时间:2022-05-22 13:35:55当前位置:句子汇 → 英语文案伤感短句


1、Even if you leave, you should remember each other's good.即使是离开,也要记住彼此的好。

2、Not everyone can stop loving without paying attention.不是每个人都能做到不理不见就不爱了。

3、Love is not complicated, but it is so bitter that we interpret it.爱情并不复杂,却被我们诠释的如此苦涩。

4、Working overtime now is to pay off the debt owed when skipping classes in the past.现在的加班,是还以前逃课时欠下的债。

5、Your hug is so powerful and warm, but it no longer belongs to me.你的拥抱是那么的有力温暖,却不再属于我。

6、In fact, we all know that we can live without each other.其实我们都知道,没了彼此,照样活的下去。

7、We always want to cherish, but we have a temper.我们总是想要珍惜,却浑身脾气。


8、You know, in the past hundred years, lovers can only accompany halfway.你可知这百年,爱人只能陪半途。

9、Because of love, so miss. Because of you, I will always be happy.因为爱,所以思念。因为迩,我永远快乐。

10、When love can't go on, only turn around and leave quietly.爱不下去的时候,只有静静地转身离去。

11、In all the relationships you want to cherish, just have a clear conscience.在所有你想珍惜的关系里,问心无愧就好。

12、Love is like chewing gum. It will be dull after a long time.恋爱就像口香糖,时间长了就会索然无味。

13、He kept his favorite long hair, but didn't keep him.留了他最爱的长发,却没留住他。

14、Ten years of life and death are boundless. If you don't think about it, you'll never forget it.十年生死俩茫茫,不思量,自难忘。

15、I will always be willing to be an audience and comfort your pain.我永远都愿意当一个听众,安慰着你的痛。

16、Maturity is not the aging of the heart, but the smiling of tears in the circle.成熟不是心变老,而是泪在打转却还能微笑。

17、Our songs, our everything, have been diluted with time?我们的歌,我们的一切,都随着时间冲淡了?

18、The person I love is gone. Because I don't know him anymore.我爱的人不在了。因为他变得我不认识了。

19、There is always such a person who will make you laugh for no reason.总有这么一个人,会让你毫无理由的笑起来。

20、I believe that love is pure and have always believed in it.我相信爱是纯粹的,一直坚信着。

21、It's rubbish. It's all rubbish.会离开的都是废品,能抢走的都是垃圾。

22、He's just lonely for a while. Don't dig your heart out.他只是一时寂寞,你别掏尽了心窝。

23、If I disappear. Then who else will remember me.如果我消失以后。那么还有谁会记得我。

24、Loneliness is a person's Carnival, carnival is a group of people's loneliness!孤单是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一群人的孤单!

25、A lifetime of love is enough, because it's really tired.一辈子爱一个就足够了,因为真的很累。

26、Don't worry about those who leave on the way.那些半路离开的人,就不要在惦记了。

27、No matter how good some people are, they can only be friends.有些人再好,也只能做朋友。

28、I don't like parting, but I always face parting. I have no choice, right.不喜欢离别却总面临离别,没有选择对不对。

29、You don't have to be cold. I didn't want to entangle.你不用冷淡,我没想过纠缠。

30、Clearly my heart, it is a true feeling for you.明明白白我的心,对你那是一片真感情。

31、What's the point of youth when you wake up and you're gone?醒来你却已不在,青春又有什么意义?

32、I fantasize that one day you will fall hopelessly in love with me.我幻想有那么一天,你无可救药的爱上我。

33、The golden bell eats blood by mistake and is always sued by infatuation all his life.金铃清脆噬血误,一生总被痴情诉。

34、How can we be affectionate? If we are frustrated, we will be doomed.怎样才算深情,挫骨扬灰还是万劫不复。

35、No matter what it is, I'm really tired. I'm so tired that I suffocate.不管是什么我真的累了很累很累累到窒息。

36、If you don't force yourself, others will force you sooner or later.自己不逼自己,别人迟早会逼你。

37、Wisdom comes from experience, and experience comes from stupidity.智慧源于经验,经验源于小愚笨。

38、I'd like to cover your quilt better than good night.相比说起晚安,我更想帮你把被子盖好。

39、Greed for good and evil, compassion, and so on.贪什么善恶慈悲,等什么望穿秋水。

40、You are not so nostalgic as you think. Memories won't call your tenderness.你没想象中那么念旧,回忆唤不会你的温柔。

