时间:2022-03-20 15:00:24当前位置:句子汇 → 英语美句摘抄100句短句


1、Our love is stained with dust, waiting for a baptism.我们的爱情染上了尘埃,等待一场的洗礼。

2、No matter how much money you earn, if you lose your health, money is also a number.赚再多的钱,失去了健康,钱也是一笔数字。

3、When everything is calm, I am still the little prince.当一切归于平静,我依然是那个加班小王子。

4、I don't want to give up you. Even if I insist on it, we will still separate.不想放弃你,就算我再怎么坚持我们还是会分开。

5、Don't complain. The pain won't kill you now.别抱怨了现在的痛苦不会要了你的命。

6、When can I see you standing in front of me in a white wedding dress.什么时候我可以看到你穿着白色婚纱站在我眼前。

7、The moonlight is especially gentle, and the world is romantic.月色尤其温柔,人间皆是浪漫。

8、Youth is like a fire. Don't leave only ashes in your old age.青春就像一把火,不要在晚年只留下灰烬的回忆。

9、Many things I want to say, many things I haven't said, and many things I can't say.好多话想说,好多话没说,好多话不能说。

10、Fly the line of youth and let the kite of dreams fly farther and farther.放飞青春之线,让梦想的风筝越飞越远。


11、Only by cutting off the backward road can we move forward better!断掉不前的退路,才能更好地前行!

12、We have nowhere to escape and nowhere to stay.我们无处可逃,更无处停留。

13、I love you very much, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be hurt.我是特别爱,但这不代表我要被伤害。

14、Now we seem to be sensible, so we learn to fight.现在的我们,似乎懂事了,因而学会了拼搏。

15、As time goes by, we should learn to do well.时间很快的流逝,我们要学会好好。

16、Don't complain about setbacks, because it is a kind of strength.不要去抱怨挫折,因为它是一种坚强。

17、The ideal is too bright. Once it is broken, the despair is too deep.理想太光辉,一旦破灭,绝望就太深。

18、Youth is a gorgeous stage of life. Youth has no regrets and dreams are priceless!青春是人生绚丽的舞台,青春无悔,梦想无价!

19、If the outcome is not what you want, fight hard before the dust settles.若结局非你所愿,就在尘埃落定前奋力一搏。

20、You are not allowed to work hard and accept the reality of life.人生不容许你任性,接受现实,好好努力。

21、The gentle evening wind can certainly blow away a lot of unhappiness.温柔的晚风,一定能吹散,许多不愉快吧。

22、Women are like flowers. We should strive to bloom and fade gracefully.女人如花,要努力绽放,更要优雅凋零。

23、Worry about money is temporary, worry about lack of money is long-term.因有钱而烦恼是暂时的,因没钱而烦恼是长久的。

24、You ask me how much I love you. Weight represents my heart!你问我爱你有多深,体重代表我的心!

25、Hard working people are more and more lucky, and busy people are more and more confident!努力的人越来越幸运,忙碌的人越来越自信!

26、There is no shortage of such people around me.人前一套,背后一刀,我身边总是不缺这样的人。

27、Relaxation and entertainment are considered to be indispensable elements in life.放松与娱乐,被认为是生活中不可缺少的要素。

28、The weak is stronger than the strong, and the soft is stronger than the hard. No one in the world knows and can do it.弱之胜强,柔之胜刚,天下莫不知,莫能行。

29、I am your past, but you are my last dependency.我是你的过眼云烟,而你却是我的末世依存。

30、It's not worth thinking about giving up your language.放弃自己的语言,不值得去想。

31、I live in wonderful waiting, waiting for any kind of future.我生活在妙不可言的等待中,等待随便哪种未来。

32、You'll be fine. I'll make every chance to meet you again.你就好好的,我会制造一切机会与你重逢。

33、Young frivolous, a sensible end.年少轻狂,一懂事就结束。

34、From another angle, the world is still the same.换个角度,世界还是一样的。

35、Life is long. It really doesn't matter if you waste a little time.生命且长,浪费了一点时间真的没关系。

36、Every day is a new day with new content.每一天都是全新的一天,都有全新的内容。

37、Sometimes the initial forbearance can avoid the pain all the way.有时起初的隐忍可以避免一路的疼痛。

38、When you overcome your fears, no one can defeat you.当你克服你的恐惧,没有人能打败你。

39、Deep in the clouds is a convenience store that sells pink tenderness.云层深处有一家便利店,售卖粉色的温柔。

40、There are no endless stories in the world, only the undead heart.世上没有不完的故事,只有未死的心。

41、Time is life, time is speed, and time is power.时间就是生命,时间就是速度,时间就是力量。

42、If you have been sheltering from the rain, the rain will be sad.一直躲雨的话,雨也会伤心吧。

43、The most beautiful place of time is to let you and me be us.时间最美的地方,就是让你我成为我们。

44、The so-called life depends on who you meet.所谓人生便是取决于遇见谁。

45、Being unable to get rid of is one of the sources of distress in life, especially in love.不能摆脱是人生的苦恼根源之一,恋爱尤其是如此。

46、Remember to reduce your burden, self-control will have a good temperament.记得给自己减负,自控才会有好性情。

47、Success will never give up, and those who give up will never succeed.成功都永远不会言弃,放弃者永远不会成功。

48、There are always options, but I chose you.选项一直都有,但我选择了你。

49、There is no unfinished story in the world, only an undead heart.世界上未有未完成的故事,只有未死的心。

50、Only when you feel happy can everything in the world become safe.只有当你感受到快乐,这世界的一切才变得安好。

