时间:2020-01-30 09:00:41当前位置:句子汇 → 英语优美的句子



Black eyes, like abacus beads like dribble around.


The charming and lovely rose flowers are smiling with a shy little pink face.


In spring, wearing corolla, green clothes and rosy clouds, we arrived with great interest.


We are the flowers of the motherland, teachers are hard gardeners!


Like someone carefully holding a walking candle, Taibai star appears in the sky quietly and flickering.


Grandpa winter sent away the cold of the earth, and girl spring came to the world with light steps.


Thank those who give you advice, who make you mature; thank those who make you difficult, who make you strong.


The coconut leaves are like long feathers. When there is a wind, the shadows of the trees are whirling. When there is no wind, they are elegant and beautiful.


A person's life is like a fairy tale, but there is no prince, and I am not a princess.


The round moon, like a jade plate, is inlaid among the stars.


Warm spring wind, like mother's hand, gently stroked the little girl's face.


Dandelion, the fluffy seed, fluttered in the air as if to say goodbye to autumn.


The warm spring wind melted the snow, greened the branches, blued the sky and made the river smile.


To leave footprints in life, we must step by step; to avoid detours in life, we must think twice.


Grandma has white temples, but she is still radiant.


Small jasmine, although she is not as charming and charming as Peony Rose, but she is simple and brave.


Guilin's mountains are so beautiful, like green barriers, like new bamboo shoots, bright colors, reflecting the water.


Contribution is love, dare to give, you will receive unexpected donations.


In the field, the frog's call is continuous, quack quack, quack quack.


Only if you plant your own food can you have endless food. Only by studying hard can we get a good final exam.


It's not difficult for a person to do a good thing. What's difficult is to do a good thing all his life and not do a bad thing.


Step forward, no matter how long the road is, no matter how short it is, it is hard to get there.


On the ring road, overpasses are like rainbow roads.


A beam of light shone on her. The long wall and the beautiful turret were reflected on the river. The silver light was shining, very moving.


Spring has gone quietly, and she has planted the seeds of beauty and hope for the earth.


Her hair was dark, silky and smooth, and she walked elastically.


Spring night, light moon cage yarn, Ping Tingting. The wind swept my face and my hair.


Pushing open the door in the morning, I saw that the snow on the ground was more than a foot thick.


The mountain and sea here is a girl hiding in a boudoir, with a natural beauty that can't be abandoned.


Cicadas keep on barking in their hair, like cheering for the hot sun.


We sang and danced. I was sweeping the floor and talking to my classmates.


In late spring, it is the time when the flowers of the trees are full of blossom and fragrance. The overflowing fragrance is really intoxicating.


The drizzle is floating like dust, the willows by the lake are like the hair of a newly bathed girl, dripping with crystal clear water.


I bathed in the embrace of nature, let the soft evening breeze caress the sideburns, blow away all depression and trouble.


I feel the bird is not free, the cage is not its home, nature is the bird's home.


In spring, when the sun is warm, it stretches out its big warm hand, which makes people feel comfortable.


When the stars are reflected on the rough sea, they dance up and down with the waves. They are now gone.


In March, the silver pear tree that had been sleeping for a whole winter was awakened by the drizzle.


Naughty little stars in the blue and quiet night sky draw a golden arc, like a weaver girl throwing a brocade line.


Beauty is ordinary, ordinary so that you can not feel her existence; beauty is plain.


The blood colored flowers, like the fierce declaration of life, are full of warm feelings like a grenade.


The sky is full of red clouds, the sea is full of gold waves, and the red sun is like a furnace of boiling molten steel, which is spewing out, and the gold is shining.


The whole city of Beijing has become a sea of lights, a world of light.


Cuckoo in the spring stage, played a wonderful music.


The moon rises silently from the center of the river, round and bright, like a silver plate.


The water was sloshing straight. The three mothers walked and stopped. Their arms hurt and their waists were sore.


One by one pomegranate is like a little girl's lovely smile, hiding among the branches.


In the warm spring breeze, the frog yawned, stretched and walked out of the house.


When people come here, all the sleeping seeds can be gestated here and give life a changing attitude.


The sun slowly passes through the clouds, revealing a face that has already been red, like a shy little girl looking at the earth.


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