时间:2022-06-01 12:33:47当前位置:句子汇 → 很干净的英文句子


1、If you can't get and protect in this life, you'd rather be lonely and old.若此生,得不到,护不了,宁愿孤独到老。

2、It is not poverty that binds us, but it is not poor enough.束缚我们的不是穷,只是不够穷。

3、Life is long. Be with the people you love most, such as you.一生很长要和最爱的人在一起比如你。

4、Leaves are wings that can't fly. Wings are leaves that fall in the sky.叶子是不会飞翔的翅膀,翅膀是落在天上的叶子。

5、If loneliness can run aground, happiness will last forever.寂寞若能搁浅,快乐定能永久。

6、Joyous life, pinellia tuber, aloes, acacia, Angelica sinensis.人生合欢,半夏沉香,相思子当归。

7、Life without creation is not life, but living.没有创造的生活不能算生活,只能算活着。

8、All things are renewed, old diseases should be healed, and Chang'an is always there.万物更新,旧疾当愈,长安常在。

9、It takes only a few dusks to end a life of haggard.断送一生憔悴,只消几个黄昏。

10、Recalling the past, after the flowers met, they only threw red beans with their slender hands.忆昔花间相见后,只凭纤手,暗抛红豆。

11、It doesn't matter. It's not necessary. We're all passers-by.无所谓,没必要,不至于,我们都是过路人。

12、More terrible than ghosts and gods is the human heart.比鬼神更可怕的,是人心。

13、If you don't meet a horse in Qinghai, you can't pull out the snake in Shushan mountain.远去不逢青海马,力穷难拔蜀山蛇。

14、I want to buy you a bunch of flowers, but the flower shop at the intersection is not open. I really miss it.想买束花给你,可路口的花店没开,我又实在想念。

15、If people live, just send their own light. There is no need to extinguish other people's light.人活着,发自己的光就好了,没必要掐灭别人的光。

16、After the gloom and loneliness, RI Mingfang guarded each other and sang a song of heavenly sound with sleeves.黯寞过后日明昉彼此守,更唱一曲天音盈袖。

17、Among the easiest things in the world, procrastination is the least laborious.世界上那些最轻易的事情中,拖延时间最不费力。

18、The first acquaintance with you is like the return of an old friend. The bright moon at the end of the world is new, and I miss you most in the morning and evening.与君初相识,犹如故人归,天涯明月新,朝暮最相思。

19、Kind for a long time, it's wrong to speak loudly, and it's vicious to scold.善良久了,大声说话是不该,出口呵斥是恶毒。

20、But you can see from your hearing that you have such a person in mind.但闻君可知,汝心此一人。

21、As long as you are happy, I will be satisfied.只要你幸福快乐,我也就心满意足了。

22、I ask for the truth and falsehood of the world. I can offer wine for both pain and pleasure.世间真假,皆我所求,苦与乐,都可奉酒。

23、The original everything can be replaced, no longer capricious dependence, you turn and leave.原来一切都可以被取代,不再任性依赖,你转身离开。

24、Online is to kill loneliness, stealth is to avoid disappointment.上线是为了打发寂寞,隐身是为了躲避失望。

25、Some people walk in the wind and rain at night, some people light lights in their dreams, and are not afraid of the mud and bumps ahead.有人风雨夜行,有人梦里点灯,不怕前方泥泞坎坷。

26、You may not be bright, but you always have light.你未必光芒万丈,但你始终有光。

27、The world knows ghost generals, but they don't know Wen qionglin in white.世人皆知鬼将军,不识白衣温琼林。

28、You like the quiet years. In fact, the reality is that the river flows.你喜欢岁月静好,其实现实是大江奔流。

29、With so much time in a day, can you spare a second to think about me.一天有这么多时间,能不能空出一秒来想我一下。

30、Time is the best thing to witness everything, especially one's sincerity.时间是见证一切的最好的东西,尤其是一个人的真心。

31、You always think too much when you are quiet, and then you are inexplicably unhappy.你总是在安静的时候想太多,然后莫名其妙不开心。

32、Your lips are so beautiful. They are not only suitable for saying you love me, but also suitable for kissing me.你的嘴唇真好看,不仅适合说爱我,更适合吻我啦。

33、If I become a Buddha, there is no devil in the world. If I become a devil, what can I do.我若成佛,天下无魔,我若成魔,佛奈我何。

