时间:2020-10-11 06:52:03当前位置:句子汇 → 英文爱情短句



In the vast sea of people, see your figure, the heart is the first time such a tremor!


Would like someone to give you a quiet love, accompany you to see the water often flow scenery.


I heard it's cheap to get married now. Let's get married. I'll treat you!


Another way to go with the flow is not to care.


In every night accompanied by your voice, it is no longer too lonely.


Fingers too wide, time is too thin, good luck in front of me this person, after all, you.


The happiest thing is to be loved by you every day.


Before I met you, I didn't think about forever.


Every night before going to bed to listen to you say good night, is belongs to me, the most simple and lasting happiness.


Is that funny? It's strange that I don't have you around. Will you accompany me all my life?


Many people have attracted my eyes, but only you have caught my heart.


Where there is marriage without love, there is love without marriage.


I'm 60 cents, you're 60 cents, and we're one dollar and two.


I have only one love, or do not pay, to pay, is all.


People are not lovely because they are beautiful, but because they are lovely.


Memories are warm, but promises have cooled.


I hope that when you are sick, I am the only one to take care of you, and I hope you will not get sick.


The greatest luck in my life is to meet you, so I will cling to you.


The day you left, I decided not to shed tears, facing the wind to support the eyes, forced not to blink.


If you know each other often, you will not doubt each other; if you do not doubt, you can always know each other.


I don't know why, but I can't help wanting to be with you.


We are white headed together. No one is allowed to steal oil.


Don't cry, even you are mine, let alone tears.


Even if there are a million reasons to leave you, I will find a reason to stay for you.


Sometimes, tears, not on behalf of vulnerability, but really hurt.


I have no time to participate in your past. I will accompany you in the future!


The first time I see you is amazing. Goodbye. The best time of my life is to meet you.


Our door is like two parallel lines, can never face to face.


None of you can bully her, only I can!


I like you, do not cry, even you are mine, let alone tears.


I smile inexplicably, just because I think of you.


Take love away, and our earth will become a tomb.


Love is like a leaf, green in neglect and bud in patience.


The best love is to contain each other's past and believe in each other's future.


Smoking is harmful to your health. Smoke me. I'm super sweet.


For the rest of your life, you have to wash more clothes and make more meals.


I hope you say goodbye, does not mean never see again.


I want someone to understand me, even if I don't say anything.


I can't see you grow up, but I'd like to see you grow up with me.


In my heart any time only think of you! Love you!


But you are the most beautiful scenery, all beautiful like you.


You don't want me, I don't blame you, after all, I'm not in your heart.


The thought of spending the rest of my life with you makes me look forward to the rest of my life.


There are trees in the mountains, trees in trees, and branches in trees.


Love is the process of marriage; marriage is the purpose of love.


If only my fingerprint can open the door of your heart.


From the first time I saw you, my eyes were full of clear you.


In love folly is always sweet.


I'm waiting for the wind and you.


I don't fit in with the world. I only cherish you.


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