时间:2022-08-19 11:00:22当前位置:句子汇 → 生活随心的句子唯美短句英语


1、If you are a hundred years old and do not see the law of birth and death, it is better to live one day and see it.


2、The road is difficult. It's not in the water or the mountains. It's only in the midst of repeated human feelings.


3、No matter how warm the sun is, it can not warm people's hearts.


4、Looking at people is good, looking at things is good, looking at the situation is good, and everything is your own heart.


5、Obviously, I want to say that it is better to miss each other than to meet each other, but they are all trying to persuade themselves that it is better to miss each other than to meet each other.


6、All the pain will become a strong force for you as time goes by.


7、The human heart is like a well, deep and unfathomable.


8、The reason why life is unhappy is that a small part of it comes from survival and a large part from comparison.


9、It's very simple to make things complicated, and it's very complicated to make things simple.


10、Miss, I'm sorry I'm not handsome. But not every woman has a chance.


11、An enemy who becomes a friend is more reliable than a friend, and a friend who becomes an enemy is more dangerous than an enemy.


12、But if we can be careless, that is exactly what we want. If you don't go straight down and have no intention, you will be tired of practicing and will not be able to achieve the goal.


13、Ordinary people fear fruit, and Bodhisattvas fear cause.


14、To cultivate one's self by being quiet and to cultivate one's virtue by being thrifty, one can not express one's ambition without being indifferent, nor can one achieve a long-term goal without being quiet.


15、All affectations and complaints, growls and depressions come from a lack of money and love.


16、A good life is not to think blindly, to do more, to ask less, to smile often, to know contentment.


17、People can't do what they want every day. One day they will have nothing to do.


18、Only in a quiet and indifferent state of mind can we approach the true source of human nature.


19、The sadness of rain permeated the whole city, and I was confused before I could see it clearly.


20、Only when we are content with the situation can we do what we want. This is the best state of life.


21、Desperate not to let people around sad, but found that the original injured is himself.


22、In the most pure and beautiful years, you only left me the memories of the injury.


23、If you want to know the cause of the past life, you will receive it in this life; To know the fruit of the afterlife, the author of this life is.


24、He who does not see all the Dharma is named after the Tao; To understand all the methods is to solve them by name.


25、We know that the result will inevitably lead to heartache, but we still love one another.


26、You know nothing, including I like you.


27、It's not true wisdom to say what you can't do.


28、You can't be greedy for anything. Once you like it, you should stick to it. You should not worry about it.


29、For example, if a lamp is put into a dark room, it will be dark for hundreds of years and can be broken completely.


30、Peace of mind means silence, and there is no ancient or modern.


31、Summer is over and autumn is coming. The laws of life and the changes of the world are endless.


32、Peace is luck, contentment is happiness, purity of mind is wealth, and lack of desire is longevity.


33、People are happy when they are simple, and grow old when they are sophisticated.


34、When you have nothing to lose, it is when you start to get.


35、We should stick to the road we have chosen. There is no need to complain about the hardships on the road.


36、People are always like this. They are too strict with people close to them and too tolerant with strangers.


37、Women who don't love you are mature and sensible. Men who chase you are as good as dogs.


38、Deep but true feelings, cool but hearts, beautiful but memories, hurt but parting.


39、If you are injured, you will worry your relatives; When virtue hurts, it brings shame to relatives.


40、I hate betraying but being betrayed by others. Friendship and love are really chilling.


41、Don't look down on anyone at will. It should be noted that subordinates often have superior wisdom.


42、Too many people can't see clearly, too many hatred can't say clearly, too many helplessness can't think clearly.


43、Touch the wet face with tears, as if you heard the lost voice.


44、I can't say. Love cannot be said, hate cannot be said, anger cannot be said, and anger cannot be said.


45、In your present temperament, there are the roads you have traveled, the books you have read and the people you have loved.


46、If you don't experience the heartbreaking cocoon, you can't get a clean new life.


47、If you are not dispensable, how can he treat you coldly and hotly.


48、I would like to have a room, not for gorgeous, not disturbed, happy old age.


49、You walk in the rain, you never have an umbrella; You have your own sky. It never rains.


50、It is difficult to paint a tiger's skin but not its bones.


51、Wisdom has no troubles, and compassion has no enemies.


52、Let go of everything, and the Bodhi Heart is present; Let go of everything to see the truth.


53、For the rest of my life, I will just walk around and watch the flowers without talking about feelings. I will move forward with my heart and have no other thoughts.


54、All the past is a prologue, and all the future is to be expected.


55、Simple life is to be content with everything and enjoy everything. Accept everything with a smile.


56、The four great virtues of contemporary times: information is returned every second, appointments are punctual, money is paid on time, and no business is involved.


57、The best life is: time, light and light. People, far and near peace!


58、When we parted, we always said that the days would be long, but we forgot that the years could not always look back.


59、He who eats his food will not destroy his tools. He who gives shade to the tree will not break its branches.


60、The world of all forms is originally a sea of misery. Only when you see through the world of mortals can you go ashore.


61、In the crowded city, we are looking forward to the end of prosperity, just to find silence.


62、The heart has its own opinions, and does not listen to rumors. Never talk about people's rights and wrongs, and laugh at the world.


63、Probably all the places I haven't been are called far away. Those who didn't get it were unforgettable.



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