时间:2022-04-18 11:13:53当前位置:句子汇 → 英语经典美句摘抄短句


1、Time, like a spring, can be shortened or lengthened.时间像弹簧,可以缩短也可以拉长。

2、The heart of a fool is in his mouth, and the mouth of a wise man is in his heart.傻瓜的心在嘴里,聪明人的嘴在心里。

3、You should pursue your work. Don't let it pursue you.你要追求工作,别让工作追求你。

4、Step by step shocking life, step by step painful love.一步一惊心的人生,一步一痛心的爱情。

5、An inch of time is an inch of gold but you can't buy that inch of time with an inch of gold一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。

6、You should thank everyone who makes you change, good or bad.你应该感谢每个让你蜕变的人,无论方式好坏。

7、If you don't perfunctory life, life won't perfunctory you.你不敷衍生活,生活才不会敷衍你。

8、Don't laugh at me for not growing up. I just don't want to be so complicated.不要笑我没长大,我只是不想那么复杂。

9、Women have the ability to be strong.女人有本事任性就有本事坚强。

10、People who help others and don't want to be rewarded don't feel lost.帮助别人不希望得到回报的人,心里不感到失落。


11、People in a bad mood can't joke.心情不好的人、开不起玩笑。

12、If I hadn't met you, I could have endured those loneliness.如果没有遇见你,我本可以忍受那些孤独。

13、There is a way that cannot be rejected, that is, the way of growth.有一条路不能拒绝,就是成长的路。

14、Do what you want to do and don't live like you used to hate.做想做的事情,别将自己活成曾经最讨厌的模样。

15、The most terrible thing is not the disaster, but the helplessness after the disaster.最可怕的不是灾难,是灾后无援。

16、Adversity and hardship are the highest institutions of learning to temper one's personality.患难及困苦,是磨炼人格的最高学府。

17、Only with a broad mind can we have a happy life.拥有宽阔的胸怀,才会能拥有快乐的人生。

18、You are the gentle ideal that I want to cover up.你是声色张扬下,我欲盖弥彰的温柔理想。

19、Once promised, can not get rid of a person, only lonely.曾经的承诺,没法摆脱一个人过,只剩落寞。

20、Everyone who works hard for life hides a loneliness in the bottom of his heart.每个为生活打拼的人,心底深处都藏着一份孤独。

21、The unworthy son Xuanyuan respects the city. Please die!不肖子孙轩辕敬城,请老祖宗赴死!

22、It's really lucky to have a goal and be willing to run towards it.有目标并且愿意奔向目标,真的是特别幸运。

23、In one's mind, only the taste of hometown is familiar and stubborn.在人的脑海中,只有故乡的味道熟悉而顽固。

24、Can return to the starting point, but it is not yesterday.可以回到起点,却已不是昨天。

25、Not that the rich have wealth, but that wealth has the rich.不是富人拥有财富,而是财富拥有富人。

26、Don't mess with the past, because it's gone.别和往事过不去,因为它已经过去。

27、To cultivate the atmosphere in the ordinary, we must be enterprising.在平凡之中养大气,必须要做到进取。

28、Scheming is used to protect yourself, not to hurt others.心机是用来保护自己,而不是拿去伤害别人。

29、Be happy, cheerful, tough, warm and sincere to people.要快乐,要开朗,要坚韧,要温暖,对人要真诚。

30、No one is born happy, smiling, just don't want to live too tired.没有谁是天生快乐,笑着只是不想活着太累罢了。

31、If we turn white, who will remember that wisp of green.若我们白了头,谁会记得那缕青。

32、Just to survive, I began to learn and understand.正因要生存,我开始学习并领悟放下。

33、One is good at dyeing the heart, immortality, hundreds and thousands of miles of light.一善染心,万劫不朽,百千旷照,千里通明。

34、Life is like a dandelion. It seems free, but it can't help it.人生就像蒲公英,看似自由,其实却身不由己。

35、Different people together, is the world.不同的人在一起,才是世界。

36、The first thing we grow old is not our appearance, but our desperate aggressiveness.我们最先衰老的不是容貌,而是不顾一切的闯劲。

37、You are a daily life scattered around the world, in twos and threes.你是散落人间的日常,三三俩俩。

38、People are very tired to live. Don't hurt yourself and love yourself.人活着很累,不要再伤害自己,好好爱自己。

39、Seldom think of it, but it doesn't mean you really forget it.很少想起,但不代表真的忘记。

40、Through death, we see the value of life.透过死亡,我们看到的是生命的珍贵。

41、A quiet person is lonely.一个不动声色的人是孤单的寂寞的。

42、Fate brought me many surprises, but it didn't change my loneliness.际遇带给了我很多惊喜,却没有改变我的孤独。