51、Knowledge is the garland on the head, while property is the yoke on the neck.知识是头上的花环,而财产是颈上的枷锁。

52、My circle is so big. I come and go again. You should go shopping.我的圈子就这么大,又来有往的,你当逛街呀。

53、When others take you as a leader, don't take yourself as a leader.当别人把你当领导时,自己不要把自己当领导。

54、The wind stops by the window and tells you to love the world.风停在窗边嘱咐你要热爱这个世界。

55、Timely find yourself in the invalid time and correct it in time.及时的发现自己在无效时间,及时改正。

56、If you give me a tear, I can see all the oceans in your heart.你给我一滴泪,我就看到了你心中所有的海洋。

57、Eye disease starts from the hand, and stomach disease starts from the mouth.眼睛害病从手起,肚子害病从嘴起。

58、Companionship is the longest love confession, while guardianship is the most silent companionship.陪伴是最长情的告白,而守护是最沉默的陪伴。

59、Knowledge will progress, contentment will be happy.知不足会进步,知足才会快乐。

60、It's really lucky to have a goal and be willing to run towards it.有目标并且愿意奔向目标,真的是特别幸运。

61、Love a person is very tired, why can't I refuse lovesickness!爱一个人是很累的事,为什么我却不能拒绝相思!

62、If you decide to travel, don't be afraid of wind and rain.如果你决定要旅行那就别怕风雨兼程。

63、You must know that not everyone can make waves in my heart.你必须知道,不是每个人都能在我心里兴风作浪。

64、Finally agreed to meet in the old place, but I couldn't find the store.终于说好老地方见,却已找不到那家店。

65、Nothing, just want to hear the baby's voice.没什么事,就想听听宝贝的声音。

66、Forget the pain of failure and remember the reasons for failure.忘记失败的疼苦,铭记失败的原因。

67、Mind everything, but you can compromise.什么都介意,却又可以妥协。

68、A good temper is the best dress a person can wear in society.好脾气是一个人在社交中所能穿着的最佳服饰。

69、Don't insist on everything. It's best to follow fate!凡事不要强求,随缘便是最好!

70、As long as you make progress, you are not afraid of being looked down upon by others.只要自己上进,不怕人家看轻。

71、Because of the mood, I feel the sunshine every day is brilliant.因为有了心情,感觉每天的阳光都是灿烂的。

72、There is no other shore that cannot be reached by swimming, and there is no tomorrow that cannot be reached.没有泅渡不到的彼岸,没有抵达不了的明天。

73、If ability and wisdom are mixed with arrogance, it will make people very uncomfortable.能力和智慧如果掺杂了傲慢,就会让人很不舒服。

74、We just grow old on time, but we are not happy as promised.我们只是按时变老,却没有如约快乐。

75、However, more than one hundred years have passed since the moment when I was in a trance.可是一恍神一刹那,已经是一百多年过去了。

76、I'm not only lucky, but also have good beriberi!我不但手气好,脚气也不错!

77、If you are more and more understanding, no one will care about your grievances and temper.你越来越善解人意,就没人在意你的委屈和脾气。

78、Raise your head, smile at the sky and don't care about what you have anymore.抬起头,对天空露出笑容,不再关心你的所有。

79、Every flower should wither for its fruit.每朵花都应当为它的果实而凋谢。

80、Only through equivalent exchange can we get reasonable help.只有等价的交换,才能得到合理的帮助。

81、A slip of the tongue is a slip of the tongue.失言就是一不小心说了实话。

82、Happiness is a realm and happiness is a pursuit.快乐是一种境界,幸福是一种追求。

83、If you want to be young without regrets, you must dare to think and do.要想青春不留遗憾,小伙必须敢想敢干。

84、Introduce her to your best friends, including friends of the opposite sex.把她介绍给你最好的朋友,包括异性朋友。

85、The fierce heart like a lion, the cowardice like a rabbit and the cunning like a fox.狮子似的凶心,兔子似的怯懦,狐狸似的狡猾。

86、Be a layman, greedy for money and lust, and have a romantic life.做个俗人,贪财好色,一世风流。

87、Success will never give up anyone, only you give up success.成功从不会放弃任何人,只有你放弃成功罢了。

88、Money is an external thing, life is your own, and health is the most important.钱是身外物,命才是自己的,健康最重要。

89、In good times, be indifferent. In case of adversity, be calm.遇顺境,处之淡然。遇逆境,处之泰然。

90、When you close a door, you always open a window.老天关上一扇门,总会打开一扇窗。

91、Time, why do you always let me wait for you, but you don't come back?时间,你为何总让我等你,而你却不回来呢?

92、As long as I believe that there is a kind of persistence and a kind of power, I can destroy all failures.只要我相信有一种坚持一种力量能把失败都摧毁。

93、If you want to raise yourself, raise others first.如果你想要抬高自己,那么就先抬高别人。

94、Everything goes with luck, but don't give up your efforts.万事随缘,但不要放弃努力。

95、There are many kinds of happiness in life. People should pursue meaningful happiness.生活中快乐有多种。人,应当追求有意义的快乐。

96、You have all your dreams. You should suffer.梦想你都有了,吃点苦头应该的。

97、Living alone is the most convenient. No quarrel, no worry, no you.独自生活,最方便。没有争吵,没有顾虑,没有你。

98、Write a poem and send it to you. Don't be ashamed of your youth.题诗寄汝非无意,莫负青春取自惭。

99、When you die, you have nothing, but when you live, there are infinite possibilities.死了什么都没了而活着就有无限可能。

100、As long as you do what you think, you may not be worse than others.只要你按自己的想法做了,不一定会比别人差。


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