时间:2022-05-17 13:10:57当前位置:句子汇 → 原耽名句英语


1、I have traveled all over the world just to meet you again.我走遍大千世界,只为再次与你相遇。

2、No matter how dark the night is, dawn will come.不管长夜有多黑暗,黎明总会到来。

3、No matter love or not, I will never see you again in this life.无论爱与不爱,这辈子都不会再见了。

4、If you lose, lose. I lose and my wife is here.输就输吧,我输了还有夫人在。

5、To you, I will always lose.对你,我永远都是输。

6、Holding the sword of mountains and rivers, I wish to be the king Sinan.手握山河剑,愿为君司南。

7、Finally have the courage to become your past.终于有了勇气,成为你的过去。

8、One sword breaks through ages, one ancient and one reincarnation.一剑断万古,一古一轮回。

9、It's sad to forget friends. Not everyone has friends.忘记朋友是可悲的,不是谁都有朋友。


10、Unless loess and white bones, I will keep you 100 years old.除非黄土白骨,我守你百岁无忧。

11、Diamonds are hard, but the harder they are, the more brittle they become.钻石很硬,但越硬就越脆。

12、I want to trust someone, very much.我想去相信一个人,非常想。

13、I said, if you're not smart, you'll be hated.我说,你再不机灵一点会被讨厌的吧。

14、Heaven and earth are unkind, and all things are ruminant dogs.天地不仁,以万物为刍狗。

15、I didn't want to kill you, but I had to kill you again.我本不想杀你,可又不得不杀你。

16、Why not? Fight me and you'll die.不为什么。跟我打,你必死无疑。

17、Save yourself before you save others.拯救他人之前,先拯救自己。

18、The sun rose as usual and nothing changed.太阳照常升起,一切都没有改变。

19、As long as they both live in the world, they will meet sooner or later.只要两人都活在世上,迟早会遇到的。

20、As long as that smile remains, my heart will be free.只要那一抹笑容尚存,我便心无旁驽。

21、People are always arranged by fate, and I arrange fate.人们总是被命运安排,而我安排命运。

22、The moon is clear, the wind is clear, and the Stardust is dawn. Song Zichen is proud and snowy.明月清风晓星尘,傲雪凌霜宋子琛。

23、You sit in the hall and don't touch the wind and snow.你坐明堂上,不要沾风雪。

24、It's not hard to do what you like.做喜欢的事情,不算熬。

25、Who's ready? I'm ready.谁准备好了,我准备好了。

26、I chase you. If I chase you, you let me.我追你,如果我追到你,你就让我。

27、I told him I liked it. But he didn't seem to hear it.我对他说了,喜欢。但他好像没听到。

28、If you are a God, I will become a devil.你若为神,吾便成魔。

29、In the end, there is an altar of heaven's laughter. I don't regret entering the devil's way in this life.终是一坛天子笑,此生不悔入魔道。

30、I've been waiting for you for 13 years. How can you get back to me?我等你十三载,你如何回我?

31、Being pulled up is different from standing up.被人拉起来,和自己站起来是两码事。

32、They are too young to know how to love.他们都太年轻了,还不懂如何去爱。

33、It's me who despises you. I don't complain about death or life.是我薄你,死生不怨。

34、The world keeps turning until we meet.世界不停转动,直到我们相逢。

35、Time flows by, is already dead.年华流过,便是已经死了。

36、His heart has good scenery, and he is no longer afraid of others to ruin the scenery.他心有好风景,再不怕旁人煞风景。

37、As long as there is a line, there must be vitality.只要有一线,便必定有生机。

38、The city is full of flowers for you, and the lights are three thousand for you.为你花开满城,为你灯明三千。

39、If you can suffer, you still have hope for life!你能痛苦,说明你对生活还抱有希望!

