时间:2022-03-27 13:00:25当前位置:句子汇 → 英语优美句子


1、Perhaps, life is not so-called unforgettable.也许,人生并没有那所谓的刻骨铭心。

2、If you have a heart, you will be strong once you hurt it.有颗心,伤一伤,也就坚强了。

3、Although autumn comes, winter comes, and then spring.秋虽然来,冬虽然来,而此后接着的还是春。

4、Time is the coldest, constantly harvesting our present.时光最冷酷,不停的收割我们的现在。

5、Speak less when you are angry and do nothing when you are upset.生气时少说话,心烦时莫做事。

6、The rule of law and stability coexist, and integrity and civilization coexist.法治与安定同在,诚信与文明共存。

7、No matter how far we go, don't forget why we started.无论我们走得多远,不要忘了我们为什么出发。

8、Pain is not a bad thing unless it tames us.痛苦并非坏事,除非痛苦驯服了我们。

9、Learn new knowledge from different industries with a humble attitude.向不同的行业学习新的知识,要用谦逊的态度。

10、Instead of wasting energy complaining, it's better to cherish time and work hard.与其浪费精力抱怨,不如珍惜时间努力。


11、The Starry Sea in your eyes is the bright moon sky I have never seen before.你眼里的星辰大海,是我从未见过的皓月明空。

12、It's said that happiness is so simple that it can be diluted as soon as time passes.听说幸福很简单,简单到时间一冲就冲淡。

13、Don't feel too late and don't be afraid to start over.不要觉得时间太晚,也不要惧怕重新开始。

14、When I was a teenager, only one person could live in my dream.在少年时光里,梦里只住得下一个人。

15、With your beautiful love, the sun will always be bright.拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。

16、If you are not sure, don't hope, you won't be disappointed.没有把握的事,不要抱希望,那就不会失望。

17、Waiting may not be easy; It's easy to hurt.等待也许并不容易;伤害却轻而易举。

18、Everyone, there is a period of sadness, want to hide, but growing.每个人,都有一段悲伤,想隐藏,却在生长。

19、Life is your choice, even if you are wrong, you should bear to go on!生活是自己选的,即使错了也要忍着走下去!

20、It's not you that I can't let go, but the time when I had you.原来我放不下的不是你,而是有你的那段时光。

21、The morning and dusk are rolling, the water flows to the East, and the long day falls to the West in ancient times.晨昏滚滚水东流,今古悠悠日西坠。

22、There is no fate between you and me. It all depends on me.你我之间本无缘分,全靠我死撑。

23、Wealth through hard work is the great joy of life.通过辛勤工作获得财富才是人生的大快事。

24、I'd rather fall countless times than die an ordinary day.宁愿跌倒无数次、宁死不过平凡日。

25、Don't be angry, don't be angry, don't argue, and be alone.不嗔、不怒、不争、独善其身。

26、You can't love food until you reach a certain level. It gives people the most warmth.不到一定境界是爱不上食物的,它最给人温暖。

27、In order to control persistence, we must look at the door of good feeling.我们为了控制执着,必须观照好感觉的大门。

28、If loss is bitter, are you afraid to pay?如果失去是苦,你怕不怕付出?

29、There is no trace of me in the sky, but I have flown by.天空没有留下我的痕迹,但我已经飞过。

30、After four years of breakup, you have company, and I can only pay silent attention.四年分手了,你有人陪而我只能默默的关注。

31、Stick to your persistence, because success is at the corner.坚持住自己的坚持,因为成功就在拐弯处。

32、If you smile at life, life will smile at you.你对生活微笑,生活就会对你微笑。

33、Sometimes, loss is not necessarily sadness, but a kind of beauty.有时,失去不一定是忧伤,而是成为一种美丽。

34、Only those who can keep secrets can get more secrets.只有守得住秘密的人,才能得到更多的秘密。

35、This hug can be defined as you like.这个拥抱,随你喜欢怎么定义都可以。

36、See a person clearly, you must have been down.看清一个人,一定是你落魄过。

37、Be your own queen and give yourself the best wishes!做自己的女王,给自己最好的祝福!

38、Sentimental since ancient times hurt parting, but it is worthy of the neglect of the Qing Autumn Festival.多情自古伤离别,更那堪冷落青秋节。

39、Whether it's difficult or not, go through it by yourself. Whether it's painful or not, bear it by yourself.难不难过,自己熬过,痛不痛苦,自己忍受。

40、You're acting a funny play. I'll only laugh when I see it.你在演一出滑稽的戏,我看了只会发笑。

41、Not every bird is called an eagle. You should learn to see yourself clearly.不是每一种鸟都叫做鹰,你要学会看清自己。

42、Busy, everyone has difficulties, in reality, everyone has pain!忙碌里,谁都有难处,现实中,谁都有苦楚!

43、As long as you don't lose your direction, you won't lose yourself.人只要不失去方向,就不会迷失自己。

44、No one is seventeen forever, but someone is seventeen forever.没有人永远十七岁,但永远有人十七岁。

45、Deshan, dad is also the first time to be a father.德善啊,爸爸也是第一次当爸爸。

46、Do not expect, lose will not be sad, get is a surprise.不去奢望,失去了不会伤心,得到了便是惊喜。

47、You just be kind, God has a constant.你只管善良,上天自有恒量。

48、If a woman is willing to give up, she will definitely go farther and harder than a man.女人要是肯豁出去,绝对比男人走得远走得狠。

49、In order to become the ideal self, work hard every day.为了成为理想中的自己,每天努力着。

50、I don't miss the world, but I miss me in the past.我不怀念人间,但我怀念从前的我。

51、It's better to do what you say than to do it. If you want to do it, do your best.说到不如做到,要做就做最好。

52、Those who don't even believe in their own heart are the most pitiful weak.连自己的心都不相信的人,才是最可怜的弱者。

53、The sleepless night is deeply in love with you. It's too heartbreaking.无眠的夜,对你是深深地思恋,太扎心了。

54、Read all the strange things in the world before you know that the road in the world is rough.阅尽天下奇情事,方知世上路不平。

55、After listening, you will understand that things change.听了说了,就了解世事多变。

56、In fact, every kind of love is similar, longing, disappointment and hope.其实每一种爱情都差不多,渴望失望不停希望。

57、I was so hot that I shook my hand and kept blowing into it.我被烫得直甩手,不停地对着手吹气。

58、If you want to wear a crown, you will bear it.欲戴王冠,必承其重,欲握玫瑰,必承其伤。

59、You can't lose the ability to love because of hate.不能因为恨,而失去爱的能力。

60、If you don't move your left and right feet, you can only be an audience.如果不迈开左右脚,只能当听众。

61、People can't be too kind when they go out, but they are also divided.出门在外,人心不能太好了,不过,也分人。

62、Gradually I found that I was very open to love and didn't deserve my sadness.渐渐发现我对爱情看得很开了、不值得我伤心。

63、Greet every day with pride and spend every day with confidence.充满豪情迎接每一天,满怀信心度过每一天。

64、Every cloud is missing, every moon is missing.每朵云都下落不明,每盏月亮都不知所踪。

65、It's not difficult to do well the first time, but to do well every time.做好第一次并不难,难的是做好每一次。


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