时间:2020-10-02 06:39:29当前位置:句子汇 → 用英文表白的一段话



"I like you" is too slight, "I love you" is too heavy, and "I want to work with you" is just right.


I love you so much that time and space can't be changed. Feel you in the cloud that end, distant and clear. People are weak, and having a true love is enough to comfort the whole life.


Pick a bright red rose and send a small card to express my infinite missing for you. May it bring you infinite warmth.


The green hills are still there, and the sun is red several times. The days and nights I spend with you are always in my heart. Thank you for your love, your pain and your kindness to me.


You are the receiver of all my love words, you are the listener of all my thoughts, you are the source of all my likes, and you are the home of my life.


I refused all people's ambiguity, just to wait for your uncertain future, I gamble with the happiness of my life, how can you be willing to let me lose.


Happiness is not only roses and! Keli, but in the days without roses and chocolates, I can miss you from afar as always.


Valentine's Day is coming, now I have to tell you frankly: please accept my little heart, but my wish, because I love you!


I hope I can grow old with you in my lifetime. Then white haired, and then smile at each other, we have a tacit understanding.


I know the future can be expected, but it is this minute, this second, gentle indulgence, tolerance and love all want to give you, you are the meaning of their existence.


If there are a thousand people passing by me, I can also hear your steps, because there is a thing on the ground, only you step on my heart.


I used to think that it was terrible to be with a woman all my life, but if that woman was you, I only felt that my life was too short.


Want to say more than ten million words, the heart of infinite love, how a "love" word; just want to go with you all your life, regardless of wind and rain.


In thousands of years, among thousands of people, in the boundless wilderness of time, neither earlier nor later, just met you!


Like the memory, you embrace my temperature. I like your thoughtful words in my memory. Like in memory, you give me the shoulder to rely on.


My love, every poet loves beauty, and your beauty makes poet Shenfei intoxicated. But beauty is changeable. I love you forever.


On the way to love you, there is a most beautiful paradise; miss your life, moisten me; life without rehearsal, you are my eternal expectation.


I want to watch the rain in the Maoting Pavilion, ants by the rockery, butterflies in love, spiders' webs, water, boats, clouds, and your sweet sleep.


Your youth is a natural and unrestrained red lotus, singing a fresh and tender love song. My eyes as deep as a lake are covered with the veins of your green leaves.


Life is like taking a train, no matter how beautiful the scenery will be, the passing time and the people you meet will eventually drift away, and it will always be yourself.


Want you, not one day, but every day. Countless times the clouds rise and fall, the eyes reach, the mind is full of you.


I want to hug you when the wind blows, I want to hug you in the freezing winter snow, I want to hug you in the long alley, I want to hug you all my life.


Outside the world, your breath is like a rainbow; far away, I am quiet. Let you enter my myth, let me take away your last fantasy.


In this life, we will meet many people, fate is all day and night, fragile as dew. Only with you, like a river that never stops growing.


Someone asked me where you are. I can't forget it for so many years. The spring breeze can't compare with your smile. People who haven't seen you will not understand.


Men are not as smart as you think. They can't play with their brain capacity. Guess what you want him to do, just tell him.


the reason why you need spend your whole life to forget someone, is that you never try to forget but are always remembering, expecting and dreaming.


Silent sitting alone in front of the window, the moon curved, silent Mo write your name thousands of times. Cut constantly, the reason is still, is missing, is still all kinds of feelings in the heart.


I don't know what benefits he has, but he has a big shortcoming: I know it. He doesn't love me. Isn't that big enough?


Just because in the crowd to see you one more time, never forget your face. Just because you look back, let me miss you day and night.


I know you are also close to me, the stars are your gifts, so I also came to you, twilight thousands of miles are my return.


I will plant love in spring, irrigate it with hot summer, and feed it with frost in autumn. When you live in winter, we will be white headed with wind and snow.


They all say that my coordinates are the focus of your eyes, but you know, you are the vastness and chaos in my heart, stupid and romantic greed.


Make love with flowers! Take care of you sweetly with my tenderness and bind you with my honey. I will let you be immersed in happiness forever.


It is said that you dream of a person because that person is thinking of you. If the heart ups and downs, smile safe, please allow me to fall into your dream.


You are the reflection of white clouds in the vast ocean. I have got half of your life. It seems that thousands of spring mountains flatter me. I only love you for the rest of my life.


You are the metaphor between the lines, hidden in the beginning, hiding in the end, there is a smile in the broken sentence, deep feeling in the rhyme, every sentence without you, every sentence is you.


We know each other's best friends, but we all have our own independent circle and trust each other. This is probably the best love I want.


Thank my wife for coming into my life. Maybe you are not the best in my life, but absolutely the only one. It is also the most moving one for me.


Let time send my thoughts, let the wind carry my care, let me bless you from afar, I hope you are happy every day and happy forever!


Deeply love you, eager to step into every corner of your heart, build a house inside, from now on, set up camp, block the wind and rain, watch the tide rise and fall.


Thank you for your strong smile, for illuminating a corner of the rain sky, after many days, I will look forward to the beauty of meeting because of this smile.


The so-called perfection is that the volume of the earphone just exceeds the external noise, you wake up naturally when the alarm clock rings, and the person you love just happens to love you.


Because of you, I know love, and I understand love, the first person to love is you, but I feel inferior, so I dare not admit it.


I want to have a good result with you across 1700 kilometers, but you hold the other girl's hand when you type with me across the mobile phone screen.


The passion is covered with rose petals, and the theme of love is engraved on chocolate. In this intoxicating night, I would like to take up my hands to enjoy the moonlight and taste the sweetness together.


Life is very long, just like the most comfortable. Kiss you before sleep, hold you in the middle of the night, wake up with you, this is the future I want.


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