43、Those who have aspirations have long aspirations, while those who have no aspirations have long aspirations.有志之人立长志,无志之人长立志。

44、Give me a good night and let me know you're still here tomorrow.给我一句晚安让我知道明天还有你在就这难。

45、It is the most shameful to remain infamous for thousands of years and the most glorious to remain immortal.遗臭万年最可耻,流芳百世最荣耀。

46、Once every sweet memory has become a fatal pain.曾经每一个甜蜜的回忆,都成了如今致命的伤痛。

47、A thorn of experience is worth a wilderness of advice.一根经验的荆棘抵得上忠告的茫茫荒原。

48、Be a layman, without desire, clean and free.做个俗人,无欲无求,干净自由。

49、Loving you is my most beautiful wound, my achievement and all I have.爱你是我最美的伤口,我的成就,我的所有。

50、Time is like a dream. When you wake up, you can't enter the same dream again.时间就像做梦,醒来后便无法再入相同的梦境。

51、If I become a Buddha, there is no devil in the world. If I become a devil, what can I do.我若成佛,天下无魔,我若成魔,佛奈我何。

52、People's instinct is to love themselves and not hurt others at the same time.人的本能是爱自己,同时是不伤害他人。

53、Listen to the truth. The truth is the truth.多听听真理吧,真理才是实在。

54、Life is like a poem, a poem full of passion.生活就像一首诗一样,一首激情澎湃诗。

55、When you get to the top of the mountain, you will see the empty mountain with green clouds at your feet.登上山顶,脚下便是积翠如云的空蒙山色。

56、Woman is a mystery, a difficult figure, a complicated book.女人是个谜,一个难解的人物,一本复杂的书。

57、There are too many times in life when the situation destroys a love.人生里有太多时候,是形势毁了一段爱情。

58、With a dream, it should be implemented quickly and effectively.有了梦想,就应该迅速有力地实施。

59、In middle age, people are old and young, and life is hard and tired.人到中年,上有老,下有小,生活又苦又累。

60、People will eventually grow old and end their worldly relationship.人最终都要老去,都要了结在世的尘缘。

61、The wise create opportunities, the strong seize opportunities, and the weak wait for opportunities.智者创造机会,强者把握机会,弱者等待机会。

62、Love is like this. It's best to balance love and hate.爱情就是这样,最好爱恨扯平两不相欠。

63、I'm afraid that time passes too fast, but I expect it to go faster.害怕时间过得太快,但又期待它走的快一些。

64、When someone comes, spread out love and support, and your career may come.当有人时,把爱与支持散出去,可能事业就来了。

65、A loved one should take everything away when he dies.一个被爱的人,死去时应当把一切都带走。

66、In adversity, the wise advance in the face of difficulties, and the fool is depressed.在逆境中,智者知难而进,愚者消沉不前。

67、There are many happy, but I can be happy every day.快乐的但是有很多,但是我可以每天都快乐。

68、No one can beat back the hope of a firm and resolute.永远没有人力可以击退一个坚决强毅的希望。

69、Don't ask me where I come from. My hometown is the morgue.不要问我从哪里来,我的故乡是停尸房。

70、You can't take out your heart without knowing the details of the other party.没有弄清对方的底细,决不能掏出你的心来。

71、There is no cloud in the sky and no rain in the world.天上无云不下雨,世间无理事不成。

72、Life is like a catwalk: one step to the left, one step to the right.人生就像走猫步:左一步,右一步。

73、Please believe that you are a blessing.请相信,你自己就是一种祝福。

74、To be a long-lived man, don't do short-lived things.要做长命人,莫做短命事。

75、It has been ten years to grind a sword, but the frost blade has not been tried.十年磨一剑,霜刃未曾试。

76、He who is not angry is a fool, and he who is not angry is a real wise man.不会生气的人是愚者,不生气的人乃真正的智者。

77、If you don't expect, then my climbing over mountains is meaningless.如果你不期待,那么我的翻山越岭便毫无意义。

78、What makes you tired is not the distant mountain, but a grain of sand in your shoes.使你疲劳的不是远方的高山,而是鞋里的一粒沙。

79、A lifetime is a practice, the short is a journey, the long is a life.一辈子是场修行,短的是旅行,长的是人生。

80、Many things, their own experience, where to say, how to say, why to say!很多事情,自己体会,何处言,何能言,何必言!

81、Give up what you want, then you can choose to do the right thing.放弃想要的东西,才能够选择做正确的事情。

82、The pattern is supported by ideals, and the career is inspired by dreams.格局被理想撑大,事业由梦想激发。

83、Clothes know to wear cleaner. Do you make them cleaner?衣服知道穿干净些,心你是否有让它干净些呢?

84、Life is endless from generation to generation, and knowledge is endless.人生代代无穷已,学识绵绵无绝期。


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