be stable.


Do your best, live a happy life, taste all the flavors of the world slowly, watch the waste of time, and live your own beauty in joy, anger, sorrow and joy.


In life, in life, there are always some involuntarily far away, and there are always some inadvertent encounters. It is not only fate, but also cause and effect.


Unforgettable things, sad feelings, all people and things that can't be controlled will be smoke and cloud tomorrow.


I like this time, and I also like the lotus in summer. This is a quiet, quiet as moonlight, which makes a heart safe and elegant.


Time has the ability of self purification, and so do people. Being cautious and introspective can make their soul clean and worthy of life.


In addition to the hustle and bustle, in the seasons and years, there is a quiet life, and there is a warm fireworks to live safely.


You know, contentment leads to happiness and many interesting things, including surprise and taste.


Anyway, I will cherish all the encounters. Whether we are strangers or acquaintances.


Only those who live today will be happy. Because cherish the present, grasp the present, will live without regret.


Early winter days, sometimes exquisite, sometimes mediocre, occasionally emotional, that is the reward of years, but also the poetic flavor of life.


When everyone decides to start a relationship, they all run for a lifetime, thinking that the two people can go hand in hand.


The warming temperature also needs to wait slowly. When the spring breeze is green on the South Bank of the river, when the spring rain is as expensive as oil, and when peach blossoms bloom.


In the twinkling of an eye, the autumn is deep and the flowers are far away. The mark of memory is shallow and shallow. Don't go too much, but there is little beauty.


In the cold winter, such a day is simple and quiet, enjoying your fireworks, and it is also the most comfortable and carefree.


The breeze stirred my thoughts. Wherever the spring swam, it was a faint green smoke, which stained the spring painting.


When the sun shines, the landing is poetic. The summer flowers are bright and sweet, and the lingering in the rain is understood by only slightly sad people.


Just in the light years, enjoy alone in a cup of tea, watch the flowers bloom, and dance lightly in time.


Tell yourself, discard the old, put down the complicated, ignore the broken things, right and wrong, and tomorrow is a story.


A person's first aging is not his face, not the passage of youth, not the wasted years, but the old and desolate heart.


In the face of the bad of the world, I can still spend every day optimistically, know the sophistication of the world, and always keep my heart innocent and pure.


Let yourself be as pure as snow, safely in a warm time, not anxious or impatient, be an idle person, quiet and happy, poetic life!


No matter which step you go up in your life, someone is looking up at you at the bottom and looking down at you at the top.


Worry will not reduce the burden of tomorrow. People, we should live in front of us, do ourselves well and live a simple life; Be content and cherish every day.


I like every bit of time every day. My heart is simple, the world in my eyes is ordinary and simple, my heart is happy, and the world is full of truth.


Pick up the time on the road of life. Those stories about life can't stand the test of time and have turned yellow.


Don't let yesterday's rain affect today's mood. Don't let the past troubles affect the present scenery.


Making a living is the armor of life, resisting the cold and settling the flesh; Seeking love is the weakness of life. It warms the heart and soothes the soul.


In the wind, listen to the hurried voice of years, breathe, hold the tree, and the sunset bends an old figure.


Let the mood in the waning years, secretly enchanting, with the deeper and deeper understanding of life, turn into a series of heart words and tap the heart.


Quiet days are crisscrossed by light and shadow, and time dances with the clear sound of the flute. The tranquility and fragrance the scenery at the bottom of the sleeve.


I can only let the vine that seeks survival tighten the wound that was already injured, and leave a scar on my heart, which always reminds me to insist.


We all yearn for beautiful love, and we all hope to find a person who loves each other and stay together for a lifetime.


In silence, life gives us expectations and unexpected surprises. Life is so mixed.


I want to choose to escape, but the shackles of life have imprisoned me more tightly, making me unable to breathe and move.


The world is so big that we all want to go and have a look. It's your luck to meet beauty, and it's your happiness to meet a bosom friend.


There are many tomorrows, but there is one today. So grasp today, plan tomorrow, and let yourself gain every day.


When we are free, we can taste tea, read books and watch the sun, moon and mountains. There is our longing, poetry and distance.


Walking on the street of spring breeze, there seems to be the image of the old year. What seems familiar is that every spring comes with thousands of thoughts.


Don't despise anyone. Life is fair to everyone. Don't force anything. You can't bring anything at that time.


With the attitude of the wind, the elegance of the snow, the tranquil mood and the poetic feeling, we polish life into the most beautiful scenery of the branches of the years.


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