41、You cry, you laugh, you make trouble, stop playing, wash and sleep.你哭你笑你闹,别玩了,洗洗睡吧。

42、I don't walk fast, but I will never go back.我走得不快,但决不走回头路。

43、If you miss it, only you get hurt.留恋的话,只有自己受伤。

44、The more tired I am, the more I want to sleep. The darker it is, the more afraid I am of ghosts.我越累越想睡,天越黑我越怕鬼。

45、Loyalty is just that there are too few chips for betrayal.忠诚,亦不过是背叛的筹码太少而已。

46、A woman's Prince may be another woman's frog.一个女人的王子,也许是另一个女人的青蛙。

47、You are still that you, but I don't want to love you anymore.你还是那个你,只是我不想再爱你了。

48、Is there such a person you'd rather not have met.有没有这么一个人,你宁可没有遇到过。

49、Because I didn't want to be stabbed again, I gradually learned to disguise.因为不想被人再刺伤,所以渐渐学会了伪装。

50、I hope the anger will slip away quietly, and the rest is tenderness.希望戾气都悄悄溜走,余下的皆是温柔。

51、Youth is a shallow scar. Who did I cut the scar deep for?青春是抹浅浅的痕,我有为谁把伤痕割深?

52、Crying can't solve problems. No one cries to solve problems.哭不能解决问题,没有人哭是为了解决问题。

53、After a long time, it doesn't matter whether I am.时间久了,我是不是就不重要了。

54、I don't blame you for walking away ruthlessly, but I can't step into your heart.不怨你无情的走开,只怨我跨不进你的心坎。

55、Memory is a tormenting thing. If you think too much, you will become powerless.回忆是折磨人的东西,想得太多会变得无力。

56、I hope you have a good life and don't let me down.希望你过得很好,别辜负我一生不打扰。

57、I miss the three of us alone.我一个人,怀念我们仨。

58、Rather than make you haggard in my love, I'd rather you hurt and cry.与其让你在我爱中憔悴,宁愿你受伤流泪。

59、Some words are stingy and stay in my heart too wronged.有些话说出来显小气,留在心里太委屈。

60、You will never understand how long it will take to forget the pain.你永远不会懂,忘记痛要多久。

61、That bit by bit from the fingers flow away, but unable to recover.那一点一滴从指间流走,却无力挽回。

62、Don't hurt anything, because you can't afford to hurt!伤什么也别伤人心,因为你伤不起!

63、I forget how many times this is. I can't insist on seeing you.我忘了这是第几次,一见你便无法坚持。

64、I know there is no result, but I still have to be persistent.明知道没结果,却还是要执著。

65、Tears can't resist sadness, as the memories related to you evaporate.眼泪抵不过难过,随着与你有关的回忆蒸发。

66、You must have grown up a lot on the day you cried the most.你哭得最惨的那一天,一定长大了不少吧。

67、I took off my mask and only saw you disappointed.我摘下了面具只看到你失望的样子。

68、What's the difference between failing to promise and lying.承诺做不到和撒谎,有什么区别。

69、Time is approaching, where should our love go.时间在临近、我们的爱该何去何从。

70、The people I once loved are strangers. What else is worth looking back.曾经爱过的人已陌路,还有什么值得我回头。

71、It is our unworthiness that makes the ending come so soon.是我们不配,才会让结局那么快的到来。

72、Turn the night and day upside down and sink into the gray world.颠倒黑夜白昼,沉沦灰色世界。

73、Those who keep saying they love me are the ones who hurt me the most.那些口口声声说爱我的人,是伤我最深的人。

74、I follow my heart only when reason allows.我只在理智允许的情况下,追随自己的心。

75、How many men are beauties and how many beauties are money?多少男人为红颜,多少红颜为金钱?

76、I no longer wait for the person who has been in my heart for a long time.我不再等那个,在我心里很久的人了。

77、Be a carefree eater and a carefree fool.做一个吃货无忧无虑,当一个痴货无牵无挂。

78、Don't be afraid, I can't give you now, I'll give you the future.别害怕,我给不了你现在,我还你未来。

79、This is the world. No one will live with others.这个世界就是这样,没有谁会将就别人活着。

80、When the edge comes, there is no ecstasy, and when the edge goes, there is no sorrow.缘来时不狂喜,缘去时不悲泣。

81、The most beautiful word in life is indulging in making money.生命中最美的字就是,沉迷赚钱不能自拔。


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