时间:2020-04-22 09:40:17当前位置:句子汇 → 浪漫的英语爱情句子



You said, ten li peach blossom, two people a horse, later, thanks to the prosperity, life and death speechless.


The answer is very long. I'm going to spend my whole life answering. Are you ready to listen?


Meeting you is like the clock of the whole world ringing, the flowers of the whole world blooming together!


You know what? I'm also an astronomer. They found the stars. I found you.


It's very kind of you. I love you. It's a pity that I'm not a poet. I can't say anything more beautiful!


As long as I still love you, every day you walk by is my confession for you.


In today's temperament, there are the roads you have walked, the books you have read and the people you have loved.


Beef, pork and mutton. Which kind of meat do you like? I know. It must be my heart.


Who is the best in the world? I just want to be the only one in your heart forever.


You are the eastern hemisphere, I am the Western Hemisphere, together we are the whole earth.


Without the romance of film and TV series, I dare not allow you to live three lives, but to give you two halls and three rooms.


I'll be with you all my life, that's the future. If you change people, it's called settling down.


While still in love, I can still hold hands and never let go. As long as I can walk with you one more step, I will never bow my head.


It can cure all kinds of diseases in the world, but it's only for you. I like you to be sick. There is no medicine in the medicine.


If one day I don't come back, please blow out the light and don't wait for me.


You are a fog, an old dream, a poem written on sugar paper, a pub in my heart.


I don't know if I can meet you in the next life, so I will love you more in this life.


Love words hide in the wind, like people hide in dreams, you are still in my heart.


Like you, how can you give up, unless time passes, I die.


My heart used to be an island, where nothing grows. When you come, flowers and trees flourish.


There are three kinds of girls in the world: you in the morning, you at noon and you at night.


Don't ask for each other's ownership, just want to live together. Don't ask for the dead sea and the rotten rocks, just want the soul to accompany.


Since ancient times, the routine can't be kept, only the deep feeling can make people feel flirtatious. I learned the routine, and it's true to flirt with you.


After that, I will be responsible for making money, housework, raising you, and love me.


Do you know the difference between you and the stars? The stars are in the sky, you are in my heart.


Precious things are always rare in this world, so there is only one you in this world.


Those days that will last are called the rest of life. And the days related to you are the future.


You see, so many people, such a big world, I met you, you also met me, so good.


I have 40 million reasons to marry you, because you have 40 million dowries!


I don't know the reason why I love you, but I know the reason why I don't love others is to love you.


If I don't ask you to marry me, I will regret all my life, because you are my only one.


I love you, in any form, for any reason, I miss you, in any place, at any time.


Do you know the difference between you and the stars? The stars light the night, and you light my heart.


Before I meet you, I will be happy with you. After I meet you, I will be happy with you.


Want to be your pillow book, your cat in your arms, your lover. Want to be your cup of tea, night dream, ferry people.


For the rest of your life, the wind and snow will be you, and the plain will be you. The tenderness of heart is you, and the sight is you.


From the day I met you, every step I took was to get closer to you.


I will not ask you how you are doing in the future. I will accompany you to the old age myself.


If you want, I will always love you. If you don't want, I will always love you.


The love for you has already surfaced. Now it's all over the country, and it will continue in the future.


Do you know what I cherish most? It's the first word of this sentence.


You are the one I want to show off to the world, but I don't want to share with anyone.


Like you is not three minutes of heat, is a long time after planning, thoughtful.


Can you not change your seat? I want you to sit next to me. I want to look at you all the time.


Simplicity is not less, but there is no redundancy, enough is not more, but just you.


I'll give you back my love and memory. I don't want anything. Will you give me back your heart?


Of all the people I have met in my life, no matter how beautiful they are, they are not as dignified as you are.


You even have beautiful color on your fingertips, love you, from hair to fingertips.


Cut the bangs, put on the new clothes, always want to meet you, that's because I like you.


If the whole world maliciously adds up to you, I will tell you the love words of the last life.


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