时间:2021-01-05 07:22:20当前位置:句子汇 → 关于友情的英文句子



Friendship is a coniferous tree, when you do not respect it, trample on it, it will be covered with thorns to protect itself.


A good friend has seen all of you and loves all of you.


A friend is the enrichment around you, the number you can't help dialing all the time, and the cup of tea you sit in the middle of the night.


With friends, life shows its full value.


Friendship, what is it? He is just a feeling, a harvest.


Life is not necessarily rich, as long as brothers together, do what is good, eat what does not matter.


It's a happy thing to have a friend who knows you.


New friends don't know your old temper, old friends don't know your new situation.


A friend is not the one who comes first or the one who has known for the longest time, but the one who never leaves after coming.


I can not give you a lot of moved, but I will always accompany you.


Don't tell each other everything about the speculation.


True friendship is not rhetoric, but the hand that pulls you at the critical time.


I want friendship, just simple and clean, no intrigue, no cheating, no end.


Reliable friendship is the warmest coat in this life.


Friends go together all their lives, who gets fat first, who is a dog.


The more I like a friend, the more poisonous my mouth is. I wish I could lie in each other's ears every day for 365 days and humiliate each other.


The friendship between people, the soul of most people together, because of this valuable connection, is gentle and sweet.


You have no scruples when you talk to her. If you want to scold, you will scold. If you want to be sweet, you will be sweet. If you really have nothing to talk about, you are your best friend.


In fact, with the growth of age, we do not lose some friends, but we know who is the real friend.


Consumption is not the same, try not to go out to play together.


See friends cry do not want to pass her tissue, want to give her sunglasses, let her still very cool.


Wujiao and Wujiao are good sisters. No one can make up a piece without them.


You can't deny that over the years, these people who smile with you in graduation photos will be a wonderful memory that can never be forgotten.


Accompany you from school uniform to wedding dress, through young frivolous, I send you to get married.


If we don't contact each other all the time, no matter how good or strong the relationship is, it will fade away.


My best friend is not at my side, but a phone call, you can do all the missing.


A friend is like an umbrella, whether sunny or rainy, will always be with you!


We are just like brothers. We are still good after many turns.


The best thing in the world is to have a few friends who are honest in mind and heart.


Love makes people cry, while friendship helps people dry their tears.


Sculpt the splendor of time, remember the permanence of time, only wish the light as you never fade, forever, the friendship in our hearts.


When I was seventeen or eighteen, I met a group of good guys. They accompanied me through the only youth in my life.


A true good friend is not a person who has endless topics to talk about together, but a person who doesn't feel embarrassed even if he doesn't talk.


There are two kinds of people who can play with me, one is the one who can tolerate my insanity, the other is the one who is just as insane as me.


We dare to make friends with you in my life.


If you are Chen Haonan, I am a pheasant.


My friend, your voice floats in my heart, like the muffled sound of the sea among the listening pines.


When we meet, we use our hands and feet, say a few words and scold them. After that, we scold them. Can also look at each other and smile, such is the best friend!


We are the young people who are about to release their ideals on New Year's Eve.


It's a strange thing to miss when you don't see it, to hate when you see it, to bully yourself and not to bully others.


Friendship is the fire in the cold, the shade in the heat, and the cotton padded jacket in the golden autumn.


If a person relies too much on friendship, what he gets from friendship is not happiness, but more distress.


My best friend is the one who accompanies you to wait for the dawn in the darkest time.


Time is like a big sieve, which can stand the filtration. Only those who stay are true friends.


The real brother, even if it's uncomfortable, these days, both of them will reflect on each other and finally make up. This is the brother.


Don't let those who are really good to you slowly disappear from your life, no matter love or friendship, all need management.


I hope you and I will still be old friends after many years, drink old wine together, get drunk and sing an immortal song of youth.


Time can't dilute the wine of friendship, distance can't open the hand of missing, wish you, forever!


A good relationship or friendship. Not chasing, but attracting. Not entanglement, but random. It's not a game, it's a treasure.


Thank God for sending you to make trouble with me.


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  • 1、以文常会友,唯德自成邻。——祖咏《清明宴司勋刘郎中别业》 2、荒村带返照,落叶乱纷纷。古路无行客,寒山独见君。野桥经雨断,涧水向田分。不为怜同病,何人到白云。——刘长卿《碧涧别墅喜皇甫侍御相访》 3、浮云一别后,流水十年间。—&mdas...