时间:2021-01-05 07:37:30当前位置:句子汇 → 英文说说爱情



It's a long story. I like you for a long time.


Don't forget the beginning, but always. It's easy to get the first intention, but hard to keep it.


I like you the most among all the landscapes where things are different.


I'm just waiting to lie at your feet like a puppy who loves you.


Sometimes happiness only needs one step! Eyes are not for crying.


Thanks to all the people who accompany me to the present, especially those who intend to stick to it.


No one is my opponent except you.


Husband is a woman's occupation, no husband is equal to unemployment, so the firm hold this job!


Happiness is that as long as you hold the right hand, even if you lose the sense of direction, you will not be afraid.


If you can always treat each other gently, then all the moments will be a flawless beauty.


Familiar with all your bad habits, see through all your ugly appearance, but still love you!


My heart for you on the lock, only you deeply hidden, my life only love you.


My love, long moth, my love, out of order.


Add your heart to my heart, even if the pain taste is willing to taste.


The world has never been a fairy tale, not so much love and warmth.


Don't look forward to the stars, look forward to you, don't pursue the stars and the moon.


Spring without flowers, life without love, it has become a world.


I'm easy to coax, but you don't like trouble.


Our love is lonely because we can't find a match.


Am I the only one who has an umbrella and is still wet?


I love such a hand. Its strength makes me feel like a hand.


I've been looking for spring for half of my life. Just smile.


I don't need that person to be perfect, I just need that person to make me feel that I'm the only one.


When I'm with you, I'm tolerant of you.


I just want to be happy all my life.


Meeting the right person at the right time is not a strong feeling, but a permanent peace of mind.


Thank you for your time. Avoid the storm, let me just meet you.


Time precipitation down the most sincere love, but also the strongest.


Now, people all over the world know that you are my world.


Dear, I will always love you, because you are the most important person in my life.


If you don't look at your cell phone when you are together, and if you don't get a second message when you are not together, it's the true love of modern people.


I don't want to hit the south wall. I want to hit my husband's chest.


I found you in this corner of the world.


Don't be easily influenced and don't be too rational. People can't live too clearly, just know in the heart.


I'm selling sunsets. You are as generous as a God. You withdraw the light to me. From then on, people will be lit.


I want to live with you. If not, I can live with you.


It doesn't matter whether fate comes early or late. Meeting you is my best time.


I like the wind in March, the rain in April, the sun never setting, and the best of you.


When you are there, you are everything; when you are not there, everything is you.


Because I love you, so I give you all my good temper.


As long as I see your smile, the world is not so bad.


Pet you is my compulsory course, love you is my professional course, you are my life on the endless course.


Don't tell me this so-called love, I don't believe it.


Taiji gives birth to Liangyi, Liangyi gives birth to Sixiang, Sixiang gives birth to Bagua, Bagua gives birth to all things, and all things are inferior to you.


Let a person you love love love you, the only way is to love him less.


Those repeated thoughts eventually become unremarkable secret love.


Alone, listening to two people's songs, so warm and desolate.


All stories will have a good ending. If not, don't worry, it means the story hasn't come to an end.


To others, you are a person, but to me, you are my whole world.


Your words have been locked in my memory. You can keep the key for me for a lifetime!


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