时间:2020-01-30 09:02:14当前位置:句子汇 → 优美的英语句子



A new moon, like a white pear flower, opens quietly in the light blue sky.


The earth on the ground was scorching hot. A few big brown crickets were jumping around like springs.


The bright moon like a jade plate hangs high in the light blue sky, and the moonlight pours down like water. The earth is silvery white.


The mountains that exposed the clouds were floating like islands.


The solemn pledge of the past has already turned into a bubble under the double impact of reality and years.


The honeydew melon blushed, so he had to ask the teacher Xinlan for advice.


The blue lake water and the blue sky are connected. It's hard to tell which is the lake water and which is the day.


Originally, life is so cruel, too many beautiful things can not stand the test of time.


I love spring, because spring is full of life, full of new hope!


You can't use all the potential, all the blessings, all the cheapness, all the cleverness.


The bird is so fat, the whole body looks like a fluffy ball.


On the round face, two black and bright eyes like tadpoles twinkle. They are very cute.


Rain, rain like a crystal white pearls, drops to the ground, gradually merged into a stream.


When spring comes with her unique warmth and tide, it can also break one's soul.


White pear flower, pink peach flower and golden rape flower all send out strong fragrance.


When the pomegranate fruit is ripe, it will crack, revealing the seeds like pearls and agates, like the bright teeth of a girl's smile.


Autumn is coming to us with steady steps. Go away quietly.


A child turns his back like a wheel. It's so beautiful!


You see, the trees are like the defenders who stick to the frontier. After the cold winter, they still stand strong there.


Books are immortal. It is the longest fruit of human activities.


Some of the poor grass, in the gap between the pebbles Liao Ruo morning star to spit light green.


This spring, not only gives people new life, but also gives people new hope. I love this beautiful spring.


Spring wind blows, the colorful flowers gently shake, sending out bursts of fragrance, attracted a small bee.


This is an ordinary apple. One side is red, red is yellow; the other side is yellow, yellow is red.


When the canteen started to eat, the whole school was crowded like ants on a hot pot.


The pine trees on the peak of Taishan look like a sword eyebrow on a person's cheekbone.


There is a purple glow in the sky, like a blooming red rose.


It's not a butterfly, it's not a bird, it's a red leaf dance, it's a yellow leaf floating, like a telegram from a girl in autumn.


The long tail of the little black cat sways like a whip.


Winter to spring, willows spit green, warm spring wind blowing green endless wheat fields, blowing wrinkly quietly flowing water.


The bright red sunset lingers on the treetop, dropping a light melancholy. The woods are so quiet and beautiful in the shadow of the evening light.


Spring is like a new baby. It's new from head to foot. It's growing.


An old locust tree on the corner of the yard was motionless, and its numerous dead branches seemed to cast a fishnet into the sky.


He seemed to see Misha moving the rope that tied the balloon. Several students stood around, jabbering.


In March of Yangchun, there is a bright smile on the tall cherry tree, which is so romantic in the sunshine.


Spring girl uses her tender little hands to touch the willow branches; spring rain uses her little happy tears to bathe the flowers.


In the late autumn, all the pomegranates in this tree have opened their mouths, like blooming flowers.


Collier lay quietly on the bed, staring at the window.


The gully was filled with snow, as high as the back of the mountain, and became a flat snow paved square.


Life is wonderful because of sports, life is full because of fun, learning is profound because of thinking, and making friends is lasting because of sincerity!


It was eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and the bright sunlight had painted the leaves with gold and silver rings.


A bright red pomegranate flower hanging in the tree, pomegranate tree dressed like a shy girl.


He buried himself in his homework again. It was quiet in the room. He could only hear the pen scribbling on the paper.


The grass is also shaking under the breeze, as if singing and dancing gently with the morning wind.


A red balloon swayed up and stopped in front of the window of collier's room.


They were chirping in the air, as if calling other swallows to play with them.


The book is the companion of, accompany us to spend the happy life.


His shaved, well-defined round chin looked like a heel.


The sun was filtered by the cascading leaves, which turned into a light round light halo.


If there is no spring breeze, spring will lose half of her charm.


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