时间:2020-04-22 09:40:32当前位置:句子汇 → 浪漫的英文句子



To the world, you are one person, but to me, you are my whole world.


You can give the rest of your life to me for safekeeping, and take over every word of my love words.


When I like you, I feel like a fiery poet, shaking word by word.


If the whole world maliciously adds up to you, then I will tell you the last world.


I like you just want to boast about your father and fill the sea with wisdom to achieve the goal until death.


You are the one who I can steal happiness just thinking about. You are so sweet and happy.


With you by my side, I feel like being watered by dew every day. I can't be sweet any more.


After meeting you, life is not difficult for a while. It's sweet in the street or in the evening breeze.


I want to give you the best in the world, but I find that you are the best in the world.


You are the joy you see, the love you hide in your heart. The next time I see you, the next time I'm obsessed.


Not all the things I like, but all the things I like.


I hope I can be your favorite. I'm very happy and proud to show off.


if you never leave me, i will be with you till death do us apart. Love is you, love is you.


I can't say why I love you, but I know that you are the reason why I don't love others.


A few beers, two lines of nonsense, if you listen carefully, every word is I miss you.


After meeting you, the ideal is no longer to ride and drink to the end of the world, but later I will go home.


There are thousands of different kinds of people in the world. Don't ask for the floating clouds. If a man is a rainbow, he will know it when he comes across it.


The little girl is not talented. Please forgive me for not being able to slap the right person to kill you.


The harder I love, the more powerless I can do to you. Your every move will completely affect my mood!


Take care of yourself if you have the ability, or let me take care of you honestly!


A person, a dream, this heart is the same; two people, a play, this life is the only.


Two years are like two days when you are here. When you are away, two days are like two years.


I haven't seen anything in the world. All my life, I only love your face.


I just hope this world can be very small, so small that I can see you as soon as I turn around.


The place I want to go most is your heart. My heart is not big enough to hold you.


I have you in my eyes, you have me in your eyes, no one else can break in, love should be so beautiful.


I want to give you a super cute gift, but the courier won't let me get into the box.


Don't wait for the girl who loves you to leave to go back to find out. Don't wait for the waves to be enough to find that the house is gone.


I don't have anyone to ask for it except you. I just don't want anyone but you.


There is a desert in your heart. I am a silent tree grower. I will plant as long as I can for the rest of my life.


I hope that one day, I can say good night to you without facing my cell phone, and you are right beside me.


I miss you not only in the short rainy season, but also in the clear sky for the rest of my life.


I like you, is the kind of think of your name, the heart is prone to tsunami mountain like.


If you are a cactus, I would like to bear all the pain to hold you.


If you want to warm a cup of tea for the rest of your life, don't forget to go home when the breeze blows.


It's good to be lucky twice in life, to meet you once and go to the end once.


Time is quiet and good. I want to grow old safely with you like this. I will not hurry or hurry.


I have a very long story that needs to be told to you all my life.


There are all bastards out there. I'm the only one who likes you very much.


I'm tired of being a lovely girl, and suddenly I want to be your wife.


Every time I can hear your goodnight before I go to bed, it is my simplest and lasting happiness.


I can't say why I love you, but I know you are the reason why I don't love others.


In fact, the best memories are in the present, in the present, and this will be the best time of life.


I have nothing to do with other people's life or death, but I can't sit back and ignore you as long as you frown lightly.


I want to write a love letter to you: years as a pen, with the heartbeat as a handwriting.


Many people try to be human beings, but I'm different. I just want to be your sweetheart.


I know when I began to speak carefully to you. I remember I used to be arrogant.


Since I fell in love with you, I have been separated from gravity, because my center of gravity has become you.


I can not be sad for others, but you are not others, you are my people.


Jianghu has a long way to go. The rest of my life is too long. But with you, I suddenly began to love Jianghu and look forward to the rest of my life.


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