时间:2021-02-03 07:45:44当前位置:句子汇 → 英文励志句子



Winners never give up.


Never give up until the goal is achieved, this is the power of self-confidence!


It is terrible to break the dyke and destroy the dam, but the most terrible thing is the collapse of will and faith.


It is not necessary for a person to be rich or not, but if he has no dream, he will be poor.


To make people feel effortless, they have to work hard behind their backs.


If you don't push yourself to the end, you don't know what your potential is.


Don't forget what you have, cherish what you have got, and don't give up what belongs to you.


Having knowledge changes fate, having ideal changes attitude.


Don't waste time, money and labor on empty words.


What people lack is not talent but ambition, not the ability to succeed, but the will to work hard.


Live in the applause of others, is unable to withstand the test of people.


It's an individual to accompany children to study and grow up, and it's a talent to give children ideas when they grow up.


Sometimes, after sticking to the last thing you want to do, you will get what you want most.


I am willing to accept more wealth and greater achievements.


It is the most important character of a salesman to have a sincere interest in others.


The lack of confidence is not because of difficulties, but because of lack of confidence.


There is no brilliance waiting for; only beauty coming out.


You either try to climb up, or you rot in the bottom of society.


Where there is a dream, hell is heaven; where there is hope, pain becomes joy.


Your efforts alone can change the fate of three generations.


You are as comfortable and calm as walking on the ground, and of course you don't deserve any light.


The goal of life should not be to pray for calm, but to build a big ship and go through the waves.


There is determination, there is strength; there is perseverance, there will be success!


Time is like a net, where you scatter, where you harvest.


I hope you can put down your persistence and unwillingness. From now on, you will only be responsible for your wonderful life.


Eat enough of the present, the future will be sweet.


Maturity is not that the heart grows old, but that tears turn in the eyes and still keep smiling.


We can't, often not because we can't, but because others say we can't.


The other side of the flower, the end of the central waiting for the arrival of desolation.


The height of stepping on garbage is the same as that of stepping on gold.


A fool always wants others to know him. Wise people try to understand themselves.


Harvest golden autumn, harvest happiness, don't let youth laugh.


Step towards the ideal, one day you will reach a higher peak than others.


Our biggest weakness is to give up. The inevitable way to success is to continue to do it again.


Hard work can be addictive, especially after a taste of sweetness.


In the past, if you don't turn the page, you will be lost in the dust.


All along, I didn't feel good enough. I'm not perfect, but I'm complete.


No matter how beautiful the scenery in the world is, it's not as good as the way home.


All goals can be achieved, all dreams can be realized.


No matter how long the road is, you can finish it step by step; no matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without your feet.


The future is confused, I have to take a strong brave to break.


Don't be afraid to fall, hit the wall, or lose. Youth makes you brave.


Life is an improvisation. There are no dreams that can't be achieved, only people who don't wake up early.


A hard work, a harvest, the greater the effort, the more harvest.


The most effective capital is our reputation, which works for us all the time.


As long as you can't learn, learn from death. Young man, why don't you fight if you want a good life.


Sad, eat a sugar, tell yourself life is sweet!


In the poor only dream, you must work harder than others.


The past is not the future.


It doesn't matter. No matter how sad you are, tomorrow will be full of blood.


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