时间:2022-04-12 12:30:16当前位置:句子汇 → 英语励志语录经典短句


1、Behind every hard work, there must be a double reward.每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。

2、Pain is the label of the thinker, and happiness is the yardstick of the successful.痛苦是思想者的标签,快乐是成功者的标尺。

3、Many failures are not because of limited ability, but because they don't stick to it.很多失败不是因为能力有限,而是因为没有坚持到底。

4、As long as we are full of hope, I believe God will give us a chance to be happy.只要我们充满希望,我相信上帝会给我们幸福的机会。

5、Sometimes crying doesn't mean being weak, but being strong for too long.有时哭并不代表脆弱,而是因为坚强太久了。

6、A person cannot bring confidence to others unless he has confidence in himself.一个人除非自我有信心,否则无法带给别人信心。

7、As long as you make efforts, you don't regret anything. Everything is possible.只要付出了努力,什么都不后悔了一切皆有可能。

8、April showers bring May flowers.宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。


9、No matter how slow the pace is, it doesn't matter. As long as you're walking, you'll always see progress.不管脚步有多慢都不要紧,只要你在走,总会看到进步。

10、As long as you don't give up your efforts and pursuit, grass also has the value of decorating spring.只要不放弃努力和追求,小草也有点缀春天的价值。

11、Reading without reading is like having a good friend; Reading a book you have seen is like meeting an old friend.读未见书,如得良友;读已见书,如逢故人。

12、Diligence is the code of your life. It can translate a magnificent epic.勤奋是你生命的密码,能译出你一部壮丽的史诗。

13、Competition is not who works harder, but who works harder.竞争不是比谁努力,而是比谁更努力。

14、Always full of hope for life, for difficulties and hardships, smile.永远对生活充满希望,对于困境与磨难,微笑面对。

15、As long as you have confidence, you will never be defeated.只要有信心,人永远不会挫败。

16、Try to make yourself shine, and the right people will welcome the light.努力让自己发光,对的人才会迎光而来。

17、Keep your faith and your dreams will come true.让信念坚持下去,梦想就会实现。

18、All things have cracks. That's where the light comes in.万物皆有裂痕,那是光照进来的地方。

19、To succeed, first study success.要成功,先研究成功学。

20、Although the past cannot be changed, the future can.虽然过去不能改变,未来可以。

21、When the world is saying let go, gently tell yourself: try again.当世界都在说放下的时候,轻轻地告诉自我:再试一次。

22、No matter what happened in the past, the best has not yet come.无论过去发生什么,最好的尚未到来。

23、If you have bad luck, please try your courage.如果运气不好的话,请试试勇气。

24、Looking forward, you should be more open and firm.向前看,你应该越活越开阔,越活越坚定。

25、There is no destiny that can be conquered without contempt, tolerance and struggle.没有一种不通过蔑视、忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。

26、Success is the crystallization of effort. Only effort can lead to success.成功是努力的结晶,只有努力才会有成功。

27、Spring water, the more tortuous the road of struggle, the purer the soul.泉水,奋斗之路越曲折,心灵越纯洁。

28、As long as you work hard and never give up, there are infinite possibilities.只要努力拼搏,永不放弃,就有无限的可能性。

29、To achieve your set goals, you must be able to stand lonely and work alone.实现自己既定的目标,必须能耐得住寂寞单干。

30、Learning is not necessarily successful.学习不一定成功,不学习一定不会成功。

31、Only when we can bear the wind and rain of the journey can we finally keep the rainbow all over the sky.只有承担起旅途风雨,才能最终守得住彩虹满天。

32、Thought is like a drill. We must concentrate on one point and drill down to have strength.思想如钻子,必须集中在一点钻下去才有力量。

33、Refuse severe smelting, and the ore is no more valuable than it was before it was excavated.拒绝严峻的冶炼,矿石并不比被发掘前更有价值。

34、Life is like a cup of tea. It won't be bitter for a lifetime, but it will always be bitter for a while.人生就像一杯茶,不会苦一辈子,但总会苦一阵子。

35、Don't live up to your best self at your best age.别在最好的年纪,辜负最好的自己。

36、With little stars hidden in my heart, life can shine.心里藏着小星星,生活才能亮晶晶。

37、Success often lives next door to failure!成功,往往住在失败的隔壁!

