时间:2020-08-18 09:07:09当前位置:句子汇 → 英文片段摘抄



The right person will always come back to you and fall in love with you; the wrong person will never wait for a boat in the airport.


Men's compassion for women may be close to love. A woman will never fall in love with a man she thinks is pathetic. Women's love for men, always with a little worship.


I must be happy, even if happiness is a performance, I will try my best to perform every play well. Time is the best set, and I will be the most dazzling star in his life, no one can replace it.


No more sunshine without you! The sun is so big today, but it can't compare with the rain in my heart! If you don't forgive me, my heart will start to mildew!


When the door of happiness closes, another door of happiness will open, but we always look at the closed door for a long time and can't see the one that has been opened to us.


In fact, blindly forbearance can not really solve any problems, but will only let others advance. No matter what time, I will be a good girl who can't make ends meet, discount or bargain.


It is pure to be able to keep loneliness, but impetuous to be unable to keep loneliness. We will yearn for love because of loneliness, but we are all afraid of being rejected. Feeling to the depths of loneliness, it has become a reason and excuse.


Happy to meet you! It's nice to chat with you! I'm very happy to have you! Your concern makes me very intimate! Give you my heart, let my heart accompany you all your life!


Let me always look at your eyes, with the beating flame! Your gentle eyes melt me and make me lost in your love. I don't want to distinguish the direction, just want to indulge in it.


Have you ever met such a person, knowing that you will not have a result, knowing that you will be separated one day, but you still want to take his hand and walk with him for a long time.


Marriage is like a pair of scissors, two blades can not be separated, although the direction of use is opposite, but the things involved are always united to deal with.


When the days become photos, when photos become memories, we become back-to-back passers-by, along the different direction, stubborn step by step away, there is no way to go back.


What you can meet and associate with now is the people you can find. So, don't think about what will happen in the future. Life is only a hundred years. The curtain rises and the curtain falls.


Infatuated with your smile, miss your love, miss your wishes, move your company, take care of our warmth, and wish to accompany you forever.


There are instructions in our lives. You can't choose what to do or not to do. There are too many sinking or unable to extricate themselves, and it is difficult to turn back. This is a road of no return.


In the countless dusk waiting for you, I always hear the bell ringing. You walk on the maple bridge, and the water waves start to rise and curl in the deepest part of my heart.


If you walk too long on a road, you will forget why you started. The same is true of marriage. Inertia pushes people forward, but it costs more to turn back.


How are you these days? Struggle and miss, are afraid of you to hear, how to cover up, infatuated love for you, a gentle heartbeat alone in the night, miss you, is my forever language!


A gust of autumn wind, enough to make people miss. A leaf, enough to make people miss. An old photo, enough to make people nostalgic. A promise is enough to make people love. You are my favorite. I have loved you for 10000 years.


After breaking up, we can't be friends because we hurt each other; we can't be enemies because we loved each other deeply; so we become the most familiar strangers.


Love you, it's me! For you can cover the wind and frost; for you to drive away sorrow. When you think of you, warm in your chest; when you don't want to, put it into your heart. Think of you, want to enter the heart; love you, deep into the bone.


If I did not meet you, I would not have so many emotions; if I had not met you, I would not have been so heartless; if I had not met you, I would not have thought so much every day.


You are the light, I am the shadow, to you I always like the shadow accompanies; you are the water, I am the fish, has you I only then like the fish in the water. You can't be quiet without you.


I know that happiness always comes late and doesn't stay too long. Know that met people, all the way through tears. Know the world's joys and sorrows, the separation of more and less.


Dear wife, meeting you is fate, missing you is feeling, falling in love with you is happy, chasing you is happiness, I would like to spend a happy life with you, a good day, I love you all my life!


Some people will always be engraved in the memory, even if they forget his voice, his smile, and his face, the feeling when they think of him will never change.


That day, the embroidered curtain met, bowed his head and pretended to walk by, laughing and making his hair like clouds. Locked eyebrows, shy do not speak, in front of strangers, affectionate difficult to tell.


Meeting you is the luck of my life; falling in love with you is the happiness of my life; losing you is the regret of my life; without you, I can't feel the shock of my heart. I wish to love you in this life!


