时间:2022-05-31 13:13:40当前位置:句子汇 → 英文短句简单干净


1、Don't meet me in front of the mountain. Don't meet me again behind the mountain.你我山前别相见,山后别重逢。

2、In this life, we have to go through trials and hardships in order to meet our best self.这一生,风雨兼程,就是为了遇见最好的自己。

3、If you dare to break through, you will have a chance; If you dare to fight, you will have a future.敢闯,才有机会;敢拼,才有未来。

4、Don't always say that the future is long, but you don't know that when you look back, you've gone cold.别总说来日方长,殊不知回首间便已人走茶凉。

5、Make a deal with the moon. When you see it, it will remind you that I miss you.和月亮做个交易,当你看到它时它会提醒你我在想你。

6、The garden is full of chrysanthemums, which are golden and yellow. There are solitary clumps in it, and the color is like frost.满园花菊郁金黄,中有孤丛色似霜。

7、A promise is just a contract that has not come into effect.承诺,不过是一张没有生效的合约。

8、People with low self-esteem are more likely to find money than confident people.自卑的人比自信的人,更容易捡到钱。

9、Sometimes, for the people you love, waiting is not a kind of happiness.有时,为了自己爱的人,等待何尝不是一种幸福。

10、I am wandering lonely in the distance under the bright fireworks.那一抹璀璨烟火下的我,是远方徘徊孤独的寂寞。

11、The tree opens its eyes, sleeps under the boy's house, lacks a little conscience, and is near the broken rabbit at sunset.树儿睁开眼,小子屋下眠,良心缺一点,日落残兔边。

12、The retention of heart and lung is just a manifestation of unwilling heart.撕心裂肺的挽留,不过是心有不甘的表现。

13、My love once in a lifetime, once in a lifetime!我的爱一生一次,一次一生!

14、Everything happens by chance, but the result is as inevitable as fate.凡事都有偶然的凑巧,结果却又如宿命般的必然。

15、Everyone is not born with a good temper. It's because you're important to you.每个人都不是天生好脾气,对你好脾气是因为你重要。

16、Worried pedestrians, it's easy to get dusk in the day, and they live in the sound of partridges.愁绝行人天易暮,行向鹧鸪声里住。

17、The poorest is incompetent, and the cheapest is indomitable.最穷的是无才,最贱的是无志。

18、I would like to turn into the bright moonlight and accompany you every day.我愿化作那皎洁的月光,日日与你相伴。

19、After years, it's just a youth parting.一盏风华,岁月过后,只是少年离别。

20、It's not the other party's heartless feelings that hurt you; But your insistence on fantasy!伤害你的不是对方的绝情;而是你心存幻想的坚持!

21、Full of thoughts, looking forward to meeting next time.攒满思念,期待下次见面。

22、I'm not talented and narrow-minded. I can only pretend to be a girl.小生不才,心胸狭窄,只装得下姑娘一人。

23、Endure loneliness and prosperity!耐得住寂寞,守得住繁华!

24、Our story begins with my interruption and ends with my redundancy.我们的故事,以我打扰开始,以我多余结束。

25、It's easy to fall on the smooth ice because there are no bumps on it.在光滑的冰面上容易摔倒,是因为上面没有坎坷。

26、I'm tired of exploring the truth of the universe. I don't have time to fall in love.探索宇宙的真理已经很累了,哪有时间谈恋爱。

27、You look so good. Why don't you fall in love.你长这么好看,为什么不谈恋爱。

28、It's because I'm too cute to stay out too long.宅是因为我太可爱了,不能在外面待太久。

29、Life is a ferry that will eventually be deserted. Even ourselves are passers-by.生命是终将荒芜的渡口,连我们自己都是过客。

30、You are my sleeping pill, but it will fail occasionally, making me uncomfortable and miserable.你是我的安眠药,但偶尔也会失效让我难受又煎熬。

31、When the cup breaks, the water spills. I don't love it anymore. You're nothing.杯子坏了,水就洒了,我不爱了,你什么都不是了。

32、Your caution and bad temper, I rely on you. I treasure you most in the world.你的小心眼和坏脾气我都依你,全世界我最宝贝你。

33、Silent love, silent joy.默然相爱,寂静欢喜。

34、Quit this love, because you are not the right person.退出这场爱情,因为你不是对的人。

35、Love for generations, who picks it up, who throws it down, who forgets the past, who always cares.累世情缘,谁捡起,谁抛下,谁忘前尘,谁总牵挂。

36、Those who are willing to block you will not blame themselves, but will only blame you for being too pretentious.有心给你添堵的人,不会自责,只会怪你太矫情。

37、Tears won't lie. A dream of you and me looks like.眼泪不会说谎,你和我的一个梦长得好像。

38、Longing for a full moon at sea level, I learned to confess.在海平面渴望满月,于是我学会告解。

39、I knew it was so difficult to find someone, so I decided to kiss the baby.早知道找对象这么难,我就定娃娃亲了。

40、Love is a natural fate, not a tangled evil fate.爱情是自然而然的缘分,而不是死缠烂打的孽缘。

41、It's said that marriage is very cheap now. Let's get married and I'll treat you!听说现在结婚很便宜,走,咱们结婚去,我请你!

