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1、There is always a windy morning and a warm afternoon.总有起风的清晨,总有暖和的午后。

2、Great happiness comes from the admiration of beautiful works.大的快乐来自对美的作品的瞻仰。

3、If you don't have the ability to deal with the aftermath, you don't have a fickle temper.没有善后的能力,就别有善变的脾气。

4、The sea is silent, the heart is lonely, and tears express all the efforts.大海无声,人心孤独,泪水表白了一切的不努力。

5、Love takes risks, but love hurts more, if there is no both; What is life?爱须冒险,情更伤神,若无两者;何谓人生?

6、Women are men like men, and men are women like women.女人像男人一样爷们,男人像女人一样娘们。

7、If you don't work hard, what can you do to prove how blind the people who looked down on you were.不努力,拿什么证明当初看不起你的人有多瞎。

8、He was destined to fall in love with her. He never stopped yearning for her.他注定会爱上她。他其实从没有停止过渴望她。


9、Time, everything that can be erased, is not a real thing.时间,可以抹杀的一切,都不是真正存在的东西。

10、You must remember that there must be someone in this world who will hate you.你一定要记住,这个世界上,一定有人会讨厌你。

11、Having a clear goal in life can make people happy.生活有个明确的目标就能使人幸福。

12、Time not only allows you to see through others, but also allows you to recognize yourself.时间不仅让你看透别人,也让你认清自己。

13、Death is just a new journey.死本来也不过是一个新的旅程。

14、The secret of success in life is to seize a good opportunity when it comes.人生成功的秘诀是当好机会来临时,立刻抓住它。

15、Think too much for you. Now it's time to think for yourself.为你们想的太多,现在该为自己着想。

16、A person is not alone, only when you want to be alone.一个人并不孤单,想一个人时才孤单。

17、When the mind turns, all thoughts turn; One heart is connected, and all roads are connected.心念一转,万念皆转;心路一通,万路皆通。

18、In what children do, constantly look for commendable places.在孩子干的事情中,不断寻找值得赞许的地方。

19、How dare you break my hair! I won't fight you anymore!你居然敢弄断我的头发!我不跟你打了!

20、Time is like drizzle, washing the dirt on our hearts.时间像细雨,洗涤我们心灵上的污垢。

21、Suffering is first a kind of luck, and then a kind of misfortune.磨难首先是一种幸运,然后才是一种不幸。

22、The sail of life is not afraid of strong winds and waves. I'm afraid I have no courage!人生的帆,不怕狂风巨浪,只怕自己没胆量!

23、Honesty is the most important thing in a hundred years of life, and the prosperity of the country is the spirit according to law.人生百年以诚为贵,国家兴旺依法则灵。

24、Sometimes people are very strange. They miss each other but go farther and farther.人有时很奇怪,互相思念却又越走越远。

25、If you are brave, you will succeed; Hard work, happiness will come.勇敢,事会成功;勤劳,幸福必来。

26、No matter how much we explain, it's futile. You don't understand me. I don't blame you.我们再多的解释也是徒劳,你不懂我,我不怪你。

27、Only with an optimistic attitude can we maintain a young heart.有个乐观的心态,才能保持一颗年轻的心。

28、When people live, they don't want everything to go well, but they want to be worthy of it.人活着,不求事事顺心,但求无愧于心。

29、Bitter and sweet, sweet and bitter, twists and turns, cause and effect is inevitable.苦尽甘来,甘尽苦来,峰回路转,因果必然。

30、No evil can be done, and all good will be pursued. Self purification is the meaning of Buddhism.诸恶莫作,众善奉行。自净其意,是诸佛教。

31、Less resentment, more love.怨恨少一点,爱就会多一点。

32、After breaking up, we should die of old age and don't communicate with each other. It's cheap to show a trace of missing.分手后就该老死不相往来,展露一丝想念都是贱。

33、The sparse line of bamboo allows the wind to enter, and the big character transcription is the view of the moon.稀行种竹容风入,大字抄书就月观。

34、Reality tells you that without money, even your closest people will look down on you.现实告诉你,没钱连你最亲的人都会瞧不起你。

35、Give up, you said so easily. But I have to do it with all my strength.放弃、你说得如此容易。我却要用尽力气去执行。

36、The world will not be good to you because of how miserable you are.这个世界不会因为你多惨,就会对你多好。

