时间:2020-01-28 09:47:41当前位置:句子汇 → 英语的伤感句子



There is time to be sad, but there is no time to forget it. It's short to experience, but long to forget.


You stubbornly live in the memory, but do not know that others have to create new memories.


Advertisement always appears in the most wonderful time, you always leave when I love the most.


It rained, dark clouds came, and the sky was gray. There was no bird's happy cry in the tree, only thunder roaring.


Never dare to hope for a forever, only for a heart to meet. I never dare to think that love will last forever. I just want a glimpse of the world of mortals.


I don't want this heartache anymore. I don't need anyone anymore.


Anyone can be vicious as long as you try something called jealousy.


Maybe it's not appropriate that I can't make you laugh, and you can only make me cry. After that, I said I would go, you didn't keep me, I didn't turn back.


Don't say love easily, promise is debt!


I don't even have you for a second, but I seem to have lost you ten thousand times.


When people grow up, they really need to make up. For nothing else, they can think of the countless moments in life when they want to cry. I can't spend my makeup.


I tried my best to make you pay attention to me. At last, I found that I was too amorous.


It's over. I've left peace. Time can't stop at the original time. What I lost has been lost. I will have something else tomorrow.


If I say that I will regret one day when I marry you, then I will regret all my life if I don't marry you.


Don't put your sadness on your face, it'll look hopeless.


Your eyes have no me, but in my heart, you are so deep.


If you laugh once, I will be happy for several days; but if you cry once, I will be sad for several years.


There is a love called fate, not not not love but no fate, there is also a love called completion! To fulfill others and yourself.


You break into my world, then give up halfway, the last reluctant person is me, the heartache person is also me.


When people are in a hurry, they are easy to say something hurtful, but what is more hurtful is that most of these hurtful words are sincere.


If life never met, I am still me, you are still you, just missed the most gorgeous adventure of life.


Some people will pass some things. You can't stop drinking water because the cup is broken.


Happiness is cheating in pain. Sadness makes sentences for happiness. There is no doubt about it. Just living is the evidence.


When a woman is looking at the sky, she doesn't want to find anything, she is just lonely.


Sometimes, close your mouth, let go of your pride, admit that you are wrong, not admit defeat, but grow up.


Love whets and cultivates people. All the wrong people I love, though not perfect me, perfect me. You are my tribulation, but also my tribulation.


After losing it, I found that we are not one of the world's people.


Happiness becomes the canopy of sorrow. The more beautiful it is, the more painful it is.


You always say that I can't see clearly like a cloud, but I don't know that you can't see through my deep feelings.


Don't change yourself for others' opinions. In the end, you can't change into others or find yourself.


I'm like the note in the drift bottle. The future is bright, but there is no way out.


With a helping heart, do something comfortable, love simple people, and take the road of happiness.


Sometimes, I wish I could fast forward time, so I can see if the final result is worth it.


You are the person I want to chat with most before I go to bed at night. I love this feeling.


Once a dream, pick up, and try to piece together, and then broken, and then pick up the piece together, until one day, no longer piece together.


Once said good forever, once said good do not let go, once said good to go down together, once everything, it was only once.


If one day, my talk or signature is no longer updated frequently, it proves that I have a good life.


I don't regret loving you. Even if you hurt me so deeply.


If one day, I deleted you for no reason, please forgive me, it is that I found that your world really does not lack me.


You said that the future is the scenery I can't touch, so my departure has completed whose vast sky and sea.


Memory is like the water in your hand. No matter you hold it tightly or spread it out, it will disappear slowly.


I hate it when you ignore me for a long time and then suddenly start talking to me as if nothing has happened.


If you play on occasion, I'll take care of it. Half is bright and half is gloomy. This is life.


Every now that you hate, there is a time when you didn't work hard enough.


You can't see me, but I haven't been far away from you.


When everyone remembers the happiest time, it is also the most painful time.


I think I should lock myself up, so that I won't run around and be sad, and my life will be as good as ever.


Memory is a curtain full of wind bells, which can't hide a trace of lingering in aftertaste.


I am not a gentle person, but I have done a gentle thing for you.


What you give me is just a starting point, but I have gone on a lonely journey, not to see the perfect ending, not to find the return of wandering.


Sometimes, love is a kind of hurt. Cruel people choose to hurt others; good people choose to hurt themselves.


One day, you will meet a rainbow of gorgeous people, and heartbeats.


If nothing happened, it turned out to be the worst revenge.


It will snow in spring, heavy rain in summer, windy in autumn, sunny in winter, and many accidents in all seasons of the year, but the most charming thing is to meet you.


Some people, we know is love, also want to give up, because there is no end.


Lost the most cherished things, get thousands of miles of pain.


There will be someone in your life who breaks your principles, changes your habits and becomes an irreplaceable exception in your life.


Time gradually took away the young frivolous, but also slowly immersed in the cold and warm self-knowledge.


I believe that our loved ones will become stars to watch for us.


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