时间:2020-04-24 06:58:25当前位置:句子汇 → 万圣节朋友圈英文说说



Come and tell me! You dead man!


You take the money out and keep it. I sent it to you. When you look at the square space, you can see that I smile at you.


Message to you: to give you a big muscle of werewolf, to give you a young face of blood sucking angel, to give you a happy Halloween!


I bought a set of witch's clothes for my child. Now she is running all over the floor on a mop. It seems that there is no need to wipe the floor today.


If I'm single for a long time, I'll be excited on Halloween. In case a ghost girl comes to catch me tonight.


Be your own happy ghost every Halloween.


All saints, all victories, I wish you love, all battles, all victories! All saints and all prosperity, wish you health and energy! There is no jack-o-lantern, but I still harrow. Happy Halloween!


The little pig has a protruding stomach, thick feet and a beep face. It can't get in and out of one mouth. Where is the little pig now? The night of the saints breathes.


On Halloween night, light the pumpkin lamp in your hand, light up the black melancholy, put on your happy mask, and welcome the happiness that should belong to you.


Halloween is really boring. I spent the night talking with a pumpkin.


I don't want to say, I'm lonely, I don't want to say, I'm lonely, because today is Halloween, you and I should take out a carnival mood to face life.


Children want sugar, and adults want wealth.


Everyone has Valentine's day and Christmas in the west, but why do few people have Halloween? Maybe it's just because women don't get presents!


The wind blows through the fallen leaves on the street, ushering in a group of small ghosts with light steps. Let's dance and dance in the night! Happy Halloween!


Halloween, ghosts know what you are thinking, how or ignore me, I did not make a mistake, how do you want me to do, I have to pretend to frighten, you will be happy.


Suddenly I found that I became a zombie, but don't be afraid, as long as a piece of things printed with Grandpa Mao can hold me, and the effect of red is the best.


Good looking people have been to Halloween, ugly people live at home for wanzuo Festival!


All ghosts walk in the night. We are more happy than ghosts.


I wish Halloween night, you and your friends, over the gain and loss of the voice screamed chicken skin, over the dead and the living together to frighten.


Remember last year today? I didn't mean to scare you! But that was the first time I held you in my arms!


Jack-o '- lantern, ghost mask, trick or treat me if you don't eat it, call the big devil and the little devil, pester you at night, surround you, are you afraid? Ha-ha! Happy Halloween!


Better than Halloween, tomorrow is Saturday.


Give you a gift: the first: lucky talisman! The second: according to the demon down the mirror! Third: kill the ghost and kill the strange sword! Wish you a safe and happy Halloween!


After working hard for several days, my mother stewed the pumpkin mask with potatoes.


It's Halloween tonight. The single and unmarried beauties must be careful. The timid can come to my house to sleep.


Have you teamed up with me to ask for candy from door to door? My candy store will open tomorrow!


Wan Shengye sister goes shopping and sees two dogs mating. She doesn't understand that she says it's a fight. A man next to her laughs after listening. She stares at him. He says, "what are you doing staring at me?"? Want to fight?


It's said that it's Halloween. The streets are full of people dancing. Remember to go home early and close the doors and Windows before you go to bed!


Pumpkin masks are placed to exorcise evil spirits, throw sacrifices to comfort souls, present candy to friends, and pray for happiness and peace. Halloween, may you be safe and happy!


If you meet a ghost, you will fall into your arms, but where are you?


It's said that it's ghost day. There are lots of people dancing in the street. Remember to go home early and fasten the door.


Hello! Who is the man standing behind you! Why follow you all the time? God, he'll turn around with you! Happy Halloween!


Man is a ghost. He is omnipotent. He goes to heaven and earth. He is always right and left. Behind the gentle, there are always ghosts. Miracles happen. Don't be shy. Because of all saints, happiness is good.


Important notice, no matter what you see tonight, don't shout, because you will get up in the morning with an uncomfortable voice.


Today Halloween, the long good-looking ones pay attention not to be obsessed by me!


Today, the kid will sneak out. Come to my arms and I will protect you.


It is said that you must not spend money on Halloween, because every dollar you spend, you will have ten cents less in your pocket, very accurate!


No matter what you see tonight. Remember never to shout, because he will be with you all the time. Ha-ha! Happy all saints!


The wind blows through the fallen leaves on the street and ushers in a group of young ghosts with light steps. Let's dance and have a lot of stories tonight! Happy Halloween!


It's Halloween to light up the carnival night with pumpkin lamp. I hope every lonely soul will be as happy as a ghost.


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