时间:2020-02-18 08:24:32当前位置:句子汇 → 英语毕业祝福语



Heaven rewards diligence. Nothing in the world has become a genius without hard work. May you be diligent day and night, and soon become a talent!


You have the same wisdom and a pair of hard-working hands, no matter where you are, luck and happiness accompany you at all times!


Break up in silence, just as we met in silence. May this warm breeze bring you my deep blessing and prayer!


Every corner of our alma mater is full of our friendship and fantasy. We parted in the mist.


In fact, graduation is not terrible, terrible is growing up, those former classmates and friends do not remember themselves.


Even if the season stranded, memory precipitation, that thin film with the years of fading, but also to develop that piece of warmth.


Between waves, only thanks teacher thanks roommate, most thanks is parents behind four years to give me silent support!!


To know is the will of heaven, to know is the will of man, to add up is friendship, to have feeling is to have intention, we can get together, because the heart has the spirit.


I sincerely congratulate you for opening up your own land with wisdom, talent, courage and perseverance.


No matter how long in the future, please cherish every moment of meeting; no matter how many spring, summer, autumn and winter, we are forever friends.


The beautiful dream like the morning glow is calling to you. You are a drop of water, will be active in the sea of the motherland!


You are a small boat moored in the port of youth. May you set up the sail of faith, carry the dream of hope, and sail to the vast ocean.


Hope is a tough crutch, patience is a travel bag, take them, you can embark on the eternal journey, travel all over the world.


Leaves leave is the amorous wind or the tree does not retain, you and I leave school is the urging of life or the youth does not stay.


May clouds and sunshine accompany you all the way to the ends of the earth; flowers and green grass will accompany you to make a great future.


You are the bud of the flower season, you are the eagle of spreading wings, tomorrow is your world, and everything is shining because of you.


Snowflakes flying season, we have been confused, feel lonely and desolate, but we came after all.


With your confidence, your openness, your perseverance, and my blessing, you will be able to drive to the other side of the ideal.


A firm handshake. The hand is intentional, the hand is affectionate, and there are thousands of words in the palm, but also my unspeakable secret.


Love books! Please believe that: it is the cornerstone of all buildings and monuments, it is the root of all pillars.


How many memories have we had in the maple forest with red leaves. The fluttering maple leaves bring us into a wonderful realm.


The reason why scrap iron can be a useful steel is that it can stand the painful grinding.


Mountains and oceans will separate us, but I can only meet you in the memory, meet you in the dream.


No matter how far in the future, you and I will grow up; no matter when we meet, we are forever friends.


When you start the machine in the morning, you can see my blessing to you, a rose in your heart, bringing you good luck for the day.


Tomorrow morning, I hope the clouds and the sun will accompany you to the end of the world; flowers and grass will accompany you to make a great future.


In our life, there used to be many strange lives that we just missed face-to-face, or even had no chance to look at each other.


Life is a profound book. Other people's notes can't replace their own understanding. I hope you can find something and create something.


After graduation, we agreed not to cry, but the tears came out that day.


Several years of classmates, I have made a deep friendship with you. I hope you and I can communicate with each other forever.


May you be like a seed, brave to break through the sand, and stretch out the tender green buds to the ground and point to the sky.


You cherish today, and embrace tomorrow with a hundred times passion, that is not, the future must belong to you!


My life into you, your life also contains me; when we meet again, you and I are still a whole.


Catch today! Hold it tight! Every minute of today, we need to make a difference, make progress and make progress!


Cut the continuous four-year schoolmate rain, unstoppable solidarity wind, relative desire to speak, tears fell silent. A piece of ice heart, a lot of tenderness.


If success is fraction, cleverness can only act as denominator and diligence as molecule. I hope you study hard and hard. I wish you success!


The higher a person's goal is, the faster his ability develops and the more he contributes to society.


From all over the world, to the north and the south. No matter where you go, please remember to come back more.


I used to hope for a unique and reliable lock to protect many secrets. Now, I'm as calm as a clear sky.


Children, I hope you can quickly get rid of the tender and childish, lift up the sail of creation, and sail towards maturity and the golden coast.


A long distance, a long line, with a long miss; far space, a long time, cut constantly to your hanging!


Graduation is coming soon, and a new journey is about to begin. I hope every friend can face up to every day in the future bravely!


Spring is the green world, autumn is the world of gold. May you brew the golden autumn with the green of youth!


No matter how long the future will be, please cherish every moment of meeting; no matter how many spring, summer, autumn and winter, we are forever friends.


You use your wisdom and knowledge to achieve the results of today, and you will be wise and resolute to accept the challenges of tomorrow. May you always keep your spirit.


In the busy life, don't forget to take a time to relax and keep a happy young heart forever.


May happiness be with you when you are happy. The separation melts the friendship more thick, reunites the first will be in that more splendid tomorrow.


May you sail the ship of faith to the sea of hope and plow the white waves.


There is no need to be melancholy on the road of life. There is always a bosom friend in every corner of the world. Seize the opportunity to cherish the fate and wish our friendship last forever.


The seeds of friendship are deeply buried in our hearts. When spring comes, it will sprout, and open the flowers that belong to you and me.


Although we are about to break up, I will hang on to you all the way. If we have time, we'll gather together to eat!


Walk with you, think back to our shared ideals; break up with you, looking forward to the carnival when we meet again.


Every day is the best of life. May we cherish our time and seize this day.


Graduation, please compose a youth song, with you and I in the journey to continue to forge ahead tomorrow!


Set up the ideal mast, the sail of faith, the rudder of advance, and the oar of self-improvement -- sail, the ship of youth!


What is your alma mater? When you first came here, you would like to leave early. But when you really want to leave, you are eager to stay for another day or two.


Let time leave its mark of diligence on the branches of knowledge, on the green leaves of wisdom and on the ripe fruits!


After the rain, the red glow, the sincere friendship, the water is not blocked by the stone, and the friendship is not scattered by the distance.


There are five colors on the earth, five color seashells on the beach, five lines in the movement, and five color roads in life.


Life is obtained from the flow of the stream; youth is shining in the pouring of the flying stream; the value of existence is presented in the running of the river.


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