时间:2020-04-16 06:58:21当前位置:句子汇 → 生日英文祝福语



Dreams fade and flowers fade. But what you have will be with you forever. Happy birthday!


I hope my best wishes to you are the freshest and the most enjoyable. Happy birthday!


I hope the grass in your heart will be green forever, your youth will last forever, and your smile will always open. Wish you a happy birthday, health and happiness!


I hope I can have peace and joy in my life and get what I want.


Those who carry the lamp on their back cast their shadows in front of themselves.


Dear self, never make a promise to others easily. The promise you make is the debt you owe!


How I want you to ask me what I want for my birthday.


A little wish is worth a thousand words. When the bell rings for your birthday, don't forget my wish. Happy birthday to you!


In the warm candlelight, there are my thoughts and expectations. Even though they are too far away, they still send endless thoughts and blessings.


Dear self, this world only can not go back and nothing can not go.


May our friendship be as natural, free and full of life as the combination of the sun and the earth.


Happy birthday, myself, from now on, it's just my birthday. Come on, I hope the future will be better and better.


Flowers bloom like a dream, the wind has no trace, blessing although gently, but in the heart forever. Wish you: happy birthday, peace and happiness!


I wish myself a happy birthday and don't have to feel sorry for the indifferent people.


Time is a surprise. The past has gone and the future has come. Happy birthday to you.


Baby, your birthday is today, I wish you lovely still, happy!


Today is my birthday, I don't know what song to send to myself. I just hope that in the future, the better, the happier.


May this little card add a little spring color, a little fun and a little joy to your happy day!


Tell me when you will come again, cultivate my barren smile and tie up my rudderless boat. Wish you happy today!


The first light in the morning, cast in your bicycle basket, always accompany you into the birthday wish!


You give me a tear, and I see the whole ocean in your heart. Happy birthday to myself.


Dear oneself, remember to look up to the sky often, remember to look up to the sky when you also want to look at your feet.


Smile at past regrets. In the future, I will live up to it and wish myself a happy birthday.


I want to find someone who can make up all the gifts for my birthday.


Today, like a bird's new wings, tomorrow, like an eagle. Wish you a happy birthday!


Time is like flowing water, and it's time to welcome your 23rd birthday. It should be said that you are one year old or old.


Because I don't care, so I ordinary birthday.


I am not what I was, and time no longer has the same color. Today, I know who cares more about myself and loves myself well.


I wish you a happy birthday. happiness as immense as the eastern sea. longevity. go down to posterity.


A blink of an eye, how many years have passed, leaving in a hurry is time and back, engraved in the heart is the memories and expectations.


You are born one day later than the moon. Yesterday the moon was the most round. Tonight you are the most beautiful.


I hope you don't spare a little bit, don't spare yourself. In the rainy season, young people sing when the rain falls, while poetry and wine take advantage of the time.


In layers of green, I wish you a lot. happy birthday to me!


Create as much happiness as possible to fill the time, which can live with time to accompany happiness. Happy birthday to myself.


Dear myself, trust your intuition, don't provoke others, and don't let others provoke you.


On this special day, I wish life more and more beautiful, let beautiful and unrestrained accompany forever.


Birthday candles in the swaying season flowers, each is my wish: happy birthday baby!


I always yearn for many things. Happy birthday to myself.


May all happiness, all happiness, all warmth, all good luck surround you. Happy birthday!


Happy birthday, another year old, thanks to the friends who helped me in the past year.


Happy birthday to me!


Today is my birthday, I don't expect how good I will be, but I hope you will all have a good life.


Birthday is the joy and satisfaction of life day by day; birthday is the health and happiness of life day by day. Wish you happy today forever!


Unreal two thousand boundless, an encounter, will be unforgettable. Meet the host to leave a smile, do not know, why not. Happy birthday to myself.


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