37、Save enough disappointment and leave. You can't save enough despair.攒够失望就离开吧,总不能再攒够绝望。

38、Autumn wind is cool, autumn wind forget, don't think about it tonight.秋风凉,秋风忘,今夜别思量。

39、Don't be discouraged. Your good luck is coming to you through thorns and thorns.别气馁呀,你的好运正在披荆斩棘的向你跑过来。

40、You are no longer willful because no one is used to it.你不再任性,是因为没人惯着。

41、I have a warm hug of happiness.我拥有微微的幸福,温暖的拥抱。

42、My brain is blank and I just want to leave this place that scares me.我大脑一片空白,只想离开这个让我害怕的地方。

43、The pain of learning is temporary, and the pain of not learning is lifelong.学习时的苦痛是暂时的,未学到的痛苦是终生的。

44、There is no hatred for no reason, but there are people who can't think of the reason.没有无缘无故的恨,却有想不出缘故的不顺眼。

45、Some wounds always hurt because you always touch them.一些伤口之所以总会痛,那是因为你总是去摸。

46、If you think it's worth believing, try hard and don't come back in vain.你认为值得相信,就努力付出,千万别无功而返。

47、Life does not necessarily need to be gorgeous, as wonderful as a dream!生活不一定需要华丽,有梦想一样精彩!

48、We should work hard, and a little progress is also progress.该努力还是要努力,进步一点点也是进步。

49、Only when you are drunk can you know who you love most, and only when you are sick can you know who loves you most.喝醉了才知道你最爱谁,生病了才知道谁最爱你。

50、Living and being happy is the greatest happiness.活着并快乐着,才是最大的幸福。

51、Women shed tears for the dead, men avenge the dead!女人为死人流泪,男人为死人报仇!

52、Travel to Gulangyu and meet the warm sun in the afternoon.到鼓浪屿旅游,与午后暖阳的相遇。

53、The most important thing for a man is not the position he stands, but the direction he faces.人最重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向。

54、Cowardly people are afraid of loneliness and arrogance, and wise people know how to enjoy loneliness and arrogance.懦弱的人惧怕孤傲,明智的人懂得享用孤傲。

55、Living is suffering, living is purgatory, we have nowhere to escape.生存即苦难,活着即炼狱,我们无处可逃。

56、Don't hate, don't complain, don't dwell on every day in the past.不要记恨,不要埋怨,不要纠结于过往的每一天。

57、Going back to the past is a fascinating dream.回到过去,是一个迷人的幻梦。

58、The best arrangement of time is that you and I are well.你我安好,便是时光最好的安排。

59、You can lack everything, but you can't lack self-confidence.什么都可以缺乏,自信不能缺乏。

60、Self esteem is a person's backbone, self-esteem is a fearless spirit.自尊是一个人的脊梁,自尊是一种无畏的气概。

61、You don't understand, never understand, leave just want to be retained.你还不懂,永远不懂,离开只是想要被挽留。

62、The holy water of gratitude can moisten the dry heart.感激的圣水,能滋润干枯的心。

63、There is sunshine in my heart, and rainy days are also a kind of romance.心里有阳光,雨天也是一种浪漫。

64、If you don't try new things, your life won't be colorful.如果你不尝试新事物,你的人生不会多姿多彩。

65、In this life, you need a person who is good to yourself.人生这一辈子,就需要一个对自己好的人。

66、In the sheltered harbor, there is no high sail.在避风的港湾里,找不到昂扬的帆。

67、Chase a dream with one heart, just to fly higher.用一心追逐一个梦,只为飞的更高。

68、If you are not afraid of losing, is it still love?如果不害怕失去,还算是爱吗?

69、No fear of wind and rain, just for the sweet taste of tomorrow.风吹雨打也无惧无畏,只为明天那甘甜的滋味。

70、Some things, the more persistent you are, the more contrary they are to your ideas.有些事情,你越是执着,它就越是与想法违背的。

71、It's not that I have no choice, but I don't want to make mistakes again and again.并非别无选择,只是不想一错再错。

72、Human actions determine everything about human beings. No action equals zero.人类的行动决定人类的一切。不行动,等于零。

73、There is no wound that cannot be cured, and there is no pain that cannot be ended.没有治愈不了的伤,也不存在不能结束的痛。


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