时间:2020-07-28 06:12:44当前位置:句子汇 → 优美的英文句子



The early summer sun from the dense layers of branches and leaves transmission down, the ground is full of copper coin size of the sparkling spot.


Sometimes, we are not waiting for someone or something; we are waiting for time, waiting for time, to change ourselves.


The perishable is life, like the flower that withers in a flash; however, what lasts forever is the desire for the future and the passion for life.


The spider dragged the flies back and forth, and when the flies were exhausted, the spiders happily enjoyed the meal.


If you are going to get married, let me tell you a very important philosophical saying. You must be patient and tolerant of each other's shortcomings.


The poplar, elm and locust trees, which have lost their leaves, stretch out their branches like charcoal to the gray sky.


Dare to take responsibility. Even if you can't do well, you should dare to accept it. Only in this way can you have a chance to improve.


He buried himself in his homework again. It was quiet in the room. Only the sound of pen rustling on the paper was heard.


At dusk, the light of the setting sun on the river, like many gold needles and silver threads, swayed with the water waves.


Life, the biggest choice is to take up, put down. Only in this way can you live a relaxed and happy life.


Everything must have a deadline, otherwise most people will spend as much time as they have.


Our school is like a big garden, how beautiful, how lovely, we thrive here.


Everyone is using others to achieve their own goals; but I like you, even if I know there is no result.


The window is covered with climbing ivy vine, they use thick green leaves to block those arrow like sunlight.


Occasionally, I stand alone in the wilderness at dusk to preside over the funeral of sunset for you.


The crescent moon is like a boat with a sharp bow, rowing in the quiet lake at night, bringing me a piece of love.


Sometimes, God doesn't give you what you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve better.


Memory, really can make a person become neuropathy, before a second, or the corner of the mouth slightly Yang, this second, but moist eyes.


Young people see that the road of life is full of brilliant flowers, and the old people see the beautiful setting sun.


The calm water in the river wakes up from the purity of winter and is dressed up green and green by the color of nature.


The breeze blows, the Yalu River will be covered with waves, issued a rhythmic sound, like a piece of music, pleasant to hear.


Don't care what others think of you behind your back, because these words can't change the facts, but they may disturb your heart.


Sometimes, you want to prove it to 10000 people. Later, you find that you only get one person who understands. That's enough.


The most miserable, the most humble, the most humiliated by fate, as long as there is hope, there is nothing to fear.


To you who lack motivation: I fight, for one reason, I want to get what I want.


With the broadening of horizons, the needs of things are not the same, so the people are changeable, the years are merciless, it is good to have a clear conscience.


I will remember the unexpected warmth of life, I will also remember the heavy rain, no umbrella days.


As soon as my finger touched the green leaf grass, the grass closed the leaf with shame and hung its handle with shame.


The color of the grass is rich and colorful. One by one, it is more vivid, natural and lively than the flower blanket woven by skillful hands.


The quickest and surest way to conquer fear and build self-confidence is to do what you fear until you have a successful experience.


Fight with your lover, you win, and your feelings fade. It's better to fight with yourself than to win.


In this world, we have to abide by many rules, but only for feelings, there are no rules, only go with the heart.


Don't blindly envy other people's success, all that, not suddenly, are all prepared.


Books introduce us into the best society and make us know the great wise men of all ages.


To be generally kind, and then just right indifference, and enough care, your life will be much easier.


Life, sometimes light as wind, light as water, sometimes thick as oil, strong as wine.


When we talk about birds, we will naturally have a light pigeon or a Colorful Peacock in our mind.


In early summer, all kinds of wild flowers are blooming, red, purple, pink and yellow, like bright spots embroidered on a large green carpet.


The reason why people are tired is that they can't be themselves more and more. You don't miss the past, you just have a bad life now.


On the surface of the water, there are a group of wild ducks, with brilliant feathers. In the afterglow of the sunset, they are like clusters of wreaths.


Some things hidden in the heart is a great grievance, words to the mouth and feel that it is not worth mentioning.


Those who complain about their fate will never change their fate; those who fight against it will never let it happen.


No matter how hard the road ahead, as long as the right direction to go, no matter how rugged, are closer to happiness than standing in place.


Where is success? Success lies in unremitting efforts. For anyone, success comes from unremitting efforts.


Between life and death, it is a lonely life journey. To keep a true love is to shine a warm light on life.


A day's inaction does not sleep fragrant, the life inaction is in vain, where the meaning of life is to find, every day has to waste.


During the meeting, we should keep a steady mind, pay attention to what we say and do, and don't be rash.


We are very ordinary, and we match. Happiness is not how much you have, but how much your heart is satisfied.


In summer, drizzle, highland barley seedlings "Gudong Gudong" to drink the rain, the grass is full of colorful wild flowers.


Winter snow like a crystal clear elf, mischievous somersault, falling on the hillside, floating on the earth.


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