时间:2020-06-01 06:29:33当前位置:句子汇 → 高考英文祝福语



I am waiting for you at the turning point of my life. Let me ask you like yesterday, would you like to walk with me? I wish the college entrance examination a success!


Resist the pressure and continue to endorse. The weather is hot and people are anxious. One generation of college entrance examination, two generations of accompanying examination. Students are busy, parents are hard. Fight alone with strong backing.


Let go of the tension in the past study, face it easily with a common heart, I believe you will get your ideal score, and wish you good luck all the time!


I travel all over the world. I study hard in three classes and two lessons. My future begins here. Wish you success in the college entrance examination!


You have a colorful world in your pen: wish you, and believe you, have another brilliant picture in your pen.


Come on! Brothers and sisters, don't forget that we also bless and cheer for you in the distance! On the college entrance examination list!


Fast exam, I hope you to shock based, supplemented by cheating; take division into my hiding, division back I copy, circuitous combat policy!


It will pay off if you give. Confidence is absolutely important. College entrance examination, don't forget to smile. Get a good sleep when you have time. Don't be nervous. Open the arms of Kunpeng and go straight to the sky.


A hard work, a harvest, God will never forget to study hard! Try to take the exam, because it pays to be diligent. I wish all the examinees of the college entrance examination to face the challenge calmly!


Ten years of hard work, all to be tested; ten years of grinding a sword, strength is now. Sword out of sheath, won the college entrance examination treasure!


When parting to open the curtains, when the memories sleep in front of the chest, to say goodbye is really sad, only love is still brilliant! Auld Lang Syne! The exam goes well, and we'll go through life together!


I hope that when you close the pen cover, you will be proud of your swordsman's sword!


When the mobile phone rings, it's greetings; when the mobile phone sings, it's blessings; when the mobile phone vibrates, it must be that I hold your hand. Successful college entrance examination! my friend.


Students preparing for the college entrance examination, please believe that the whole world will cheer for your college entrance examination!


Sincerely wish you a good result in the college entrance examination! The level of play. You are a smart and flexible person, I believe you will succeed! Come on, wait for your good news!


With hope and courage, we should strive to move forward on the road of life, so that we don't know where to go, or move forward step by step, and never give up when we are sad.


Heaven rewards diligence, once every cent pay, will receive 100 times return. No matter what the answer is, as long as we work hard and struggle, we will not regret it.


Challenge life is my regretless choice, winning the college entrance examination is my unremitting pursuit.


Treat test questions: calm, optimistic, treat tests: serious, confident. Wish the college entrance examination smooth!


Tough times will always pass, as long as you can stick to them. I wish you good results in the college entrance examination!


Fate meet, love know each other, heart cherish each other. My forever good friend, you must be the best, you will win the college entrance examination.


Determined, down-to-earth; assiduous study, hard thinking; stable mentality, do not give up; go all out to win. I wish the college entrance examination a success!


Please believe that all the burdens you bear now will become gifts for the future. For youth, for dreams, struggle! insist!


College entrance examination has a common mind, will have the best play; with self-confidence, will be able to cross every obstacle. I wish the college entrance examination a success!


When parting to open the curtains, when the memories sleep in front of the chest, to say goodbye is really sad, only love is still brilliant! Auld Lang Syne!


Go all the way! As a college student, I know the examinee's present state and mentality. In the college entrance examination, I just want to say that we should strive for improvement in stability and based on reality.


Down to earth, work hard to prepare for the war; full of self-confidence, meet the challenges; calm down, treat the college entrance examination; wonderful pen, fresh flowers, gold list title. Believe in yourself, you can do it!


I wish you spring breeze, talent such as surging, answer such as flow, a hundred hair in a hundred, eloquent, points are scored, questions will be done!


Active preparation; optimistic response; hard work; strive for victory! My dear comrades in arms, persevere in the end, is victory! Bless you: win the college entrance examination!


If you want to be sweet, turn yourself into a worker bee, gather in the flower core, if you want to be intelligent, turn yourself into a fish, and soar in the ocean of books.


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