34、I want the clouds to fly and the wind to rise. I want the mountains and rivers to go straight to the middle of the month.我欲云飞风起,一纵山河万里,直向月中去。

35、When you want to marry a wife, just tell me, I'll marry you.什么时候想娶老婆了,就和我说声,我嫁你。

36、Xicheng willows make spring soft. Move away from worry. Tears are hard to close.西城杨柳弄春柔。动离忧。泪难收。

37、Live your life well. What should come is on the way.过好自己的生活,该来的,都在路上。

38、Cherish what you have today, and you will be rich tomorrow.珍惜今天的拥有,明天才会富有。

39、It's not easy to get this person in your life. It's not tired of loving each other until you get old.一生得此一人,不易,彼此相爱到老,不腻。

40、I'm walking in the wilderness and jungle. You cross me in a boat and enter the sea of flowers.我涉旷野丛林中来,你撑船渡我,入灿灿花海。

41、Years are a journey with no return, good and bad are scenery.岁月是一场有去无回的旅行,好的坏的都是风景。

42、Happy people have a bad memory.快乐的人都是记性不好的。

43、Unknown suffering, do not believe in God and Buddha.未知苦处,不信神佛。

44、The stranger is drunk alone at night. Who wipes the tears of Acacia.陌上伊人夜独醉,何人轻拭相思泪。

45、My thoughts evaporate into clouds and rain, but I'm not willing to wet you.我的心事蒸发成云,变成雨,却不舍得淋湿你。

46、I want a stable score to withstand the cruelty of the exam.我要稳稳的分数,能抵挡考试的残酷。

47、It's too easy to talk verbally, so lower your expectations for what others say.口头上说说太容易了,所以要对别人的话降低期望值。

48、Slow or small, as long as you're moving forward.慢也好,步子小也好,只要是在往前走就好了。

49、Love is not looking for the right person, but for yourself.爱不是要找对的人,而是对的自己。

50、The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, and the friendship between villains is as sweet as lily.君子之交淡如水,小人之交甘若醴。

51、Don't bully her. I'm the only one in the world.不许你们欺负她,全世界只有我才可以。

52、If you don't do something now, you may never do it in the future.有些事情,现在不去做,以后很有可能永远也做不了。

53、I want to do on you what spring does to the cherry tree.我要在你身上做,春天对樱花树做的事情。

54、The first time I see you, I can only think of four words. It's too late to meet.看到你的第一眼,只能想起四个字,相见恨晚。

55、Other children have little bears, but I don't, because you are a pig.别的小朋友都有小熊抱,我却没有,因为你是猪。

56、I chase you, but I have the perseverance of Jingwei reclamation.我追你,可是有精卫填海的毅力。

57、No one is perfect, and regret is the norm of life.人无完人,缺憾是人生常态。

58、The spring night is bitter and short, and the day rises high. From then on, the king will not be in the early Dynasty.春宵苦短日高起,从此君王不早朝。

59、Say love first, don't love first, and then move your heart, don't give up.先说爱的先不爱,后动心的不死心。

60、You won't meet the second me, friendship or love.你不会遇到第二个我,友情也好,爱情也罢。

61、When the soul returns, the love is broken. Who adds red clothes to the beauty?魂归来,情断肠,佳人谁添红衣裳?

62、I hate the people you like, and I kill the people you hate.你喜欢的人我都讨厌,你讨厌的人我都杀掉。

63、The moment of tears falling, the heart convulsed violently.眼泪滑落的瞬间,心狠狠的抽搐。

64、Listen to me, I just love you!你给我听着,我就是爱你!

65、The one who loves you is walking on the way through the starry night.爱你的人,已星夜兼程走在来路。

66、You are not persistent enough, or I give you not deep enough.是你不够执着,还是我给你的不够深刻。

67、Take out the same combat effectiveness as men and fight with this pit father's world to the end.拿出爷们一样的战斗力,与这个坑爹的世界拼搏到底。

68、Tonight is a full moon, God says it's better to get married.今夜花好月圆,神说不如结缘。

69、It turns out that your every move can still affect my heart.原来你的一举一动,还是可以牵动我的心。

70、Life is a flower, and love is nectar.人生是花,而爱是花蜜。

71、What's the matter, Dongjun? I'll solve the Fangsi and skillfully decorate a Dendrobium spring ice.何事东君,解将芳思,巧缀一斛春冰。

72、The Paris tower witnessed the separation of many lovers.巴黎铁塔,见证多少情人的分离。


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