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People do not come out of the womb and they will be unchanged. Instead, life will force him to be removed and changed again and again


What she dislikes is far from the ugliness of the world, but the beautiful mask that the world wears


I prefer to open my future by my own strength, rather than to the strong


In different circumstances, how changeable is the human feelings! What we love today is often what we hate tomorrow; What we pursue today is often what we escape tomorrow; What we hope for today is often what we fear tomorrow, and even frightens us


Virtue is like a famous fragrance. It is burning or pressing, and its fragrance is stronger. It is the best to reveal evil virtue and bad luck to reveal virtue


In sweet dreams, everyone is equal, but when the sun rises and the struggle for survival begins again, how unequal is the relationship between people


It is not heavy to overwhelm her, but to be too light to bear


Most people die at the age of twenty-three, because they are only their shadow after that, and then spend the rest of their lives imitating themselves, day after day, more mechanical and more pretentious to repeat what they have done in their lifetime, what they think and what they love and hate


You must not talk to anyone about anything. You just talk about it, you will miss everyone


Is your life your happiness really lies in pretending that you have no identity, spending money you can't afford, wasting your precious time in school, and meeting that society


Every day is a new day. Good luck, of course, but I'd like to do it exactly. That way, when luck comes, you'll be ready


Adults are learning bad. God is testing them. You have not been tested yet. You should live according to the children's ideas


Life I, there are always some pieces at that time look irrelevant, but in fact, it has affected the overall situation


The closer you are, the farther the road, the simplest tone, the hardest practice


To forgive, to forget, life is full of misfortune—— Mario puzzo, Godfather


I will forget the paths, mountains and fields in my dreams, and those dreams that can never be realized


Life can't be as good as you think, but it won't be as bad as you think. The fragility and strength of human beings are beyond their imagination


Life is mediocre, short-term long, but not the way to gain and loss is difficult to measure


Do you think I am poor and have no feelings when I look flat? I swear to you that if God gives me wealth and beauty, I will make you unable to leave me, just as I can't leave you now. Although God did not, we are still equal mentally


For each of us, there is a balance between our intelligence, our morality, our temperament, and they develop themselves without interruption unless life is interrupted by major changes


As long as you are swan eggs, it doesn't matter if you are born in a chicken farm


Happy families are the same, and unhappy families are different—— Anna Karenina by Lev Tolstoy


It depends on whether a person is really valuable, and in front of his desire, in front of his career, set up obstacles, if true skills, will overcome difficulties or bypass obstacles


If you want something, you have to let it free, if it comes back to you, it belongs to you, and if it doesn't come back, you never have it


I just wanted to prove that the devil seduced me then and later told me that I had no right to go that way, because I was just a lice, just like all the rest of the people


The more you have no heart, the higher you rise, you strike others mercilessly, and others will be afraid of you. You can only use men and women as posthorses, and they are exhausted and thrown down on the stand so that you can reach the peak of desire


Our heart is a treasure house, and when it is emptied, it will go bankrupt. One takes out all emotions, just as he spends all his money, and can't be forgiven


The surface is a clear lie, but behind it is the obscure truth


When sorrow comes, it is not a single one, but in groups


God gives people limited power but gives people unlimited desires


"When the water is full, the moon is full, the profit is lost". The world has never been more beautiful, but not the most beautiful. And the closest moment to perfection is the easiest time to go the opposite—— Anna Karenina by Lev Tolstoy


If a person is rejected by everyone, it is mostly his own bad


One may be arrogant but not vanity. Arrogance is our evaluation of ourselves, while vanity is our overemphasion of others' evaluation of us


If you are still in this world, it makes sense to me no matter what it is, but if you are not, no matter how good the world is, it is only a desert in my eyes, and I am like a ghost


Whether to survive or to destroy is a problem


The speed of time is unimaginable. You change your life secretly. I change my own. Sometimes I can't see myself in the mirror, but I see it in other people's faces


Good people are confused in their pursuit, but they will realize that there is a right way


Human nature is true. It is not only believable but also suspicious. It is weak and stubborn. He is not sure about his own ideas and works for others but also has a decision


All those who died with the wind belong to yesterday, all those who have gone through the wind and rain are facing the future


Life is as bleak as the roof with skylight facing north, and the boredom is a spider who is not heard, and is netting in the dark corners of her heart


Chasing dreams is chasing his own misfortune. On the streets full of sixpence, he looks up and sees the moonlight


Nothing is more convincing than time, because time can change everything without notice


Don't spit in the well, maybe you'll come and drink the water in the well


Love is like a tree, it grows itself, deeply rooted in our hearts, and can continue to thrive even in the ruins of our hearts. The more blind this feeling is, the more tenacious it is, it's incredible. It is the strongest when there is no reason


Life has never left loneliness and independence. Whether it is our birth, our growth, our love or our success failure, until the end, loneliness exists in the corner of life like a shadow


A person is not born to be defeated. You can destroy him as much as possible, but you can not defeat him


We always feel that we lack something to satisfy because we are lack of gratitude for what we have already received


Steel is made in a fire and cooled in a high degree, so it is very strong. Our generation has also been trained in struggle and hard trials, and learned to never lose heart in life


The true light is not always without dark time, but never be covered by darkness. A real hero is never without humble sentiment, but never succumbed to it


The fastest and slowest, longest and shortest, most common and precious in the world, the most easily overlooked, and the most regretful is time


Determination is nothing but a slave to memory, it will change according to your memory


All people seem very lonely, try their best to relieve loneliness in their own way. In fact, they continue their loneliness. Loneliness is the curse of creation on the community, loneliness is the only exit of loneliness


The person who makes people laugh most about their behavior is always the first to speak ill of others


Whoever, if you repay virtue with resentment, should be the public enemy of mankind. Those who do not know how to repay them are not worthy of living in the world


Hurry up to live, because a strange disease, or an unexpected tragic event, will break life


Understanding is usually just the sum of misunderstandings


Whenever I trace my youth, those days are like snow snow in the morning of snowstorms, and I am left by the wind


Sometimes, I may be vulnerable to a word on the face of tears, sometimes, also found myself biting teeth to go a long way


One thing is broken when it is broken. I'd rather remember what it looks like when it is at its best than mend it, and then look at those broken places all my life


The human heart can only hold a certain degree of despair. The sponge has absorbed enough water. Even if the sea flows over it, it can't add a drop of water to it


Love should give people a sense of freedom, not a sense of imprisonment


The mark of an immature man is that he is willing to die bravely for a certain cause, and the mark of a mature man is that he is willing to live humbly for a certain cause


Not being heard is not a reason for silence


We really have a hard life. First, we have to bear all kinds of external pressure, but also face our own inner confusion. In the process of struggling, if someone gives you an understanding look, you will feel the warmth of life. Perhaps a brief glance is enough to make me moved


What's the use of vows? Vows don't bind people. If you have some experience of a thing, it will restrain you. If you don't have some experience, nothing will restrain you


People can only survive with material; People, with ideals, can talk about life


Don't easily say your ideal, don't give others the opportunity to laugh at you


Although men and women love each other, they often want to be alone for a while. Once they are separated, they will inevitably arouse suspicion from each other


To be or not to be is a question worth pondering


Getting and losing is always more hurtful than never getting


Listen more but speak less; Listen to others, but reserve your own judgment


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