时间:2020-08-08 06:30:29当前位置:句子汇 → 中秋节英语祝福语句子



Full moon tonight, family reunion, good cause of happiness, happy friends, sweet love, I wish you a happy day and a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the horizon is at this time. Raise your glass and invite your bosom friend. Searching and searching, no trace of you. Can you smell the mellow fragrance of wine?


The sea rises bright moon, the horizon altogether at this time, it is a beautiful full moon night, send you a moon cake, infinite missing and blessing do in it, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


The longer the wine is, the more mellow the wine is; the longer the friends are, the more true the friendship is; the more clear the water is, the lighter the vicissitudes of the world are. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


On the podium, winter and spring, summer, autumn and winter, the efforts are scattered; in the garden, helping the disabled and helping the weak, the wind, frost, rain and snow bring up new pistil pavilions. Dear teacher, hard work, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


The round moon is shining on the round dining table, and the round table is filled with round plates. The round moon cakes are full of round dreams, and the round dreams will be fully realized. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


The Mid Autumn Festival is high in autumn and cool in autumn. It coincides with the double festival. It is a good night to have a good night again. Pay attention to the white clouds under the moon, and wish you happy ten thousand years!


There is a light poem in the long cloud, a continuous joy in the light poem, my gentle greetings in the continuous joy, Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


The Mid Autumn Festival passes year by year, time flies like a shuttle; heaven palace que long, the world you are most happy! Everything is going well, thousands of years have changed; happiness in the cup, health in the cake! Happy Mid Autumn Festival, happy family!


Mid Autumn Festival, mid autumn moon round, hometown far in the sky, relatives dream around the soul, love love love, friendship thousands of friends, wish this scene, the bottom of my heart warm infinite!


Although I can't invite the bright moon with you, I'd like to send you a short message. I wish you a happy holiday!


Make skin with romance; stuffing with warmth; make egg king with happiness; people who know taste don't need more, and you are the best!


May you be as strong as an ox, or with a cochlea; as vigorous as a bird, or as an ostrich; as bold as a dragon, or discolored; as free as a fish, it will ring once you knock!


Autumn, I would like to enjoy in the early autumn night, bright moon in the sky, thinking is strong! Wish a Happy Mid Autumn Festival, remember to leave a piece of moon cake for me!


In other places, there are always family packages; years slip away, every day there is the immersion of kinship. Mid Autumn Festival is coming, let a simple local voice warm your heart. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival and all the best!


Bright moon: twinkling, hanging in the sky; missing: a trace, connecting into a line; memory: scene by scene, in front of you; hope, year after year, people get together! Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


May it be the early autumn sunset, slowly falling into your distant mountain's arms; may it be the mid autumn moon, gently scattered in the eyes like water; may be the late autumn chrysanthemum, blossoming in the autumn dream.


In the Mid Autumn Festival, I miss you deeply. All of them turn into short messages, passing through 3000 feet of high altitude, and then turn back to tell you gently: Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


It is worrying to leave you alone. Let you in this mid autumn festival, but also for our cooperation, I really feel sorry, but wish you a good journey, enjoy the mid autumn moon!


The moon rises in the heart, and the horizon is at this time. May we all be blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I wish you happiness and health. Career progress. Happy life, happy family!


With Yao Ming's height, bolt's speed and Du Li's accuracy, I solemnly announce to you: Happy Mid Autumn Festival, happy forever! Don't get excited. Hold on!


Time is shining with blessings, the air is fragrant with blessings, and the mood is blooming with blessings. When you open the message, wish you a relaxed time at this moment. Happy Mid Autumn Festival.


I wish you a good mood every day; bright moon in the sky sprinkle Qinghui, a pile of good things; thousands of good things, everything is good, the moon is round, people are reunited, I wish: Happy Mid Autumn Festival, all the best, wish things come true!


Send you a moon cake: it is filled with love, with reunion as the skin, cooked with the best heart. I wish you a happy reunion in this festival.


The bright moon light in front of the window, that is the Mid Autumn Festival, raise your head to look at the bright moon, low hair information, pass to you happy, pass you good luck, safe and prosperous, healthy and happy, Happy Mid Autumn Festival.


You ask me how much I love you, the moon represents my heart, you ask how much I think you have, the moon cake represents my love, you ask me whether I go home or not. Ha ha, today's Mid Autumn Festival, I'm going home to see my mother.


White clouds never promise to stay in the sky, but get along with each other day and night; stars never promise light to the dark night, but try their best to twinkle; I never pour out my thoughts to you, but always care about them. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!


The night of the Mid Autumn Festival, who is whose stranger. Through the river of love, over the persistence of love, who in the lonely moonlight, guarding that thousand years of autumn.


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