时间:2020-01-30 09:04:05当前位置:句子汇 → 最优美的英语句子



He was round all over, especially his stomach protruded like a barrel. If he didn't arrive, his stomach arrived first.


The autumn wind is bleak, and the forest is stained with gold. Walking in the forest in the sun, you have a different taste.


Spring wind is like a colored pen, which makes the whole world more colorful.


Without books in life, it's like without sunshine; without books in life, it's like a bird without wings.


The round buds on the sycamore tree in France have spread out like lilac trumpets.


Our school is like a big garden, how beautiful, how lovely, we thrive here.


The beard on his chin was long and untidy, as if it were stuck to it with withered bracts.


There are many peaks, green water like a mirror, blue mountains and floating water, and the reflection is elegant. The scenery on both sides is like a hundred Li Gallery.


Dad is a football fan, but he turns off a wonderful game. Why?


You can go all the way, but you can't go by the only way; you can choose all the way, but you can't choose the wrong way.


All of a sudden, a round of red sun rose up in the face, and the golden light sprinkled down was like a Golden Whip, driving away the clouds and mist.


The spring wind is like a skillful scissors, cutting out the mountains and rivers into a new green; it is also like a wise painter, drawing the land of all colors.


The trees on the hillside are quietly drawing out new branches and sprouting like grass.


Since ancient times, poets love spring and praise it because the scenery of spring is pleasant and poetry can be found everywhere.


The sound is loud and crisp, like fried beans.


The lanterns on the shore are reflected in the lake like jewels.


The sunshine in midsummer is like dipping in hot pepper water. There is not a shady place in the street.


The moon is like a newly married daughter-in-law. Just after she came up from the East, she shamefully went into the leaves of trees to hide.


Through the thin clouds, the sun shines on the vast white earth, reflecting the silver light, dazzling people's eyes.


A colorful flower hiding in the grass, such as a shy girl, makes people want to protect her.


One evening, when I was out for a walk, I suddenly felt that I was surrounded by a wonderful scenery.


The moon is slanting in the sky, smiling, the stars are full of the Milky way, blinking.


In late autumn, the pomegranates on the tree are all cracked, like flowers blooming one after another.


Spring, like a beautiful fairy, gently wakes all creatures up.


The spring wind, like cotton wool, blows across the river in front of my house.


The forest woke up, combed its hair in the morning wind, and busily wiped the rosy morning glow on its face.


Books are like a ladder, which can lead us to the temple of knowledge.


Chunfeng, you are like a gentle Qiu, you are like a song in a big girl's throat, you are like a mother's hand.


Early summer evening wind, with the delicate fragrance of jujube and rose flowers, drifted into this simple and comfortable living room.


The corner of his mouth was a little crooked, like clenching his teeth, and he seemed to have a strong spirit.


You see, the flowers are in full bloom, red like fire, white like snow, pink like Xia, colorful.


Even if you are nostalgic for the beautiful Narcissus in the water, don't forget that in the lonely corner of the valley, wild lilies also have spring.


I am not alone at all, because I am the only one in my world.


Do not do evil, do good, do not do good with small, do not do evil with small.


The white rooster, with his cockscomb up, flapped his wings angrily and rushed forward like an arrow with his long neck outstretched.


The melodious piano sound is always the microwave of thoughts in the silent night, and the memory glitters in the microwave of Taoism.


Firmly holding the hand of the years, carrying the fruit of your fruitful life; remember the bitterness and sweetness left in the years.


Spring is still shallow, but the plum blossom on several hilltops is struggling to spit out red buds.


The morning stars in the sky and the little lights on the mountain are faintly reflected in the lake.


In the early winter, the green of the mountain has not yet faded, and there is still a little bit of grass has not been dyed yellow.


Mingming studies at home all day and works very hard.


Looking from afar, the boulder is like a fairy standing on a high mountain, stretching out his arm to point forward.


The rainbow reflects the clear blue sky and the cool wind blows. The beautiful scenery on both sides of Jialing River is more moving.


A child ran to his mother, took the heavy bucket in his mother's hand, and carried it away.


The fluffy green grass, with the continuous ups and downs of the terrain, reaches to the sky, like a thick carpet for the earth.


After listening to such wonderful music, he could not control his feelings and began to dance.


Lonely people always remember everyone in life, just as I always think of you.


Swarms of bees are busy in the flowers, sucking their stamens and flying around diligently.


I like those shining things, such as snow in winter, stars in the sky, and your eyes.


The fruit of labor is the sweetest, the sincere help the most touching, the sincere criticism the most warm, the bottom of my heart the happiest.


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