时间:2022-03-18 12:49:29当前位置:句子汇 → 美好的英文句子


1、Xiao Wang left a middle score and then became Xiao Quan.小王留了中分,然后变成了小全。

2、Falling in love? Two days. I'm fine this weekend.谈恋爱吗,谈两天,这周末我没事。

3、The moon is closed today, so I came to say good night to you.月亮今天不营业啦,所以我来对你说晚安。

4、My secret to staying young: lying about my age.我保持年轻的秘诀:谎报年龄。

5、I'm so cute that even mosquitoes have to kiss me.我太可爱了,连蚊子都要亲我一口。

6、I didn't steal the money. I didn't respect it all the time.我一直很尊重金钱,没偷,没抢,没有。

7、Would you like me? No, I'll teach you.你会喜欢我吗?不会啊,那我教你好了。

8、Self cultivation of girls taking photos: take only one of 3000 self photos.女生晒照的自我修养:自拍三千只取一张。

9、Baby bear is on the balcony tonight. You can sleep next to me.今晚小熊仔在阳台,你可以睡在我身边。

10、Others laugh at my thick clothes, and I laugh at others' freezing.他人笑我穿得厚,我笑他人冻得透。


11、The so-called natural wake-up is actually suffocated by urine.所谓自然醒,其实是被尿憋醒的。

12、I don't want to be a fairy anymore. I want to be your girlfriend.不想当小仙女了,想当你女朋友。

13、Remember to recharge your happiness and don't stop it.记得给自己的开心充值,别再让它停机了。

14、When you get the paper, buy a lighter.领卷子的时候,就买好打火机。

15、What is beautiful cannot be said, and what is Sao is unknown.美的不可方物,骚的不知所云。

16、Don't annoy me when there is a moon. I may change.有月亮的时候不要惹我,我可能会变身。

17、When your long hair reaches your waist, it must be forked a lot.待你长发及腰,肯定分叉不少。

18、The whole world can be yours, but you can only be mine.全天下都可以是你的,但你只能是我的。

19、Today, I'm still a fairy.今天丸子头的我,是依旧是个小仙女。

20、Feed that hungry dream. Is a bowl of Galaxy enough.喂饱那个很饿的梦,一碗银河够不够。

21、Others love me early and go to bed early. I'm a health baby.别人早恋我早睡,我是养生小宝贝。

22、I really want to fall in love and be spoiled as a child.也好想谈个恋爱,被人宠成小朋友。

23、In those days, my sister was only six and a half kilograms when she was the thinnest!想当年,姐最瘦的时候才六斤半!

24、You appear once, I move once.你出现一次,我心动一次。

25、The brain is a good thing, but if you have a big chest, you can do without it.脑子是个好东西,但如果你胸大,没有也行。

26、Don't bother me. We don't make toilet water.别打扰我,我们香水不犯花露水。

27、It's time to grow up, kid. Stop being fierce and coax me.该长大啦,小鬼。你别凶了,哄哄我。

28、In addition to being cute, what is left of my life.除了可爱之外,我的人生究竟还剩下什么。

29、There are few really cute people in the world. Lao Tzu is one of them.世间鲜有真可爱者,老子就是其中一个。

30、Stop chasing the bus and chase me. I'm slow and cute.别追公交车了,追我吧我跑得慢还有点可爱。

31、When I grew up, I found that life still needs a little acting skills.长大后才发现,生活还需要一点点的演技。

32、Selfie this thing, three destined, seven beauty.自拍这东西,三分注定,七分美颜。

33、With me, it must be beautiful for us to hold hands together.跟我在一起,咱俩手牵在一起肯定特好看。

34、Crazy people live a crazy life every day.疯了似得人们,每天过着疯狂的生活。

35、All of you here, who is not the best.在座的各位,谁不是倾国倾城呢。

36、Look down on gain and loss, you can find the best balance of life.看淡得失,你才能找到生命的最佳平衡状态。

37、If there are no stars tonight, you might as well look into my eyes.今夜没有星星,不如看我眼睛。

38、You come at the winter solstice, but the wind stops on your eyebrows.你来时冬至,但眉上风止。

39、Watch the flowers bloom at leisure, wait for the flowers to fall, know the cold and warm, and be clean as the beginning.闲看花开,静待花落,冷暖自知,干净如始。

40、Ben Gu Liang said dirty words when he was angry.本菇凉一生气就开口说脏话。

41、It's not good to give up halfway, so I'm ready to like you until I get old.半途而废很不好,所以准备喜欢你到老。

42、Bed, you let go of me. I'm a man with homework.床你放开我,我是一个有作业的人。

43、I'll give you a compass so that you won't be found by my pet.送你一个指南针,免得你被我宠的找不着北。

44、A pig feels isolated and becomes a chocolate.一只猪感到被孤立,于是变成了朱古力。

45、The taste of childhood eating candy will make people feel good.童年的味道吃糖果然会使人心情好。

46、I want to be with you and pass on my stupidity to you.想跟你在一起,把蠢传给你。

47、I knew I was so tired. I didn't go down to earth at the beginning.早知道做人这么累,当初就不下凡了。

48、Maturity is not the heart getting old, but the number of times of pretending to force is getting less and less.成熟不是心变老,而是装逼的次数越来越少。

49、Don't bother me. I want to manage the heaven.别烦我,我要管理天庭。

50、Quietly stay up late to become the Mediterranean, and then blind everyone.悄悄熬夜成为地中海,然后闪瞎所有人。

51、My quilt let me tell you: welcome.我的被窝让我转告你:欢迎光临。

52、I pretended not to look at you, and you pretended to enjoy the scenery.我假装没有看你,你也假装欣赏风景。

53、You look so cute when you eat. Have you practiced it?你吃东西的样子真可爱,是练过吗?

54、There's no need to quarrel between women. Just be more beautiful than her.女人之间不用吵架,你比她漂亮就行了。

55、People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. I must not be fat.人怕出名猪怕壮,我可千万不能胖。

56、Time is still there, we are flying.时间仍在,是我们飞逝。

57、The most important thing is that we can't keep it in the world. Zhu Yan leaves the mirror, flowers and trees.最是人间留不住,朱颜辞镜花辞树。

58、If you annoy me, if you annoy me again, you will marry me.你烦我,你再烦我,你就娶我。

59、I'm unlucky to meet you at the best age!在最好的年纪遇见你,算我倒霉!

60、I don't have much ambition. I just want what I want.我没有多少野心,我只是想得到我想要的。

61、Hello, you make me excited. Please be responsible.你好,你让我心动了,请负责。

62、They're all charming. I'm different. I'm annoying.她们都很迷人,我不一样,我烦人。

63、Open your heart into a lotus, through the prosperity of 3000 without dyeing.将心开成一朵莲花,穿越繁华三千而不染。

64、Snowflakes are coming, and my heart is still empty. Will you come.雪花来了,我的心还空着,你来吗。

65、Advertising is only done by children, and adults rely on flirting.告白是小孩子的才做的事,成年人靠撩。


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