时间:2020-01-30 09:03:46当前位置:句子汇 → 英语优美句子大全



Spring wind came, although it seemed a little late, still touch the earth with her warm hands.


If you look forward to tomorrow, you have to be realistic first; if you want to be brilliant, you have to keep going.


The bright stars, like jewels, are all over the boundless night sky.


She recited in cadence, with a beautiful tone, a clear voice and a moving face.


If I become a mother later, I will care about my children as much as my mother cares about me.


A lovely, a clever, a lively, this is perfect little white rabbit obedience.


Everyone is willing to do what they like, but to do what you should do is called growth.


Book selection should be as careful as making friends. Because your habits are influenced by books as much as your friends.


The beautiful Rhododendron is enchanting in the restless spring wind. Cuckoos sing in the clear field.


Her black and shiny hair fell down naturally, as smooth and soft as black brocade.


The wind sings a song and wakes the sleeping earth.


You see, both the swallow and the wild goose have come back from the south. Why? I think spring is too beautiful.


In midsummer, it's so hot that even dragonflies dare to fly near the shade of trees, as if they are afraid that the sun will hurt their wings.


The athlete ran to the finish line like an arrow off the string.


A person's measurement is a kind of spiritual force, a powerful force of civilization.


This is spring, because of the chorus of life sprouting here, let me really feel a kind of magical beauty.


Back and forth to shuttle the busy figure, the rural fields, farmers are sowing the seeds of hope.


A soft spring breeze came, and the soft willows drifted gently across the river.


I took a deep breath and felt fresh. It was so refreshing.


Spring really comes, in the pond, in the field, in the sky, everywhere is full of vitality.


Every time I read a book, I have completed a life experience.


The piles of grass on the cliff, dyed red by autumn frost, are like azaleas all over the mountain.


Without a clear mind, the fastest step will go awry; without a prudent step, the even road will fall.


After a while, the kite was blown away, and the children were very sad.


The sun is twining with thin clouds, giving off a light and dazzling white light.


At the beginning of the morning, the mountain is like a shy girl, looming, and the sun is setting on the west mountain. The remaining light shines horizontally.


Match assumes to avoid the pain of extinction, and its life will be dark.


Suddenly I understood that the reason why spring is so beautiful is that it makes people's mood bloom at this moment.


Because of the firm faith of the reef, it arouses the spray of the brocade; because of the pursuit of the sublimity of youth, it is gorgeous and colorful.


The sun is shining in the spring, the mountains are green in the summer, the flowers are simple in the autumn, and the sun is strong in the winter.


Venice's skiff is light and flexible, like a water snake in a ditch.


Spring is not only a season full of vitality, but also a beautiful, magical and hopeful season.


The grass came out of the land secretly, tender and green. The wind is light and the grass is soft.


The teacher is ill. The teacher came to give us a lesson.


Several lines of withered willows, hanging like disorderly hair, stripped the branches of the leaves and swayed in the cold wind.


Your apple is very fragrant. I've never seen such a good apple.


The warm sunshine, through the dense leaves, has become a little golden spot.


The most beautiful is the willow beside the pond. It has green willows, like a little braid.


If you like someone, you don't have to be a lover. Sometimes it's enough to be a friend. A friend is a lifetime thing.


People say that spring is the plan of the year. That's right, because spring breeds hope.


The dead grass in the grass is like the yellow hair of a child. It's soft and creaky.


Sometimes, we have to let go of our pride and admit that we are wrong. It's not about giving up, it's about growing.


The elephant is tall and big, its body is like a wall, and its legs are like four pillars.


Sunset, woods, a yellow flower, a person. In this early winter evening.


Life is hard to avoid setbacks, after the wind and rain is a rainbow; life is hard to avoid suffering, after the rain, there will be sunshine.


Spring is lively, fanatical, full of vigor and vitality.


At the thought of it, tears crackled down.


Don't be greedy in reading, but think more about it. This kind of reading has benefited me a lot.


His red face was shining like a ripe apple in September.


The red azalea can see its beautiful figure.


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