时间:2022-03-20 15:05:05当前位置:句子汇 → 英文经典美句摘抄长句


1、True and rational friendship is the best priceless treasure in life.真实的十分理智的友谊,是人生最美好的无价之宝。

2、People should still have dreams. Even salted fish should be the saltiest one.人还是要有梦想,即使是咸鱼,也要做最咸的那条。

3、The ending and process are all there. If you entangle again, you will feel greedy.结局和过程都有了,再去纠缠,连自己都觉得贪婪。

4、The stars are bright everywhere. It depends on whether you look up at them.星星在哪里都很亮的,就看你有没有抬头去看它们。

5、Some things are too beautiful, but feel unreal and inexplicably want to escape.有些事太过于美好反而觉得不真实莫名的想要逃离。

6、We walked on different roads and never looked back at each other's happiness.我们在不同的路上行走,不曾回头张望彼此的幸福。

7、To be a man, you can't advance an inch and make it worse. This is the image of a bad man.做人,不能得寸进尺,变本加厉,这是坏人的形象。

8、Believe in others and give up yourself. This is the beginning of many people's failed life!相信别人,放弃自己,这是许多人失败人生的开始!


9、Spend more time growing up, less time criticizing others and being jealous of others.多花时间成长自己,少花时间去苛责别人嫉妒别人。

10、There are no beauties in the world. When there are many people pursuing, they will naturally become beauties.世上本来没有美女,追求的人多了自然就成了美女。

11、Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the wind and rain.生活不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。

12、Every time I think of you, a grain of sand falls from the sky, and the Sahara is formed from then on.每想你一次,天上飘落一粒沙,从此形成了撒哈拉。

13、When the tea is cold, don't continue. If you continue, it's not the original taste.茶凉了,就别再续了,再续,也不是原来的味道了。

14、It is impossible to live twice, but many people are not good at spending even once.生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一次也不善于度过。

15、The greatest pain in life is not to lose, but to be unhappy when you get it.人生最大的痛苦不是失去,而是得到之后却不快乐。

16、Wherever you are, do what you can with what you have.无论你在哪里,用你所拥有的东西做你能做的事情。

17、I treat kings who can enter my heart. Those who do not enter my heart disdain perfunctory.能入我心者,我待以君王。不入我心者,不屑敷衍。

18、In fact, we are all people who are afraid of pain, but in our thoughts, we are even more afraid of unhappiness.其实我们都是怕痛的人,只是意念中,更怕不幸福。

19、All great actions and thoughts have a trivial beginning.一切伟大的行动和思想,都有一个微不足道的开始。

20、As long as she stands in front of me and smiles, I have nothing to do but compromise.只要她站在我面前笑,除了妥协,我没有一点办法。

21、Apples can be eaten in five minutes, but they don't grow in five minutes.苹果可以在五分钟内吃掉,但五分钟却长不出苹果。

22、Without a few knocks, you can't know the quality of a person or a watermelon.不敲几下,你不可能知道一个人或一个西瓜的好坏。

23、The greatest happiness in life is to let go. The greatest comfort in life is giving.人生最大的幸福是放得下。人生最大的欣慰是布施。

24、People who don't want to take risks usually have to choose what others have left.不愿冒风险的人,通常只能选择别人剩下来的东西。

25、All our dreams can come true as long as we have the courage to pursue them.我们的所有梦想都能实现,只要我们有勇气去追求。

26、In this changing world, time is the biggest thief.在这个幻变的世界里,岁月,原来才是最大的小偷。

27、No one can break into my heart except you, so I have to take care of myself.除了你,没人能闯进我的心,只好自我照顾自我了。

28、If you seek wealth, it's better to seek satisfaction. Satisfaction is the best wealth.你若寻求财富,不如寻求满足,满足是最好的财富。

29、Time has revealed each other's vulnerability, and you and I have lost our previous strength.时间揭晓了彼此的脆弱,你我已失去了从前的坚强。

30、When you look down on everything, you will be relieved and calmly face the sadness after sadness.看开看淡一切就释然了,从容面对忧伤之后的忧伤。

31、God will give you a fortune while creating difficulties for you.老天在给你制造坎坷的同时,也会赐给你一笔财富。

32、If you want to leave, you don't have to say it yourself. Time will tell me who treats me the most.想离开的你不用自己说,时光会告诉我谁待我最真。

33、Our life is complex and we pursue it all our life. We always feel that happiness is out of reach.我们一生复杂,一生追求,总觉得幸福遥不可企及。

34、Winners often get success by sticking to the last five minutes.胜利者往往是从坚持最后五分钟的时间中得来成功。

35、Many times, if you reverse the perspective, you will find a new world.很多时候,颠倒一下视角,会发现一个全新的世界。

36、Behind everyone, there will be sadness and unspeakable difficulties.每个人的背后都会有心酸,都会有无法言说的艰难。

37、Difficulties are like the ocean. Only those with strong will can reach the other shore.困境就象海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达彼岸。