Last night, I saw myself in your eyes, I hope you can often look at my eyes, you will find it is full of you! In my tearful eyes, you are still the only one.


After breaking up, you can't be friends because you hurt each other. We can't be enemies because we loved each other so much that we became the most familiar strangers.


When I was only flowing along the merciless River, I felt that the boatman was no longer in control of my course. The noisy Redskins took them, stripped them as targets and nailed them to the multicolored piles.


Most want to do is to accompany you, the most willing to say is "I love you", love to see your smile, love to listen to your words. Dear, I only wish you happiness every day!


Never give up. If you can't fly, run; if you can't run, you'll walk; if you can't walk, you'll climb. No matter what, keep going.


Love a person, always feel that he is stupid, must take care of him everywhere, and do not like a person, sure that he is clever, take advantage of the cheap, do not bother anyone.


Even if you turn white hair, my great body is not straight; even if my legs are no longer flexible, your gentle face has been portrayed by the years; and we are still hand in hand in the sunset!


Miss the sunrise can wait, miss the beautiful scenery can come back, miss the meteor can wait, miss love but will not come back! Cherish the people around you, especially those you love and those who love you.


A man who says "I love you" but has no action is like a man who never watered the flowers. Love is a verb, and action is the best description of love.


What can be cultivated is not love, but habit. What we can get with time is not emotion but moving. So love is a gift in a moment, there is something, there is no without it.


Love you, exhaust all strength; miss you, exhaust all words; understand you, exhaust all thoughts; love you, exhaust all energy. Dear, I love you, and I will never part from generation to generation!


Looking through the autumn water, just to find you look back and smile, when the wind rises, floating clouds pass through the desolation of the season. Although it is early spring, the remaining fallen trees in winter are still fluttering.


Love is an indispensable nutrient in life. Like breathing, love sows seeds. Need irrigation, need to pay, there is tolerance, will bloom. With love, everything is steady.


Falling in love with a person's truth and losing a person's feeling is the only mistake. It's the only mistake. It's the sincere missing. It's the missing of yesterday. It's the missing of yesterday.


Love is afraid of silence. Too many people think that deep love is speechless. In fact, love is a kind of emotion that is difficult to describe and needs to be expressed and transmitted in detail.


Love is a part of life. Giving love doesn't mean you can get love. Love in life is like brushing your teeth. One side is washing utensils, the other is cup utensils!


Lonely people will always remember every person in his life, so I always think of you in every starry night, count my loneliness again and again.


Chocolate is not as sweet as our love; flowers are not as fragrant as our love; diamond ring can't represent our love; I don't need commitment, only need to be together for a lifetime, plain and true!


I hope you can become a wise man in love and be aware of it when he falls in love with others, instead of being kept in the dark and be a love fool.


Love is not possession. Love is not forcing a person to turn her into what he wants. Love is to find a person who is similar to ourselves and live a life that we are all willing to live together.


A section of the road, a section of the scenery of the sea of people, a section of sincerity, a section of the sea of people scenery, lost wandering, sincere touching, helpless to put down, how many mistakes, has become the scenery of the sea of people.


As time goes by, youth is easy to grow old, and life is just a passing moment. I pass by your prosperous Shengge and you pass my fresh clothes and angry horses. Maybe forever, maybe wipe your shoulders.


You are the most beautiful in my eyes, every smile makes me intoxicated. Your bad, your good, your pout when you lose your temper. You are the most beautiful in my heart, only the people who love can appreciate it most.


Life is busy, the days are sweet and sour; the fate is simple, the feelings are real; contact is intermittent, but thinking is always, blessing long and long!


If one day, high mathematics and linear algebra fall in love, and high mathematics with linear algebra fly away, and disappear in the campus, I think this is the best love story I have ever heard.


Fate, this is a share. Believe in you, believe in life, believe in me, believe in fate, believe that everything has passed, believe that tomorrow will be very good to face everything, believe that the real self will always smile.


Love is like seashells on the beach. Don't pick the biggest or the most beautiful. Pick what you like best and never go to the beach again.


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