42、Don't laugh at me for not growing up. I just don't want to live too complicated.不要笑我没长大,我只是不想活的太复杂。

43、I can love you to tear my heart and crack my lungs, or I can walk dry and crisp.我可以爱你到撕心裂肺,也可以走得干干脆脆。

44、If anyone wants help in times of distress, he should be lenient to others on weekdays.谁若想在困厄时得到援助,就应在平日待人以宽。

45、The limit you think is just the starting point of others.你以为的极限,弄不好只是别人的起点。

46、The world of mortals, the Purple Street, the yellow spring, the boundless past life, and the wrong fate.红尘紫陌,黄泉碧落,前世茫茫因缘错。

47、The rhyme of the heavy song is clanking and Cong, and the waist is red and whirling in the broken dance.重头歌韵响铮琮,入破舞腰红乱旋。

48、People who can understand and take care of all your small emotions are so charming.能理解和照顾到你所以细小情绪的人,太迷人了吧。

49、When my piano breaks and breaks, I'll make your hair green and white.待我琴断音垮,许你青丝白发。

50、It's hard to complain about parting, and it's hard to send sorrow. Don't ask who's in another country, or who's in the long gate.怨别离,悲难寄,不问他乡谁人依,不问长门谁人倚。

51、Looking at you smiling, I suddenly found that I am the happiest person in the world.看着微笑的你,突然发现,我真是世界上最幸福的人。

52、Allow for happiness, but also allow for sadness, so that the full moon will bloom.容得下幸福,也要容得下难过,如此才会花好月圆。

53、If there is no one in your heart, how can there be light in the dark.若非心里有人,怎会暗里有光。

54、I am already invincible, but you are 101.我本已是百毒不侵,偏偏你是一百零一。

55、Don't give up easily, or you'll be sorry for yourself ten years later.不要轻言放弃,否则对不起十年后的自己。

56、All living directions are vain.凡生所向,皆为虚妄。

57、For the rest of my life, it's me to be thin and rich.往后余生,爆瘦是我,有钱也是我。

58、Sleep with you for 3000, kill all the crows in the world, and sleep with you until dawn.与君共寝三千世界鸦杀尽,与君共寝到天明。

59、I'm not talented. I met a girl by chance, but I fell in love with her for a long time.小生不才,与姑娘有缘遇见,却妄爱恋姑娘许久。

60、You can love the life you have, or you can pursue the life you want.你可以热爱已有的生活,也可以去追求想要的生活。

61、The first sight of your eyebrows and eyes is like the summer breeze in the cold winter.初见你的眉眼,如寒冬中吹来的夏日清风。

62、The earth is still turning, the world is still changeable, and I love you forever.地球仍然转着,世间依旧善变,而我永远爱你。

63、Holding the sun and moon and picking the stars, there is no one like me in the world.手握日月摘星辰,世间无我这般人。

64、Thousands of charming faces, Yingying stood, speechless and tearful, heartbroken and tolerant.千娇面、盈盈伫立,无言有泪,断肠争忍回顾。

65、I hope I can't wake up after being drunk for a long time, but I hope I can see you in my dream.但愿长醉不复醒,唯求梦中可见卿。

66、If he loves you, he doesn't have to please. If he doesn't love, he doesn't have to.他若爱你,不必讨好。他若不爱,更加不必。

67、Amorous but always ruthless, but you can't laugh in front of the bottle.多情却似总无情,唯觉樽前笑不成。

68、To worry before the common people worries; to enjoy only after the people can enjoy.先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。

69、Like a person, will humble to the dust, and then bloom.喜欢一个人,会卑微到尘埃里,然后开出花来。

70、Time, light and thick; People are at peace far and near.时光,浓淡相宜;人心,远近相安。

71、More and more people leave, and the people left are more and more important.离开的人越来越多,留下的人越来越重要。

72、After experiencing the wind and rain, I know that the sunshine is under my feet.经历过风雨之后,才知阳光明媚就在自己的脚下。

73、You must go down with her and I'll take the bus.你一定要和她好好走下去,我坐车。


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