38、The human heart is like a container, containing more happiness and less depression.人心就像一个容器,装的快乐多了,郁闷自然就少。

39、Science can increase people's positive knowledge, but it can not improve people's realm.科学可以增加人的积极知识,但不能提高人的境界。

40、A man must practice in things before he can stand still and move steadily.人须在事上磨练,方立得住,方能静亦定,动亦定。

41、If fate holds you by the throat, scratch his armpit.如果命运掐住了你的咽喉,那你就挠挠他的胳肢窝。

42、In this life, there is always a reality that people are unwilling to accept and a mood that they don't want to bear.人这一生,总有不愿接受的现实,不想承受的心情。

43、Although the sun has black spots, it has set up a glorious image in its vigorous combustion.太阳虽有黑点,却在奋力燃烧中树立了光辉的形象。

44、All excuses are nonsense. They are used to cover up the reluctance to sacrifice.一切借口均属废话,都是用以掩饰不愿牺牲的借口。

45、It turns out that mutual support is actually another kind of dependence.原来相生相克,其实也是另一种意义上的相依为命。

46、There is no better scenery than in memory, so it's best not to revisit the old place.没有比记忆中更好的风景,所以最好不要旧地重游。

47、If you don't think clearly, it will become a burden. You must take time to think about it.不去想清楚就会变成一个包袱,一定要花时间去想。

48、Absolute fairness and justice is the illusion of cowards and the illusion of lucky people.绝对的公平公正是懦弱者的幻想,是幸运儿的幻觉。

49、Only when you are drunk can you know who you love most, and only when you are sick can you know who loves you most.喝醉了你才知道你最爱谁,生病了才知道谁最爱你。

50、The harder it is, the more it needs to be done. Reform has never been smooth sailing.愈艰难,就愈要做。改革,是向来没有一帆风顺的。

51、A wise man always seizes the opportunity and turns it into a better future.一个明智的人总是抓住机遇,把它变成美好的未来。

52、People get acquainted with each other by fate, intersect with each other by love, cherish each other by products, and respect each other by virtue.人与人相识于缘,相交于情,相惜于品,相敬于德。

53、Talking to a knowledgeable person is better than reading for ten years.同一个知识渊博的人谈一席话,真是胜过读十年书。

54、A needle can be pierced to embroider flowers, and it can also be pierced to the heart and shed blood.一根针能扎过步绣出花来,也能扎在心上流出鲜血。

55、Some people, like a star, are doomed to eternity after only one look!有的人,像一颗恒星,只看了一眼,就注定了永远!

56、Love is a kind of indulgence. You are dancing with ghosts and I am in bitter love with myself.爱是一种沉溺,你在跟鬼魂跳舞,我在跟自己苦恋。

57、When you understand the emptiness of everything in the world, you know to learn not to care.当你了解世间一切的空性,你就知道要学着不在乎。

58、Life is too short, go crazy, go to love, go to waste, go after dreams, go to regret.人生都太短暂,去疯去爱去浪费,去追去梦去后悔。

59、The world doesn't care so much about you, and don't let the world change your rhythm.这个世界没那么在意你,也别让世界改变你的节奏。

60、The world that you are afraid of is the world that you are afraid of.别害怕,世界就是由梦想和梦想所带来的美合成的。

61、Anything will be less interesting tomorrow than today.任何事情,到了明天,都会比今天更少使人感兴趣。

62、A person will only be angry, not patient, such a life does not know conscience.一个人只会愤怒,不会忍耐,这样的人生不懂良知。

63、The pillow is full of moldy dreams, in which a person who can't have lives.枕头里藏满了发霉的梦,梦里住了个无法拥有的人。

64、Learn to bargain in the vegetable market. Don't think you should be smart after.学会在菜市场讨价还价,不要以为后还应该很潇洒。

65、If you make a mistake, admit it honestly; Sophistry and prevarication will only harm yourself.犯错,就诚实的认错;狡辩,诿过只会害了你自己。

66、Behind every girl's favorite song, there is a story that has not been told.每个女孩最喜欢的歌背后,都有一个没讲述的故事。

67、A person can reach his full potential only when he goes all out.一个人只有在全力以赴的时候才能发挥最大的潜能。

68、I know there are not so many ifs in the world. But I still stubbornly like it.我知道世界上没有如此多假如。却还是固执的喜欢。

69、When you are full of hope, others see you bright and brilliant.当你满怀希望之时,别人看到的就是明亮灿烂的你。

70、Happiness is just a feeling. It has nothing to do with the rich and the poor. It is connected with the heart.幸福快乐只是一种感觉,与贫富无关,同内心相连。

71、In fact, you're doing well, but hypocrisy makes you feel very sad.其实你过得还不错,只是矫情让你觉得自己很难过。

72、It's better to forget the Jianghu and be free if you keep the past that you can't go back.守着不能回去的过去,不如相忘于江湖,自由自在。


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