时间:2020-07-25 08:13:17当前位置:句子汇 → 英语经典语录


1、You can bow your head, but you must not give up.你可以低头,但绝不能放弃。

2、I'm waiting for the only soul in the world.我在等,世界唯一契合灵魂。

3、Ask for a conscience to take care of me and leave some room for others.求个良心管我,留些余地处人。

4、I don't want you to see my tears.我的眼泪,不想让你看见。

5、Everyone appreciates the misty soup and listens to the lies.迷汤人人欣赏,假话人人爱听。

6、Deep in the street, the same old rut.陌上深深,依旧年时辙。

7、Strangers are like jade, and gentlemen are unparalleled in the world.陌上人如玉,君子世无双。

8、We will eventually meet better ourselves.我们终将遇见更好的自己。

9、Learned to be tolerant and to be indisputable.学会了宽容,知道了不争。

10、On the first night of this year, the moon and lights remain the same.今年元夜时,月与灯依旧。

11、Heroes come from all walks of life, and heroes grow in all directions.英雄出于四野,好汉长在八方。

12、Yumei is thin and hates the life of the Eastern Emperor.玉梅消瘦,恨东皇命薄。

13、Self love is the beginning of the long romance of life.自爱是人生漫长浪漫史的开端。

14、Landing as a brother, why flesh and blood!落地为兄弟,何必骨肉亲!

15、It takes courage to look up and courage to bend down.抬头需要底气,弯腰需要勇气。

16、Avoid pain, pain always exists.回避痛苦,痛苦永远存在。

17、People are heartless and heartless, so they can live without fatigue.人没心没肺,才能活着不累。

18、All the unhappiness is due to thinking too much.所有的不开心都是因为想太多。

19、Exchange ten years for half a lifetime of madness.用十年时光,交换半生痴狂。

20、Be open-minded, challenge and meet!豁达些,去挑战,去遇见!

21、Greed, your face, is poverty.贪心,你的嘴脸,就是贫穷相。

22、Seek truth from facts and don't waste time.实事求是,不浪费时间。

23、True love should be cherished.真正的爱情,要懂得珍惜。

24、Wrong direction, return to zero and start again.方向错误,归零重头再来。

25、More disappointment, less expectation.失望多了,期望就少了。

26、Some stories can't stand later.有些故事,经不起后来。

27、In terms of knowledge, breadth is not as good as depth.在知识上,广博不如深度。

28、Don't give up until the last minute.不到最后一刻,千万别放弃。

29、There is a good wife in the family and she is kind all her life.家有一贤妻,终生都和气。

30、Those who cannot see through are in trouble everywhere.看不透的人,处处是困境。

31、May you find someone to spoil you forever.愿你觅得良人宠你万世千秋。

32、Liberation is not impossible, but fear of suffering.解脱不是做不到,而是怕苦难。

33、The eastern sky has come. Can spring be far behind?东天已经到来,春天还会远吗?

34、The rest of life is getting shorter and shorter, and the dream is getting farther and farther.余生越来越短,梦想越来越远。

35、The cold food of the Ming Dynasty, another spring.明朝寒食了,又是一年春。

36、If you don't have the ability, don't indulge the fickle mood.没能力,就别放纵善变的情绪。

37、I don't know when I have to go back with you?不知何岁月,得与尔同归?

38、Self confidence and future are given by yourself.自信和未来都是自己给的。

39、Night window hanging practice, what use to pay light to the bright moon.夜窗垂练,何用交光明月。

40、In the era of theoretical pilotage, it shows great power.理论引航时代,方显雄浑伟力。

41、Live in harmony, be approachable and integrate into the group.和睦相处平易近人,融入团体。

42、One step is close at your feet, and your life is boundless.一步近在脚下,一生漫远无边。

43、To me, you are the best.于我而言,你是最好的。

44、Although peony is good, it is supported by green leaves.牡丹虽好,全仗绿叶扶持。

45、How easy, how to live.怎么轻松,就怎么过吧。

46、Facts speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩,百闻不如一见。

47、In fact, it doesn't rain much. It's the wind that makes you nervous.其实雨不大,是风搞得紧张。

48、It was agreed not to be emotional, but I was moved.说好了不动情,我却动了心。

49、He who is born great laughs at impermanence.生得伟大者,笑对无常。

50、Love is patching up in bumps.爱是磕磕碰碰中的修修补补。

51、The sting dragon has been startled to sleep, and a roar moves thousands of mountains.蛰龙已惊眠,一啸动千山。

52、You should not belittle yourself because of the spirit of people with lofty ideals.恢弘志士之气,不宜妄自菲薄。

53、If you think of happiness, cherish it.你认为幸福的,就去珍惜。

54、The biggest thing in life is foolishness.人生,最大的愚蠢是欺骗。

55、Suffering is a kind of gold that has fallen in price.苦难是一种跌了价的黄金。

56、Your eyes are Jianghu, my eyes are you.你眼中是江湖,我眼中是你。

57、True feelings, don't waste it casually.真感情,不要随便去挥霍。

58、Those who love life are never losers.喜爱人生的人绝不是失败者。

59、Life is everlasting because of love.人生,因恩爱而天长地久。

60、Years can't help waiting too long.岁月禁不起,太长的等待。

61、Love begins with doting, and love begins with understanding.爱始于宠爱,爱源于谅解。

62、Hold your lover's hand and follow me gently.握着情人手,温柔随我走。

63、Old China is worried about the evening. Who wants to be old?岁华向晚愁思,谁念玉关人老?

64、All my life, I want to feel happy.一辈子,就图个心里痛快。

65、Bend down before you can lift your head.弯得下腰,才抬得起头。

66、Strive to build strength, attitude determines height.努力造就实力,态度决定高度。

67、There's nothing to say. In fact, it's disabled.无话可说,其实已经残了。

68、It is the tears of the wind and the memories of love.是风起的泪,是爱的回忆。

69、Believe in yourself, believe in everything, come on.相信自己,相信一切,加油。

70、Consider greed and bitterness, and satisfaction is happiness.思量贪欲苦,满足便是福。

71、Three hundred miles from the mirror lake, lotus blossoms grow on the lotus.镜湖三百里,菡萏发荷花。

72、Hearing the heavenly language, he politely asked me where I belong.闻天语,殷勤问我归何处。

73、Failure is a matter, not a person.失败的是事,绝不应是人。

74、I hope you are happy now and in the future.希望你开心,现在和未来。

75、Different lives have different tastes.不同的生活,有不同的味道。

76、The falling flower man is independent and the little swift flies.落花人独立,微雨燕双飞。

77、Travel and experience in a strange environment.旅行,去陌生的环境里去感悟。

78、What will happen to mankind if we lose our dreams?如果失去梦想,人类将会怎样?

79、Learn to be lazy and do what you should do!学会偷懒,学会做该做的事!

80、Don't humble yourself and despise others.不卑微自己,不傲视他人。

81、If it's a wolf, it's a good tooth, and if it's a sheep, it's a good leg.是狼就炼好牙,是羊就炼好腿。


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