时间:2022-05-17 13:06:15当前位置:句子汇 → 原耽英语名句


1、Even where there are people, we are still lonely.即使在有人的地方,我们依然孤单。

2、Accumulate the small efforts every day to change history.把每天的小努力累积起来改变历史。

3、Motivation is to give people happiness, and motivation is to give people pain.励志是给人快乐,激励是给人痛苦。

4、Where there are people, there are beating lights.有人的地方,就有跳动的灯光。

5、A setting sun spreads in the water, half the river is rustling and half the river is red.一道残阳铺水中,半江瑟瑟半江红。

6、There is only one reason for your failure, that is, being against me.你的败因只有一个,那就是与我为敌。

7、Fold a red leaf in your hand and listen to the surging pines.折一枝红叶在手,听万顷松涛澎湃。

8、Wild geese pass by, plucking animals leave their skin and paint the mountain. I covered it.雁过拔毛兽走留皮,涂山,我罩的。


9、Joy and fun, hurt and don't suffer, there are more infatuated children in it.欢乐趣,伤别苦,就中更有痴儿女。

10、I don't drink here. It's not forbidden to drink standing on the wall.我不在这喝,站在墙上喝不算破禁吧。

11、bored! Today is as boring as usual.好无聊啊!今天和往常一样无聊。

12、We will know each other in the distant sky.我们终会相知,在那悠远的苍穹。

13、I will always miss you until I forget to breathe.我会一直想念你,直到忘记呼吸。

14、Even monsters have a heart.即使是怪物,也有心啊。

15、Only in warm spring can we be afraid of the cold.只有身处暖春,才会怕冷。

16、Visible journey, this trip is not far.可见之旅,此行非远。

17、The old man doesn't like to work hard, but his father can.老人不爱拼命,但父亲可以。

18、To be born by obsession is for all sentient beings.执执念而生,是为众生。

19、Time didn't wait for me. You forgot to take me away.时间没有等我,是你忘了带我走。

20、Boy, are you okay? What happened today?少年,你还好吗?今天又怎么了?

21、I must act immediately and never give up!我一定要,马上行动,决不放弃!

22、It's also a kind of strength to cry when you want to cry.想哭的时候能哭出来,也是一种坚强。

23、Everything is imperfect, and there are always shortcomings in life.万物皆不完美,人生总有缺憾。

24、For those who are dejected, it's just goodbye.黯然销魂者,唯别而已矣。

25、People block cute people, and Buddha blocks cute Buddha.人挡萌人,佛挡萌佛。

26、I won't lie, I won't be like a human.我不会说谎,不会像人类一样。

27、There are thousands of Chinese people. If we can't, let's change it!中华儿女千千万,实在不行咱就换!

28、Everyone's body is protected by themselves.每个人的身体,都由她们自己保护。

29、Like is a hot heart, love is a pain in the heart.喜欢是心头一热,爱是心头一痛。

30、When you feel regret and hate, your thoughts disappear, and your gratitude and resentment are like dust.郁结憾恨一念泯,恩怨情仇皆如尘。

31、Those who say that people are right and wrong are already right and wrong.说人是非者,已是是非人。

32、Calm down and look small.遇事冷静,脸小三分。

33、If you want to fall in love with someone, even monsters have a heart.想爱上一个人,即使是怪兽也有心。

34、If we depend on each other, we will not be desolate.相依为命,便不凄凉。

35、Friendship can double joy and halve sorrow.友情能够使喜悦加倍,能使悲伤减半。

36、Life will become harder and you will be more lonely.生活会变得更艰难,你会更孤单。

37、If it's not beautiful, what's the point of living.如果不美的话,活着还有什么意义。

38、To erase remorse, we can only continue to work hard after all.要抹去懊悔,终究只有继续不断努力。

39、Don't worry, you can do it.放心吧,你一定可以做得到的。

40、Step on kindness and have a distance.脚踏善良,拥有远方。

41、In order to survive in this world, you have to do this.为了在这个世界生存,你只有这样做。

42、Ten years, only in exchange for a few months together.十年了,只换来这几个月的相守么。

43、People who don't believe in themselves don't even have the value of efforts.不相信自己的人连努力的价值都没有。

44、A good man is not often annoyed. He is very annoyed.乖人不常恼,恼了不得了。

45、In order to shed blood on the steel bone, my life is up to me, not from heaven!为得钢骨洒热血,我命由我不由天!