38、The climber who aspires to the top of the mountain will not be intoxicated with a footprint along the way.志在峰巅的攀登者,不会陶醉在沿途的某个脚印之中。

39、Right here, we must succeed!就在这儿,一定要成功!

40、If you don't work hard, others want to give you a hand, but they can't find where your hand is.不努力的人,别人想拉你一把,却找不到你的手在哪里。

41、Getting better slowly is the best gift for yourself.慢慢变好,才是给自己最好的礼物。

42、Use every second of your life to give yourself a future you don't regret.用这生命中的每一秒,给自我一个不后悔的未来。

43、Instead of worrying too much, it's better to give it a go.与其顾虑太多,倒不如放手一搏。

44、Those who have ambition fight heaven and earth, while those who have no ambition resent heaven and earth.有志的人战天斗地,无志的人怨天恨地。

45、If you choose your own way, you should finish it on your knees.自己选择的路,跪着也要把它走完。

46、Life without brothers and sisters is like life without sunshine.生活中若没有兄弟姐妹,就像生活中没有阳光一样。

47、Fate is in your own hands, and the quality of fate is created by yourself.命运掌握在自己手里,命运的好坏由自己去创造。

48、Stars don't ask passers-by, and time pays off those who have a heart.星光不问赶路人,时光不负有心人。

49、Don't let cowardice deny you, and don't let laziness delay your youth.别让怯弱否定了自己,别让懒惰耽误了青春。

50、Without saliva and sweat, there will be no tears of success.没有口水与汗水,就没有成功的泪水。

51、A trip to the world, positive and upward, not thinking about the past, not afraid of the future.人间一趟,积极向上,不念过往,不畏将来。

52、Do not forget the original heart, we must always, with the original heart, take the long-term road!不忘初心,方得始终,用最初的心,走长远的路!

53、A temporary setback can often become knowledge and insight through indomitable fighting.一时的挫折往往能够经过不屈的搏击,变成学问及见识。

54、Try, but don't worry. Numerous flowers, brocade clusters and fruitful fruits all need process.要努力,但不要着急。繁花锦簇,硕果累累都需要过程。

55、Adhere to the enterprising and sunny attitude, luck and perfection will come unexpectedly!坚持进取阳光的心态,幸运和完美就会不期而至!

56、Not all goals can be achieved, but it can be used as an aiming point.目标不是都能达到的,但它可以作为瞄准点。

57、Siege is not afraid of difficulties. It is not difficult to study. Science has dangers, and hard work can pass.攻城不怕坚,读书莫为难,科学有险阻,苦战能过关。

58、Take your time. Who hasn't made an effort.慢慢来,谁还没有一个努力的过程。

59、In the face of disaster, we should not give in, but face it bravely.在灾难面前不屈服,而应更加勇敢地去正视它。

60、The hillside is always the most crowded. You have to go to the top of the mountain.半山腰总是最挤的,你得去山顶看看。

61、The hope of tomorrow makes us forget today's pain.明天的希望,让我们忘了今天的痛苦。

62、When you find this road difficult, it must be uphill.你觉得这条路很难走的时候,一定是上坡路。

63、Desire to enhance enthusiasm, perseverance to smooth mountains.欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。

64、Success is the boss!成功这件事,自己才是老板!

65、Through the path of clouds, kiss only the footprints of climbers.通过云端的道路,只亲吻攀登者的足迹。

66、The most indispensable thing in life is a substitute. You are not excellent and you don't meet anyone.人生最不缺的是代替者,你不优秀遇见谁都没有。

67、Only through hell like torture can we have the power to conquer heaven.只有经历过地狱般的折磨,才有征服天堂的力量。


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