时间:2022-05-17 13:08:36当前位置:句子汇 → 原耽英文短句


1、The sins you have committed will one day be repaid.自己犯下的罪,终有一日是要偿还的。

2、If you want to fall in love with someone, even monsters have a heart.想爱上一个人,即使是怪兽也有心啊。

3、Because you are young, you have no choice but to try.因为年轻,所以没有选择,只有试试。

4、Do not seek success and fame, but seek people as they did in the past.不求功成名就,但求人如当年。

5、How lucky you are, your majesty.你多幸运,女王陛下。

6、New day, old self.新的一天,旧的自己。

7、The full picture is unknown and will not be commented.未知全貌,不予置评。

8、Since there was no Yao yuanzhuo in this world, Qiao Songyue died.这世间既没有姚元琢,便死了乔松月。


9、Ten thousand swords pierced through the heart and never regretted. They looked at each other and smiled lightly.万剑穿心终不悔,相视一笑轻。

10、Do your best until you die. This is a soldier.拼尽全力,至死方休,这才是战士。

11、It is inevitable and not shameful that sex makes the mind faint.色令智昏,在所难免,不算可耻。

12、Let's create the present without losing to the past!让我们一起去创造不输给过去的现在!

13、There are few bullets and close range. You won't hit.子弹少,射程近,不会命中的。

14、I said you, why did you run away from home?我说你啊,为什么离家出走了?

15、If heaven does not give, it will be blamed. Time waits for no man.天予不取,反受其咎,时不我待。

16、This is my special black tea. You may not like it.这是我特制的红茶,你可能不会喜欢。

17、Tell me with your heart, love or not?用你的心告诉我,爱,还是,不爱?

18、The most important thing is invisible to the naked eye.最重要的东西,是肉眼看不见的。

19、Just be able to cry. Crying is a symbol of healing.能够哭就好,哭是开始痊愈的象征。

20、Your heart has fallen into darkness and there is no cure!你的心已经坠入黑暗,无药可救!

21、Spend all your luck just to meet one.花光所有运气,只为遇到一个何以琛。

22、If you can go out alive, I will show you all over the desert and green mountains.如果能活着出去,带你看遍大漠青山。

23、Drink the wine he has drunk and get hurt by him.喝他喝过的酒,受他受过的伤。

24、He hated the world and longed to be alone.他痛恨这个世界,渴望孤身独处。

25、Don't look back when there is no return, and don't regret when you fall.有来无回莫回首,落子无悔不悔台。

26、If you have good intentions, you will meet angels on your way.心有善意,定会途遇天使。

27、Misunderstanding is due to understanding.误会,是源于以为了解。

28、It doesn't matter. Don't worry. Everything will be fine.没关系,别担心,一切都会好的。

29、The shape of sound is the face of summer.声之形,夏之颜。

30、Fortunately, years have never failed to live up to deep feelings.幸好,岁月从不辜负深情。

31、Don't refuse those who come and don't chase those who go.来者勿拒,去者不追。

32、Life is like chess, just try your best.人生如棋,只需尽力。

33、I'm not here to save you. I'm here to love you.我不是来救你的,我是来爱你的。

34、Straight acacia is useless, but melancholy is pure madness.直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。

35、The more civilized, the more lonely.越文明,越孤独。

36、In the vast sea of people, looking for you who have never seen before.在茫茫人海中,寻找从未见过的你。

37、I really want to see ah Yin. I really want to hug ah Yin.我好想见到阿银,好想,拥抱阿银。

38、How can you be the same? I like you so much.你怎么能一样,我那么喜欢你。

39、I can't believe I protected the boy.真不敢相信,我居然保护了那小子。

40、The length of one's life is unknown, which can be seen in the years after.一生长短未知,可看此后经年。

41、The protagonist is still the protagonist, and the reader is still the reader.主角依然是主角,读者依然是读者。

42、People have to return to eternity and reproduce that sigh.人终究得回到永恒,重现那个叹息。

43、Fools learn from experience and sages from history.愚者向经验学习,贤者向历史学习。

44、Fear of loss is proof of grace.害怕失去,就是得到恩惠的证明。

45、Be silent and speechless.不动声色,无以言表。

46、Fascinated, where do you remember tonight?神魂颠倒,哪里还记得今夕何夕?

47、People's dreams will not end!人的梦想,是不会终结的!

48、The self in the eyes of others, the self in their own eyes.别人眼中的自己,自己眼中的自己。

49、I didn't make trouble, it's this life, this world!我没闹,闹的是这生活,这个世界!

50、Heart, but very heavy.心,可是很重的。

51、The wind rises at the end of the green duckweed, and then rises to 90000 miles.风起于青萍之末,后扶摇而上九万里。

52、OK, don't be disabled in the future.还行,以后可别长残了。

53、If you don't believe me, you have a problem, not me.要是你不相信我,是你有问题不是我。

54、He likes me and treats him well, but he doesn't like me.他喜欢我对他好,但是他不喜欢我。

55、After singing half a lifetime of flashy music, linger in this life jieyuhua.唱罢半世浮华曲,流连今生解语花。

56、Magic and miracles exist.魔法,奇迹都是存在的。

57、If you want to do it right, you can do it right.你没有错,想做就做。

58、Between heaven and earth, dragons and phoenixes sing together, just like the master of heaven and earth.天地之间,龙凤齐鸣,犹如天地主宰。

59、You shine, my world sparks fly.你闪耀一下,我的世界火花飞舞。

60、Seal the southern fire with the soul of God.以神祇之魂,封南方大火。

61、Living is living. Why do you think so much.活着就是活着,想那么多干嘛。

62、I said I liked him, but he didn't hear me.我说喜欢他,他没有听见。

63、Like Lord PA, please don't laugh so indiscriminately!象帕大人,请不要笑的这么下三滥!

64、Don't let the sadness of the past ruin the happiness of the present.别让过去的悲伤,毁掉当下的快乐。

65、If you want to see someone, you have to put aside everything to see him.想要见一个人,就要抛开一切去见。

66、The only thing worse than bad health is bad reputation.唯一比坏身体更糟的,就是坏名声。

67、They gave me ten years. I want to stay silent all my life.他们给了我十年,我要默笙一辈子。

68、Sooner or later.人终归一死,只是迟抑或是早。

69、You're already a part of my heart, ellite.艾莉缇,你已经是我心里的一部分了。

70、Only heart, ignite faith, return is still a teenager.唯有心通,点燃信念,归来仍是少年。

71、Living in this world, why fear the future!活在当世,何惧未来!

72、Love is not possession, love represents freedom.爱并不是占有,爱代表自由。

73、There are sentient beings here, but there are no forms.此间有众生,无百态。

74、Very artistic logic, because the listener doesn't understand it at all.很艺术的逻辑,因为听的人完全不懂。

75、Laugh loudly and you won't be afraid anymore.大声的笑出声来,就不再害怕了。

76、The more important people, the more uneasy they are.重要的人越多,越是不安。

77、People come and go, yearning for tenderness.人来人往,都向往着温柔。

78、When I miss the sea, I will be flooded with water.待我思念成海,必将水淹长白。

79、Go together, farther away.一起去啊,更远的地方。

80、The more hungry, the more delicious the dinner is.越是饥饿,正餐就越是美味。

81、I love you, it has nothing to do with you!我爱你,跟你没关系!

82、I don't know where it comes from and go deep.情不知所起,一往而深。

83、Captured by reality, bow to ideal.被现实俘虏,向理想低头。

84、When I look at you, I think mankind is still saved.我看着你,就觉得人类还有救。

85、How mysterious is the realm of tears.眼泪的境域,是多么神秘。


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