46、Because I like you, I want to continue to believe.因为喜欢你,所以想继续相信下去。

47、You won the battle, but you lost the war.你赢了战斗,却输了战争。

48、Although very sad, but still have to live.虽然很悲伤,但还是必须活下去才行。

49、As always, everything wins.一如既往,万事胜意。

50、Jiuyou listens to the order, taking blood as an oath and cold iron as evidence.九幽听令,以血为誓,以冷铁为证。

51、If there is a long wind around the flag, it is that I am thinking of you.若有长风绕旗,那便是我在想你了。

52、Anyway, I have long forgotten how to laugh happily.反正我,早就忘了,如何开心地笑了。

53、You are my obsession, only I know.你是我的鬼迷心窍,只有我自己知道。

54、There is only one heart, don't let it be immersed in sadness.心只有一颗,别让它沉浸悲伤。

55、I don't know where I'm going, but I'm already on my way.我不知道将去何方,但我已在路上。

56、Decide the moment of life, you can't lie to yourself.决定人生的瞬间,不能对自己说谎。

57、It's better to die than let her hate me alive.与其让她活着恨我,不如死了。

58、Rattan flowers have no words. No one has seen cooking smoke at the end of the world.藤花无言,天涯处谁也曾见炊烟。

59、This scene is so, this feeling will never change.此景如此,此情不渝。

60、The darker the moon, the darker the darkness.月色愈深,则黑暗愈浓。

61、Along the way, you still owe yourself an explanation.这一路走来,你还欠自己一个交代。

62、Life is beautiful, life is the most important.生活很美好,保命最重要。

63、Even if there is a new poem for parting, the doctor cannot miss the sick body.纵有新诗赠别离,医不可相思病体。

64、I don't believe that kindness will bring bad results.我不相信,善意会换来不好的结果。

65、I hope Xigong can learn to like himself.我希望西宫,能够学会喜欢自己。

66、Is the world really worth saving?这个世界,真的还有拯救的价值吗?

67、Something very important, once.无比重要的东西,曾经。

68、If it's you, even betrayal doesn't matter.如果是你的话,就算背叛也没关系。

69、All women in the world, except you, deserve to die.全天下的女人,除了你,都该死。

70、It's a little lonely in the desert.在沙漠上,真有点孤独。

71、If you take someone as your wife, you must cast a gold house to hide it.若得某人为妻,必铸金屋以藏之。

72、I follow the sound, just to meet you.我循声而来,只为与你相遇。

73、Please give me a prejudice, I will make the world turn.请给我一个偏见,我将使世界转动。

74、Time has no return, time does not turn back.岁月无归处,时光不回头。

75、I can breathe, I have to fight.我还能呼吸,我还要战斗。

76、If you let yourself be domesticated, you will inevitably cry.如果让自己被驯化,就难免会流泪。

77、Love the beauty of weapons, but hate the war.喜爱兵器的美丽,却讨厌这战争。

78、She, come; You're useless.她,来了;你,废了。

79、If you open it a little, you will get less injury.看的开一点,伤得就会少一点。

80、He used to be very proud and spoke out to save the common people.他曾经骄傲非常,放话要拯救苍生。

81、Pain is the best way to stay awake.痛苦,是保持清醒的最好方式。

82、Every flower in the rain.世中逢尔,雨中逢花。

83、Excuse me, have we met somewhere?请问,我们是否在哪里见过?


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