40、Only when you fly higher can you be qualified to overlook everything.只有飞得更高,才有俯瞰一切的资格。

41、Then she must be able to see the voice, I believe.那她一定能看得见声音,我相信。

42、Everything has a boundary, love and hate have no reason.万物有界,爱恨无由。

43、Don't bother me, I'm becoming a Buddha!别打扰我,我在成佛!

44、I don't regret entering the devil's way in this life. I'd like to be a person in the way in the afterlife.此生不悔入魔道,来世愿做道中人。

45、Think too much will also be tired, too tired to remember.想多了也会累,累到想不起。

46、The weak will never recover. I want to turn over against the wind.弱者才会一蹶不振,我要逆风翻盘。

47、I smiled from the horizontal knife to the sky, leaving the liver and gallbladder two Kunlun Mountains.我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑。

48、When people are sad, they always like to watch the sunset.人难过的时候,总是爱看日落。

49、Nothing is mean on the battlefield.在战场上,没有什么是卑鄙的。

50、Have a long talk with yourself, shake hands with loneliness and make peace.与自己促膝长谈,与孤独握手言和。

51、As long as you live, you will always meet good things.只要活着,总会遇见好事的。

52、I'm glad I met you, but I'm sorry I just met you.我庆幸遇见了你,却遗憾只是遇见你。

53、You know, my flower, I am responsible for her!你知道,我的花,我是要对她负责的!

54、Don't talk nonsense if you don't know me at all.你根本不了解我,就不要随便乱说。

55、I'm fine. I'll be happy.我没事,我会幸福快乐。

56、Forgive me, Sasuke. This is the last time.原谅我,佐助,这是最后一次了。

57、No problem. Don't worry. Everything will be fine.没问题的,别担心,一切都会好的。

58、The best is like water, and the Stardust is known. Xue Chengmei is unforgivable.上善若水晓星尘,十恶不赦薛成美。

59、I am the emperor of heaven, when the town kills all enemies in the world!我为天帝,当镇杀世间一切敌!

60、Seal the black water in the north with the essence of mountains and rivers.以山河之精,封北方黑水。

61、You deceived him into being blind and made him suffer.你欺他眼盲,骗得他好苦。

62、Merry Christmas, my unexpected surprise.圣诞快乐,我意料之外的意外。

63、Laugh loudly and you won't be afraid.大声的笑出来,就不害怕了。

64、Jiang Cheng was born alone and left alone.生来一人,去时孤身,便是江澄其人。

65、It's great to have an umbrella, but the umbrella is crying.有雨伞好棒,可是雨伞在流泪。

66、Ashes as a warning, limited to his life.骨灰为戒,以他生命为限。

67、The more utilitarian you are, the more mysterious the world will be to you.你越功利,世界对你就越神秘。

68、Since there is no chance, there is no need to swear.既然无缘,何须誓言。

69、I've never loved anyone so much as I love you.我从未如此爱过任何人,一如我爱你。

70、We know each other well, and spend a long time together.冷暖有相知,共度日月长。

71、Life is like a play. It all depends on acting.人生如戏,全靠演技。

72、No one is always young, but someone is always young.没人永远年轻,可永远有人年轻。

73、It's not your problem. It's not your fault.不是你的问题。不是你的错。

74、Even if it's drifting with the tide, as long as it's moving forward.就算是随波逐流,只要是在前进就好。

75、God! Please give me another wave of strength.神啊!请再给我振臂一挥的力量吧。

76、Your sorry, what is it.你的对不起,算什么东西。

77、We are too happy and become fools.过于幸福的我们,变成了笨蛋。

78、Life is not fair, you slowly realize it.人生就是不公平的,你自己慢慢悟吧。

79、I came here just to love you!我来这里,只为爱你!

80、No matter how I get lost, you can find me.不管我怎么迷路,你都找到我的吧。

81、The body that has not been born and died, and the soul that has not been burned.未生已死之身,未灼已化之魂。

82、When we begin to pursue, we are already losing.当我们开始追寻,我们就已经在失去。

83、So shallow chest, so deep heart.那么浅的胸口,那么深的心。


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