时间:2020-09-11 03:03:43当前位置:句子汇 → 励志的英文长句子



Even if he is slow and does not stop, he will fall into the army and lose his track, but he will certainly be able to reach the goal he is pursuing.


People who can realize that they have all kinds of regrets and dare to give up unrealistic dreams are perfect.


When you feel full of hope and confidence in the future, others will see you as charming and gorgeous.


Living in this river and lake, we have to face all the pain and suffering with a smile, not like fate said no, brave do not retreat.


If you are not in good health, you may produce waste products; if you have poor grades, you may produce defective products; if you have a bad psychology, you may produce dangerous goods.


The biggest reason for one's failure is the lack of full confidence in one's own ability, even thinking that he will surely fail.


People in the journey, to constantly self redemption. Only you can save yourself, how deep the wound will heal one day.


I want to live and absorb all the marrow of life, so as not to find that I have never lived at the end of my life.


People sometimes have to have a little moth to the fire attitude, not a little bit strong how can experience the powerful momentum of the flame.


Opportunity depends on oneself to fight for, destiny needs to grasp oneself, life is one's own staff, deterrence do not play it well in person?


Remember that those who live yesterday lose the past, those who live tomorrow lose the future, and those who live today have the past and the future.


Life is like a play. Unfortunately, there is no rehearsal or replay. When it comes to the end, you can't go back to it.


Today, we are close classmates; tomorrow, we will be competitors. May friendship be more profound in the competition.


Some people find it very happy, some people find it very painful, some people simply do not look, began to complain about society.


No comparison, no complaint, no care, more tolerance, more understanding, more pay, because there is a kind of effort called self-reliance.


I don't believe your so-called faith, I only believe in myself, one day, I can get everything by myself!


In addition to understanding one's own thoughts, one should also understand others' thoughts. One should measure others' hearts with his own heart.


Live a day, is a blessing, should cherish. When I cry and I have no shoes to wear, I find someone has no feet.


In the face of pain, don't just feel sad, but cheer up. Pain is inevitable, do not lose confidence, firmly believe that pain is sweet.


There are some hardships, you have to eat in person, you will become smart; some tired, you have to go to suffer, you will become open-minded.


Judge a person's good or bad to you. If you have money, you can see whether he is willing to spend time on you or not.


Fitness and reading are the lowest cost appreciation methods in the world, while laziness is your biggest enemy on the road to bull.


Dream your own dreams, go where you want to go, be what you want to be, because there is only one life and only one chance.


When we were young, the stupidest thing we did was to spend our time in imagination, leaving only complaint and regret in the end!


The so-called talent is that you give him a thing and he has done it; if you give him another thing, he has done it again.


The beauty and precious of youth lies in its innocence and immaculateness, in its meeting but not in seeking, in its never returning.


As long as the mood is beautiful, everything will become very good; as long as the mood is open, any irritability will be far away from you.


The boat of life has to face dangerous shoals and torrents. The weak will choose to escape and give up, while the strong will choose to face and challenge.


After the rain, I don't need to talk. The wind and rain can't stop my success. After the baptism of setbacks, I know where you should go.


Fate is very much like a petulant and willful woman. She only likes a lot of shrewd and resolute people, and is obedient to them.


If you really can't put it down, continue to like it, maybe one day you will move him, maybe one day you will be tired to let go.


The reality will tell you that if you don't work hard, you will be trampled to death by life. You don't need to find any excuse. Nothing is the reason to fight.


People go up, water flows down, the higher you stand, the farther you can see. The best state of mind is calm and calm.


Do useful things, say brave words, think of good things, and sleep soundly. Spend time on progress, the future will be better!


As long as you choose the goal, don't think too far, everyday down-to-earth, wind and rain. Life goes on and on.


I would rather be strong and envious than cowardly. The reason why you are strong is that you have no strong backing.


People often say that persistence is victory, so persistence is a kind of beauty, but I think that sometimes, giving up is also a kind of beauty.


You are my most simple love, but also my most simple warmth. You are my most difficult miss, but also my most difficult gentle.


As long as you face the reality, you can surpass the reality. Sunshine always comes  after the rain. Only through the wind and rain can we see the rainbow.


Kindness should have a bottom line and generosity should have principles. Regardless of all, only know to be good to people, that will fail to live up to their good intentions.


A strong man doesn't know how to cry, but how to calm down, cry for a while, and then pick up weapons and continue to struggle.


Identified the road, no matter how painful, do not frown, no matter how difficult to walk, you are not qualified to shout pain.


You can be a princess by your parents, a queen by a man, and a queen by yourself.


The world will not favor anyone who gets something for nothing. Of course, it will not fail anyone who works hard in silence.


No matter what you lose, don't lose your good mood. Have a comfortable heart, let the state of mind pure, white, quiet.


And their most vain and most beautiful farewell, no longer for the face of imprisonment. Hope as old, despair as youth.


May your world, full of stars, never change your original intention, go through the turbulent tide of people and the tribulations of life, and trust your beloved.


No sowing, no harvest; no hard work, no success; no tribulation, no glory; no frustration, no glory.


People have to have dreams, with dreams will struggle hard, life will be more beneficial. If there is no dream, then trust to be mediocre.


Don't like people contact less, but don't say bad things behind your back. Those who say right and wrong must be right and wrong. Remember, disaster comes from the mouth.


A person's intelligence is inferior; a person's soul is dangerous goods. Managing people's heart is to run a business.


As long as you do not fall, others can put you on the ground, but can not stop you covered with dust and scars to stand up.


We should learn to fight, learn to struggle, learn to believe in their ability, and strive to tap their great potential.


The height of the fountain will not exceed its source; so is a man's career, and his achievements will never exceed his own beliefs.


Cowards will only stand still, reckless people can only set fire to themselves, only the truly brave can be invincible.


To be a magnanimous, simple and happy self, with the time does not need too many reasons, as long as, all the way to warm, enough.


Although we can't fly like an eagle, we can at least move forward in silence with endurance like a snail.


I understand the bubble in front of me, understand the quiet is the bitter medicine, understand what makes me proud, but I don't understand you.


No matter you are a successful person, or a person who is struggling for life, you should be open-minded and tolerant.


If we see that a poem expresses a certain desire rather than a fact, it is a success.


Always believe, always remember, I am me, I want to struggle, I want to work hard, because a happy life can only be achieved through hard work.


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