时间:2021-03-05 07:26:48当前位置:句子汇 → 英文签名简短最新



I plucked up the courage to say I love you, but you told me to stop.


I can't blame her for valuing sex over friends, just because she is surrounded by dogs.


It's obviously your fault. You can turn it around. Brother, you're great.


The person who used to make me move most is now the one who makes me cry.


Work hard and try to be the best.


We went so far that we forgot why we were on the road in the first place.


In this world, no one is reliable. We can only rely on ourselves.


Time will not heal the wound, only let the blood slowly, until death.


Yearning for warm sunshine birds, a pair of tireless wings.


Later, I learned that once some people miss it, thank God.


Love words have been destroyed. It's too early to promise. In the end, it's just a trap.


How much you want to make up with him, but the memory will trap you in a cage.


I want to be a lover with you, but you refuse. You want to be a friend with me, but I can't.


What makes people tired is not the mountain in the distance, but a grain of sand in their shoes.


If you have a dream in your heart, you should strive to dream. Keep going forward.


Don't blame you ruthlessly walk away, only blame I can't cross into your heart.


You look like an idiot on the left, a fool on the right, a pig on the top and a donkey on the bottom.


You can ignore me, but you can't ignore me.


The second row of letters on the keyboard means to cry after falling in love with each other.


Don't ask others why, ask yourself why.


Rest is to make the future go a longer way.


People should never forget their dream of starting a business on the first day.


If you intend, I will love you deeply; if you do not intend, I will never care.


You have to believe that after thousands of sails, there will always be someone who loves you with his life.


The person you can't let go may have already found someone to replace you.


At the beginning of love, it is you; at the end of love, it is you; in the eyes, in the heart and in the life, it is you.


Where there is genius, I use other people's coffee drinking skills in my work.


I lost my cell phone in the middle of the night. As a result, I picked up my slippers and fell asleep!


There is one thing I want to ask you to do me a favor. It's not suitable for anyone except you. Be my object!


Give up should not give up is incompetent; do not give up should not give up is persistent.


I, will not ask, will not mention, sad on a person kept walking.


Every day's expectation, every day's extravagance. Then, daily disappointment.


People who lie in bed don't feel the warmth of the sun.


You are the obsession of my boring life and the future that I am thinking about.


Don't be tough with me, otherwise I lose face and you lose life.


One does not know how to keep the other does not look back, such two people are doomed to go their separate ways.


I don't believe in righteousness, I don't believe in evil, I don't believe in happiness, but I believe in you.


In fact, I'm not kind. I don't mind if you are lonely for a hundred years and die without a tomb.


The person who tries hard to make you laugh is always inferior to the one who laughs when you meet.


People stay in a place for a long time, there will always be times when they want to change.


Excellent and hard, this is a girl's best state.


The best feeling in the world is to find your heart laughing.


I still remember that year, the autumn wind Wanli dusk clouds, the most beautiful love, always live in memory.


I don't allow anyone to take away the people I care about.


Who is not crying for independence while yearning to be loved!


If you want to change your destiny, change yourself first.


Don't be brave, don't lie, people who understand you will know who you are.


You can never afford my feelings. It's not cheap.


Want to get out of the field you control, but get close to the situation you arrange.


We said we would never let go of holding hands with each other, but the reality said that love is not enough!


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